Showing posts with label Chris Wallace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Wallace. Show all posts
Monday, August 17, 2015
Sunday, June 21, 2015
[VIDEO] Chris Wallace to Rick Perry: Aren’t Uninsured Texans Your ‘Responsibility’?
During Chris Wallace‘s interview with 2016 GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry on Fox New Sunday, the show host took a minute to ask the former governor of Texas about his state’s monumentally high uninsured rate. During Perry’s time as governor, Texas boasted what Wallace calls the “highest uninsured rate in the country” as “more than one in five Texans didn’t have health coverage.”
Wallace then put to Perry the question, “Is that looking out for the little guy?” Perry’s response was pure, full-blooded Texan:
If how you keep score is how many people you force to buy insurance, well then I would say that’s how you keep score…Let me explain what we do in Texas, and this is a state by state decision. We make access to health care the real issue. We passed the most sweeping tort reform in the nation. We have 35,000 more licensed physicians to practice medicine in 2013 than we did a decade before that.
Wallace swings back to whether or not Perry feels any “responsibility” for the state’s uninsured masses, but his guest “sticks to his guns” with his “That’s not how we keep score!” line.
Karl Rove: Only Way To Stop The Violence Is To Repeal Second Amendment
Republican strategist Karl Rove said on “Fox News Sunday” the only way to stop gun-related violence, like the Wednesday massacre at Emmanuel African Methodist Church in Charleston S.C., was to repeal American citizens’ Second Amendment rights.
What do you think?
When Chris Wallace asked Rove how we can, “stop the violence,” the long-time gun-rights advocate stated that we have made great strides as a nation in empathizing with the victims of these types of shootings, but the only way to guarantee they will stop is to “remove guns from society.”
What do you think?
Via: Daily CallerWALLACE: How do we stop the violence?What do you think?
ROVE: I wish I had an easy answer for that, but I don’t think there’s an easy answerWhat do you think?
We saw an act of evil. Racist, bigoted evil, and to me the amazing thing is that it was met with grief and love. Think about how far we’ve come since 1963. The whole weight of the government throughout the South was to impede finding and holding and bringing to justice the men who perpetrated the [Birmingham] bombing.What do you think?
And here, we saw an entire state, an entire community, an entire nation come together, grieving as one and united in the belief that this was an evil act, so we’ve come a long way.What do you think?
Now maybe there’s some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society, and until somebody gets enough “oomph” to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.
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Sunday, May 10, 2015
[VIDEO] Fox’s Wallace Asks Ben Carson if Really Believes All the Things He Says
During a lightning round Sunday morning, Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace asked neurosurgeon headline generator Ben Carson if he really believed all the things he said. The presidential hopeful said yup, he did.
Wallace pressed Carson on his comparison of the U.S. to Nazi Germany and his characterization of the Affordable Care Act as the worst thing in America since slavery. Carson defended the former by saying most of Germany did not agree with Hitler’s programs but said little. (Ahem.)
“But people oppose Barack Obama all the time!” Wallace objected.
“There are a lot of people in our society who are afraid to say what they really mean because they may get an IRS audit, people will call them names, their jobs may be interfered with,” Carson said.
Most interestingly, Wallace asked Carson about a statement this week in which he intimated that a president could ignore a Supreme Court ruling. “Dred Scott is a perfect example,” Carson said. “The Supreme Court came up with this and Abraham Lincoln (R-The North) did not agree with it. Now, admittedly it caused a lot of conflict and eventually led to a Civil War, but we’re in a better place because of it.”
Wallace asked whether Carson was disagreeing with Marbury v Madison, which established the principle of judicial review. “This is an area that we need to discuss,” Carson said.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Krauthammer: 'Huge Gov't Bailout' of Health Insurance Industry at End of 2014
"The insurers understand that they're going to be completely ruined," Krauthammer said on "Fox News Sunday" with Chris Wallace. "And what's going to happen as a result of this? There's only one way out, a huge government bailout of the insurers is waiting at the end of next year."
That's the issue Republicans should be focusing on right now, Krauthammer said.
On Thursday, the Obama administration unilaterally delayed another provision of the law, saying there will be no tax penalty for people who had their existing health insurance canceled because of the Affordable Care Act and who did not find new coverage as required by law.
"There still may be a small number of consumers who are not able to renew their existing plans and are having difficulty finding an acceptable replacement," Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote to Senate Democrats. "These consumers should qualify for this temporary hardship exemption," the Associated Press quoted her as saying.
Krauthammer on Sunday said insurers "are apoplectic" about all the rule changes because it exempts another important group from the exchanges.
Via: CNS NewsContinue Reading....
Monday, November 11, 2013
[VIDEO] George Will: Other Than Nixon ‘Has There Ever Been a Worse First Year of a Second Term?’
Syndicated columnist George Will asked a marvelous question Sunday that few in the liberal media will.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Will said, “Has there ever – with the exception of Richard Nixon in 1973 - been a worse first year of a second term?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: George, your thoughts about the President’s apology.GEORGE WILL: Well, it’s one thing for Bill Clinton to say, “I feel your pain.” It’s another thing for Barack Obama to say, “I feel your pain that I have caused,” and for him to say it was caused by a situation. That’s the word he used in the operative sentence.We this week marked the one year anniversary of his re-election. Has there ever – with the exception of Richard Nixon in 1973 - been a worse first year of a second term? The Pew survey this week has approval of his performance on healthcare – healthcare, his signature issue - disapproval 59 percent. That’s a little bit less than the 60 percent disapproval on immigration and 65 percent on the economy.
And now the Democrats are going to get to vote on some things maybe, or at least Mr. Reid will have to stop them in the Senate. Here’s for example the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep It Act” from Senator Ron Johnson. It’s four pages long which makes it 902 pages shorter than the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. And these are opportunities for discomfort for the supporters of the Affordable Care Act.
Fabulous question - one that virtually all media members and outlets would be asking if Obama had an "R" next to his name.
Via: NewsbustersContinue Reading....
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Chris Wallace Tests Chris Christie’s Conservative Credentials
This is a rush transcript from "Fox News Sunday," November 10, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: I'm Chris Wallace.
Election 2013 is in the books, leaving Republicans convinced running against ObamaCare is the key to victory.
KEN CUCCINELLI, R-VA., ATTORNEY GENERAL: This race came down to the wire because of ObamaCare. That message will go out across America tonight.
WALLACE: In New Jersey, a landside victory for Republican Chris Christie.
GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE, R-N.J.: I did not seek a second term to do small things. I sought a second term to finish the job. Now, watch me do it.
WALLACE: We'll talk to Governor Christie about his reelection and whether he's now running for president.
Then, damage control over ObamaCare continues, as the president finally apologizes.
BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I am sorry that they, you know, are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.
WALLACE: But is that enough -- after all the promises, if you like your plan, you can keep it?
We'll go outside the Beltway to hear from real people losing their coverage.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They have increased the deductibles and sometimes increase the premiums as well.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Chris Wallace and Brit Hume Skewer Juan Williams As He Defends Millions of Obamacare-Cancelled Individual Health Plans
On Tuesday's Fox News Special report, contributor Juan Williams lamely tried to excuse away the mind-boggling incompetence of the rollout by claiming that "massive opposition (to Obamacare) from the Republicans" caused fearful system architects to "roll it out and see how it works for now."
Juan's haughty huffiness was so absurd that the Fox News panel was caught slack-jawed and barely challenged him. That's not what happened Sunday morning on Chris Wallace's Fox News Sunday broadcast when Williams tried to claim that millions of people losing their individual health care coverage are going to be better off with Obamacare policies (video and transscript follow the jump; bolds are mine; HT to Mediaite via Twitchy):
Relevant portion of transcript (with minor corrections):
Via: NewsbustersCHRIS WALLACE: And let's put up again those statistics. Just in case you didn't see them, because they are quite remarkable about the people who are losing health insurance, not gaining it. Florida Blue terminating 300,000 policies because they don't meet the new ObamaCare standards. Kaiser Permanente in California, 160,000 cancelling. These are people who had health insurance in the individual market, who were happy with it, and they're being kicked off, because the new -- under the new ObamaCare mandates, that doesn't meet it. And to pick up on what George (Will) said, the House Speaker Boehner said, more people could actually lose health insurance in the month of October than sign up for it.JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS POLITICAL ANALYST: You know, I get this sense, that people -- on the Republican side are enjoying this moment. But this is empty rhetoric. When you speak to the insurance executives in Florida, in California, they say they're canceling those policies, Chris, because ObamaCare has requirements -- Ten categories or mandates for levels of coverage. The current policies don't meet them, so they have to cancel them, but they're extending, they're extending offers to the very people who are losing them for better packages at lower costs with more benefits.WALLACE: No, no, that's not true. It is not.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
[VIDEO] Twitchy: Delusional: Dick Durbin mocked for calling Obamacare a ‘success’
Here are Durbin’s comments on “Fox News Sunday”:
Where do they come up with this stuff?
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Sarah Palin is Right
Former Governor Palin (R-AK) tweeted, on Sunday, that Wallace ought to reveal which sources had sent him the dirt on Cruz. She tweeted “@FoxNewsSunday Keep it TRULY fair & balanced. Release the GOP names encouraging you to trash @SenTedCruz. No more anonymous sources.”
Many Republicans are angry with Cruz for engineering a strategy that has the House GOP demanding a government shutdown and/or default if Obamacare is not de-funded. Presumably, the research sent to Wallace was intended to undercut Cruz, and perhaps trip him up. Palin’s tweet appears to have been motivated, in part, by affinity for Cruz, but also a well-earned contempt for anonymously-sourced news. Regardless of her motives, though, Palin is on firm journalistic footing with her demand.
Oppo research like this typically makes its way too a reporter in one of two ways: either as a general blast to journalists, with no attempt to hide the source, or as a specific package delivered to a particular reporter. Wallace’s is obviously in the latter category. Oppo deliveries like this are usually appended with language like “off the record” or “not for attribution,” or are generally understood to be off the record. They don’t need to be on the record because they typically don’t consist of new reporting, but rather, point the reporter toward existing reporting that he can verify independently.
The catch is that an unsolicited email, even if marked “off the record,” or understood to be off the record, isn’t actually off the record until the reporter agrees it is. We generally don’t burn sources in these cases because it isn’t usually newsworthy, and a source that feels burned won’t ever be a source for you again. There are rare exceptions. It was less newsworthy that Barack Obama once wore a Muslim-y outfit than it was that Hillary Clinton‘s campaign wanted people to know that.
This might be the reasoning that Wallace used in not revealing the source of the information, that even if it wasn’t technically off the record, he wished to honor the spirit of that unspoken agreement. If that’s the case, though, then he had no business revealing that the research even existed; that, in and of itself, would be a violation of off the record communication.
The reason he revealed it was that the source itself was newsworthy, that “top Republicans” were trying to undercut Ted Cruz. If the public has an interest in knowing that, then they surely have an even greater interest in knowing which top Republicans were doing it. Simply put, something can’t be a little bit off the record, any more than you can be a little bit pregnant. If Wallace concealed his source because they were off the record then he shouldn’t have mentioned it at all. If he was serving the public interest in revealing it, then he abdicated that interest by not revealing the source of the oppo research, and the contents of it. Sarah Palin is right, he should come clean.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
On Sunday, Chris Wallace, the host of Fox News Sunday, said that Republicans in Washington were savaging Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) behind Cruz's back before Cruz's appearance on the program to discuss defunding Obamacare.
In an appearance on Washington D.C.'s Fox 5 to preview his Sunday show, Wallace said, "I will tell you I have never in my time in Washington seen a party so upset with one of its own members."
He said he had been flooded with opposition research on Cruz--from Republicans. Later on Fox News Sunday, Wallace said these "top Republicans" gave him "unsolicited research and questions" to "hammer" Cruz.
"Since we announced that Ted Cruz was going to be on the show, I've been getting background research and questions going after Cruz not from Democrats but from other Republicans," Wallace said on Fox 5. "They really feel he has put them in this corner that they can't get out of gracefully and they're not very happy with him."
In an exclusive op-ed for Breitbart News on Saturday, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who has also been savaged by establishment Republicans, urged Cruz to stay strong in the face of inevitable attacks from fellow Republicans and suggested they compare "shiv marks" the next time they meet:
"We’re now, once again, subjected to the “anonymous sources” backstabbing game. The Capitol Hill cowards are rushing to anonymously denounce Senator Cruz to any reporter with a pad and pen.Welcome to our world, Ted. The same people have been denouncing conservatives like me for years (right after they ask for help fundraising for themselves or endorsing the latest candidate they’ve suckered into paying their exorbitant consulting fees). We can compare shiv marks next time we meet, my friend."
Via: Breitbart
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Monday, September 9, 2013
[VIDEO] Obama: Congressional Debates On Syria Will Take A Couple Weeks
During a special interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, President Obama acknowledged that Congressional debates will take a couple weeks, and that the American people have not been persuaded by the administrations arguments on Syria.
CHRIS WALLACE: But it’s going to take a couple of weeks?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I do believe it’s going to take some time. Chris, you guys have polls, you do head counts. Right now, the American people are not persuaded. Right now, Members of Congress who are just getting back still have questions. So we’re going to have time to have a good deliberation in congress. We will pursue this diplomatic track. I fervently hope this can be resolved in a nonmilitary way. But I think it is important for us not to let the pedal off the metal when it comes to making sure they understand we mean what we say about international ban on chemical weapons.
Monday, August 20, 2012
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