Tuesday, October 29, 2013

900,000 — Not 500,000 — Californians to Lose Health Insurance

My wife, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra J. Saunders, caused quite a stirover the weekend when she discovered that 500,000 Californians would lose their health insurance under Obamacare. That means often paying more to buy a new policy, on the exchange.
It’s actually worse than she first thought. At an editorial-board meeting yesterday, she questioned the head of Covered California about the matter. He admitted the actual number is between 800,00 and 900,000.
And that got me to thinking about Ross Douthat’s recent blog about Obamacare that I found disturbing because he seemingly accepts the premise that the Technocracy should choose winners and losers:
But not every form of “asking some people to pay more” is created equal. A cap on the tax break for employer-provided health insurance, for instance — which is central to most right-of-center health care proposals, and is taking effect in a more limited way in the form of Obamacare’s so-called “Cadillac tax” on expensive insurance plans — basically asks people who have been getting a very good deal from current health care policy (the well-off and upper middle class, and some union members with generous benefit packages) to live with a somewhat smaller subsidy and somewhat less generous employer coverage going forward. . . .
This policy change isn’t cost free, and it would still violate President Obama’s unwise “if you like your plan, you can keep it” pledge. But it promises to level the health-insurance playing field somewhat while asking the most from those Americans who have benefited from its existing tilt. But “rate shock” seems different, because premium increases in the individual market creates a set of Obamacare losers within a group of people who weren’t obviously winners to begin with.
Via: NRO
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Top Dem Admits: ‘We Knew’


House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer conceded to reporters today that Democrats knew people would not be able to keep their current health care plans under Obamacare and expressed qualified contrition for President Obama’s repeated vows to the contrary.

“We knew that there would be some policies that would not qualify and therefore people would be required to get more extensive coverage,” Hoyer said in response to a question from National Review.

Asked by another reporter how repeated statements by Obama to the contrary weren’t “misleading,” Hoyer said “I don’t think the message was wrong. I think the message was accurate. It was not precise enough…[it] should have been caveated with – ‘assuming you have a policy that in fact does do what the bill is designed to do.’”

Hoyer noted that people losing access to their current plans are mostly in the individual market, which is a small segment of the overall market. He also argued requiring those plans to follow new mandates and regulations was important for ensuring those plans included “adequate coverage so the public would not have to be on the hook for serious illnesses or other illnesses.”

President Obama on Hurricane Sandy anniversary: 'We leave nobody behind'

AP PHOTOS AP revisits scenes of Sandy's wrathThis week marks the one anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, a powerful storm that left behind damaged and destroyed buildings and killed nearly 200 people. 
In a statement Tuesday, President Barack Obama paid tribute to those who died, first responders who helped rescue people in the path of the storm and promised that the federal government will remain committed to helping New York and other states affected by the storm.
Here is President Obama's statement:
One year ago, Hurricane Sandy’s landfall devastated communities up and down the East Coast – a tragedy that demanded massive rescue, recovery, and rebuilding efforts. Today, we remember our fellow Americans who lost their lives to that storm, and we comfort the families who grieve them still. And while there are still homes to rebuild and businesses to reopen, the last year has also served as a reminder of the strength and resilience of the American people. We’ve seen first responders act with heroism, strangers lend a helping hand, and entire communities come together to heal. There’s more work to do, but that’s the spirit with which we’ll continue to do it for our fellow Americans who still need a hand.
Over the past year, my Administration has fought for these communities throughout the response, and the federal government will remain by their side as our fellow citizens rebuild. We’ve provided billions of dollars of assistance to hundreds of thousands of people and small business owners through direct aid, grants, and loans. We’ve helped thousands of families stay in their homes, communities cut through red tape and bureaucracy to receive the help they need, and worked with state and local officials to open 97% of public beaches before Memorial Day, sending a strong message to the country that the shore was open for business. Through a federal commitment to a long-term rebuilding effort, our roads, bridges, hospitals and businesses are coming back stronger than before. 

Megyn Kelly Explodes at Dem Guest Over Obamacare: Don’t Go to Your ‘Happy Place,’ Answer the Question!

Megyn Kelly was completely shocked, to say the least, about the news that the White House knew as far back as 2010 that many people would lose their health care plans when Obamacare kicked in, and confronted Democratic guest Mark Hannah when he attempted to defend how the rollout’s been going so far.
Kelly asked, “Was he intentionally misleading, or was there some argument that he was grossly mistaken?”
Hannah argued Obama was “absolutely correct,” explaining that “these plans don’t offer the basic protections that the president has been saying all along are required in any insurance plan unless it has been grandfathered in beforehand.”
But Kelly wasn’t satisifed. She yelled, “Mark! He said ‘period,’ he said if you like your plan you can keep it PERIOD!”
Kristen Soltis Anderson piled on that if any part of someone’s insurance plan was changed at all, “then the grandfathering gets thrown out the window.” When Hannah kept trying to defend the program, Kelly snapped, “No, no come on! Respond to my––I know you can bridge away to a happy place for you.”
Hannah argued the media could have been covering this a while ago but “maybe it was underreported.” Kelly mockingly shot back, “It was my fault, it was the media’s fault, it was the American people’s fault, because they should have understood that period did not mean period.”
Watch the video below, via Fox News:

[CARTOON] Waiting For Obamacare Website Glitch Fix

Via: California Political Review

[VIDEO] MSNBC's Roberts: Republicans Want To Stop Women From Voting


The liberal claim that Republicans are engaging in a perpetual “war on women” seems to have taken a new turn on MSNBC. No longer does the term “war on women” apply only to access to abortion but now encompasses voting rights as well.
Appearing on MSNBC on October 29, liberal MSNBC host Thomas Roberts claimed that Republicans are trying to restrict a woman’s access to the ballot box. This comes one week after fill-in host Michael Eric Dyson made a similar complaint on The Ed Show. [See video after jump.]  
Speaking with Terry O’Neill, president of the liberal National Organization for Women, Roberts introduced a segment that initially centered around abortion before quickly focusing on new voting laws in Texas. O’Neill began her talking points by claiming that:
The Republican Party in Texas is not only waging war on women's access to reproductive health care, they're even waging war on women's access to the ballot box. They are now enforcing rules that are aimed to stop women from voting.
Roberts seemed happy to take Ms. O’Neill’s bait playing a clip of State Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth), who is running for governor of Texas, complaining that:
I was required to sign an affidavit because the name on my voter registration card is slightly different than the name on my driver's license. My driver's license includes my maiden name. My voter registration card does not. 
Via: Newsbusters
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Dem Rep. Jumps Out of Chair, Explodes at GOP’ers During Obamacare Hearing

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) rose from his seat on Tuesday during a congressional hearing into the Affordable Care Act’s problematic roll-out. He accused his Republican colleagues in the House of dishonestly seeking to identify the problems with the ACA because they would prefer to see it repealed entirely. 
Pascrell began by insisting that, even though Democrats opposed Medicare Part D in the Bush Era, they worked to make sure that the program was a success.
He became animated as he said that Democrats put aside their opposition to Bush in order to make a policy objective work for the good of the American public. “And how many of you stood up to do that,” Pascrell said exploding out of his chair. “None. Zero.”
“What are you going to do about the approximately 17 million children with preexisting conditions who can no longer be denied health insurance coverage,” Pascrell asked his Republican colleagues. “We want to go back and want to say you are no longer covered any longer. Are you going to tell the parents of those kids?”
Pascrell blew up at Rep. Tim Griffin (R-AR) who insisted that the GOP has put forward a number of proposals to ensure that low-income people in need of care receive it.
“Are you really serious?” Pascrell shot back. “After what we’ve gone through and what we’ve gone through in the last three and a half years?”
“We’ve gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle the legislation,” he concluded. “You call that cooperation?”
Watch the clip below via C-SPAN 3:


The president who has done the most damageI have been broadcasting for 31 years and writing for longer than that. I do not recall ever saying on radio or in print that a president is doing lasting damage to our country. I did not like the presidencies of Jimmy Carter (the last Democrat I voted for) or Bill Clinton. Nor did I care for the “compassionate conservatism” of George W. Bush. In modern political parlance “compassionate” is a euphemism for ever-expanding government.
But I have never written or broadcast that our country was being seriously damaged by a president. So it is with great sadness that I write that President Barack Obama has done and continues to do major damage to America. The only question is whether this can ever be undone.
This is equally true domestically and internationally.
Domestically, his policies have gravely impacted the American economy.
He has overseen the weakest recovery from a recession in modern American history.
He has mired the country in unprecedented levels of debt: about $6.5 trillion dollars in five years (this after calling his predecessor “unpatriotic” for adding nearly $5 trillion in eight years).
He has fashioned a country in which more Americans now receive government aid — means-tested, let alone non-means tested — than work full-time.

President Obama's campaign group polling supporters on Obamacare

President Obama's campaign organization is polling its own supporters on the Affordable Care Act, asking them to answer a series of questions that appear designed to gauge their opinion of the rollout of the law and what they're hearing from friends and family.
In an email, Organizing For Action, formerly Obama For America, tells supporters that “it's easy to lose sight of what the law really does — and how millions of Americans are already seeing the benefits.” Supporters are then asked to click a link that takes them to five short survey questions. The poll also asks respondents to relay “what questions are you hearing about the new marketplace or other parts of Obamacare?”
Questions poised to supporters of Organizing For Action:
How well would you say you understand Obamacare?
o you currently have health insurance?
Have you, your family, or your friends enrolled through the new health insurance marketplace that opened Oct. 1?
Do you intend to purchase insurance through the new health insurance marketplace?
Do you have friends or family who plan on purchasing insurance through the new health insurance marketplace?

Pols push 'Keep Your Health Plan Act' as files show gov't knew millions could lose coverage

House Republicans are pushing a new bill to let Americans keep their health insurance plans following revelations that the Obama administration knew millions could lose their current coverage due to changes from the Affordable Care Act. 
Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., was introducing the "Keep Your Health Plan Act" in a bid to address widespread reports of people losing their current plans. CBS News reported Monday that more than 2 million Americans have already been told they can't renew their policies. 
"This legislation is about providing folks the peace of mind that they will be allowed to keep their current coverage if they so choose," Upton said in a statement. The bill would allow plans sold on the market today to continue to be available. 
Fox News confirmed on Monday that despite assurances from President Obama that anybody who likes their health insurance can keep it, a 2010 IRS document predicted a huge swath of customers could lose their coverage. 
The document addressed a rule in the law that states individual policies purchased on or before March 23, 2010 would be "grandfathered" -- or exempt from changes required under ObamaCare. However, the provision was changed so that plans that undergo "significant changes" could lose that special status. 

Google Reportedly Building More Floating Structures Outside Bay Area

Sources told KPIX 5 that that Google is building a floating marketing center for Google Glass off Treasure Island. (CBS)SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) — After KPIX 5 reported on Google’s mysterious project on a barge off Treasure Island, reports have surfaced of the tech giant building similar floating structures outside of the Bay Area.
A report appearing in the Portland (Maine) Press Herald showed shipping containers stacked on a barge in Maine – with the structure appearing virtually identical to the Bay Area barge. Also, an unconfirmed report suggested a Google barge is taking shape in New London, Connecticut.
As KPIX 5 exclusively reported on Friday, Google is believed to be building the floating structures to market Google Glass — the cutting edge wearable computer that the company has under development.
“They’re building on both coasts,” said a source familiar with the Google project.
Google, for its part, maintained a stolid silence on the matter, as did many Bay Area maritime officials. Google is reliably said to have sent upwards of $10 million on the project so far. With that kind of money in play, and presumably more to come, no one is anxious to speak out of turn.
But Larry Goldzband, executive director of the Bay Conservation and Development Commission, told KPIX 5 the Portland barge structure appeared to be the same kind of floating building that Google is constructing in the Bay Area.
Both the Maine and Bay Area barges are owned by a company called By and Large, which has leased a large swath of pier and an abandoned U.S. Navy hangar from the Treasure Island Development Authority – a lease reliably said to be costing $100,000 a month. Officials have not responded to requests for comment.

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