60 Minutes” ran a report on the Benghazi scandal Sunday night that confirmed its status as an enduring scandal with many questions still remaining to be answered. Good thing the media was willing to cover for Barack Obama until he got re-elected, because this is some really damning stuff.
For mainstream media news consumers, a lot of this will come as a total shock. (CBS News, it should be noted, has been far more aggressive in pursuing the Benghazi story than its competitors; they say Sunday night’s report was a year in the making.) Yes, America, you were lied to, early and often, by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their crew. They knew damn well it was a terrorist attack from the beginning. They knew it was never a protest over a provocative YouTube video. They looked right into the faces of the families who lost sons, brothers, and husbands in Benghazi and lied to them.
The important point to take away from this exhaustive report is that the Administration knew it was a terrorist attack before it happened. Security officials in Libya knew al-Qaeda was going to launch an attack… because they said so. They boasted online of plans to attack the Red Cross, the British, and the Americans. ”They made good on two out of the three promises,” said Lt. Colonel Andy Wood, who was based in Tripoli and met routinely with Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and was at his post when terrorist forces tried to assassinate the British ambassador. ”It was a matter of time until they captured the third one.”