Monday, July 13, 2015

[VIDEO] Scott Walker: 'I'm in'

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is running for president.

In a video shared by his campaign on Monday, Walker touted his experience as a conservative governor in a blue state against his GOP rivals in Washington, D.C.

“America needs new, fresh leadership with big, bold ideas from outside of Washington to actually get things done,” Walker says in the 89-second spot. “In Wisconsin, we didn’t nibble around the edges. We enacted big, bold reforms that took power out of the hands of the big government special interests and gave it to the hard-working taxpayers — and people’s lives are better because of it.”

Walker officially launches his campaign during a speech in Waukesha, Wisconsin, later Monday, becoming the 15th entrant into the Republican field.

“We fought and won. In the Republican field, there are some who are good fighters, but they haven’t won those battles. And there are others who’ve won elections, but haven’t consistently taken on the big fights. We showed you can do both. Now, I am running for president to fight and win for the American people. Without sacrificing our principles, we won three elections in four years in a blue state. We did it by leading. Now, we need to do the same thing for America,” Walker says in the video.

CALIFORNIA: Asset Forfeiture Reform Sees Bipartisan Support

Amid growing national concern over the practice of so-called civil asset forfeiture, bipartisan support has swelled in California to reform the practice, with a new bill poised to add Assembly to Senate approval.
An emerging consensus
Asset forfeiture, wherein law enforcement retains property or cash seized in the course of an arrest, has come under broad criticism from the political Left and Right.
Predictably, libertarians have trained their political and legal fire on the practice. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Institute for Justice attorney Robert Everett Johnson warned that asset forfeiture had short-circuited due process. “People around the country are having their money taken, based on the barest suspicion that they might be involved in some sort of drug offense without ever bringing the case before a jury or convicting them of a crime,” he said. The California ACLU has recently thrown its weight behind legislation reforming asset forfeiture.
But liberals have also attacked its role in civil rights abuses, while conservatives have bridled at its dismissive approach toward property rights — and its increasing use as a source of government funding. At the national level, conservative justice reform groups, such as Right on Crime, have singled out asset forfeiture as a rule of law problem. “Our Constitution is meant to be a shield against this sort of arbitrary and capricious over-extension of government power, but to this point, most states — and the federal government — have very lackluster protections in place,” two Right on Crime supporters editorialized in the Washington Examiner. West Coast conservatives raised the alarm when, in recent months, several California cities were accused of cashing on through asset forfeiture — “at a time of dwindling police budgets, potentially creating pressure on cops to make more seizures,” as the Los Angeles Times reported this spring.

CNN Anchor On Hillary Proposals: ‘All These Things Sound Like They Need A Tax Increase


Reacting to Hillary Clinton’s Monday address on the economy, “CNN Newsroom” anchor Carol Costello remarked that the preeminent proposals in the speech are all going to necessitate a tax increase.
While interviewing a guest for feedback on Clinton’s address, Costello pointed out Clinton’s proposals, such as raising the minimum wage and expanding paid family leave and medical leave, adding in finality that “all of these things sound like they need a tax increase.”
“So Hillary Clinton is laying out her economic plan and she’s going to talk about — let me see, I have a list here. She wants to increase investment in good paying jobs through tax incentives. She wants to support small business tax relief. She wants to establish clean energy products that would kind of like create jobs,” Costello said. “She wants to expand child care and paid family leave and sick days.”
“All of these things sound like they need a tax increase,” Costello told Monica Mehta, the managing principal for Seventh Capital investment. “Am I right?”
Mehta told the CNN host that “well, you gotta pay for it some how,” before adding, “I like what she has to say.”
Via: Daily Caller


Sanctuary policies in jurisdictions across the country have resulted in the release of more than 8,000 criminals Immigration and Customs Enforcement sought to deport in an eight-month period in 2014, according to a newly released Center for Immigration Studies report.

The detainer data, obtained by CIS via FIOA request, comes in the wake of the murder of Kathryn Steinle in the sanctuary city of San Francisco, allegedly by a multiple-deportee, multiple-felon illegal immigrant.
CIS’ report, authored by Jessica Vaughan, reveals that 63 percent of the 8,145 released criminal immigrants — in 276 jurisdictions from January 1, 2014, to August 31, 2014 — had “serious prior criminal records” and a fourth had a prior felony charge or conviction.
-5,132 were previously convicted or charged with a crime or were labeled a public safety concern. Of these,
-2,984 had a prior felony conviction or charge;
-1,909 had a prior misdemeanor conviction or charge related to violence, assault, sexual abuse, DUI, weapons, or drug distribution or trafficking;and
-239 had three or more other misdemeanor convictions.
According to the report, 1,867 of those release were arrested 4,300 times again— on some 7,491 charges — within that eight-month timeframe. The report notes ICE took custody of 40 percent of the recidivists but as of the time of the report, 60 percent remained at large.
“ICE’s analysis shines a light on the public safety problems created when local sanctuary policies cause the release of criminal aliens that ICE is seeking for deportation,” Vaughan said. “San Francisco’s sanctuary policies do not represent mainstream law-enforcement practice in America, but they are more widespread than is commonly realized.”
Indeed, as of last month the total number of detainers sanctuary jurisdictions did not honor grew to more than 17,000.
In her report Vaughan further highlighted six instance of serious crimes committed by criminal immigrants ICE sought to apprehend via a detainer but who were released by sanctuary jurisdictions.
-Santa Clara County, Calif.: On April 14, 2014, an individual with nine previous convictions (including seven felonies) and a prior removal was arrested for “first degree burglary” and “felony resisting an officer causing death or significant bodily injury”. Following release, the individual was arrested for a controlled substance crime.
-Los Angeles, Calif.: On April 6, 2014, an alien was arrested for “felony continuous sexual abuse of a child”. After release, the alien was arrested for “felony sodomy of a victim under 10 years old”.
-San Francisco, Calif.: On March 19, 2014, an illegal alien with two prior deportations was arrested for “felony second degree robbery, felony conspiracy to commit a crime, and felony possession of a narcotic controlled substance”, After release, the alien was again arrested for “felony rape with force or fear”, “felony sexual penetration with force”, “felony false imprisonment”, witness intimidation, and other charges.
-San Mateo County, Calif.: On February 16, 2014, an individual was arrested for “felony lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14″. In addition, the alien had a prior DUI conviction. Following release by the local agency, the individual was arrested for three counts of “felony oral copulation with a victim under 10″ and two counts of “felony lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14”.
-Miami Beach, Fla.: On December 19, 2013, the police department arrested an alien for felony grand theft. This alien had been ordered removed (and presumably absconded) in 2009. The alien also had prior convictions for strong-arm robbery, cocaine possession, larceny, trespassing, theft, marijuana possession, and resisting an officer. After release by the local agency, the alien was arrested on two separate occasions; once for “aggravated assault with a weapon and larceny” and once for “under the influence of a controlled substance”.
-Santa Clara County, Calif.: On November 7, 2013, an alien was arrested (and later convicted) for “felony grand theft and felony dealing with stolen property”. This alien had been ordered removed in 2010 (again, a likely absconder). The alien also had prior felony and misdemeanor convictions for narcotic possession, theft, receiving stolen property, illegal entry, and other crimes. After release by local authorities, the alien was arrested for “felony resisting an officer causing death or severe bodily injury” and “felony first degree burglary”.
According to Vaughan, lawmakers should ensure that complying with federal immigration law is not optional.
“Further, those jurisdictions that do not comply with all detainers should face sanctions and be debarred from certain kinds of federal funding,” she said. “The Davis-Oliver Act, which is not pending in Congress, has provisions to address this problem directly.”

Five Grossly Un-American Supreme Court Justices Have Ruled Against Traditional Marriages

The word “family” as we and others around the world know it, will soon disappear from the daily lexicon of human beings. 

The family normally consists primarily of a female who, after giving birth, is entitled to be the ‘mother’ and a male, who after creating a birth with his female partner in the marriage, is given the title of ‘father’.  Just observing animals or insects, let alone humans, is enough education to understand why the word was conceived and the mating process, save for those convoluted participants, inevitably produced offspring enhancements of the couple’s personal genes, thereby creating the ‘family’.

Now that the miracle of birth has been voided by the “marriage” of two same sex providers, the new “partners”, because of their inherent deficiencies will have to depend on other more normal humans to provide the elements that create a family, no thanks to the five not only misguided but mentally deficient justices (I cringe when calling them by that misnomer) who stepped far out of character and bounds with their choice of vote.

Already there is great turmoil and dissatisfaction in America over these five un-Americans who now welcome un-constitutional conduct favored by socio-communists around the world.  Predominately liberal Democrats who follow the homosexual beliefs and practices that our president favors at the disapproval of the Islamic culture who he also is fond of. 

Methinks our “please everybody but good old fashioned traditional conservative loyalists in the mold of our Founding Fathers” prez is weaving himself into some very deceptive and sneaky behavior patterns.

As stated above, there is already contention and confusion as reported by Tony Perkins in his online posting, July 10, 2015, “Washington Update of the Family Research Council” with “By redefining marriage, the Supreme Court’s five justices did more than undermine democracy. They undermined their profession, too. And for principled judges across America, that was just as offensive.”


A California court dealt a potentially major setback Friday to state water regulators when it ruled that curtailment notices sent to four water agencies to stop pumping water during the drought violated those agencies’ due process rights.
Sacramento Superior Court Judge Shelleyanne Chang issued a temporary restraining order Friday against the State Water Resources Control Board, blocking water regulators’ ability to enforce cutbacks ordered on four California water agencies: the Central Delta Water Agency, the South Delta Water Agency, the West Side Irrigation District and Woods Irrigation Co.
The four agencies were among the 114 senior water rights holders who had been ordered in May to stop all water diversions while the state struggles to fight a record four-year drought.
The May curtailment orders “violated Petitioners’ Due Process Rights,” Chang wrote in her ruling. “Every day the Letter remains in its current form constitutes a violation of those constitutional rights. Accordingly, it is proper for this Court to issue a temporary restraining order while the administrative process is ongoing.”
Last month, several water agencies considered defying the state’s order to stop all water pumping as “mass confusion” reigned over whether the curtailment notices were enforceable by law or were to simply serve as “general courtesy notices.” Some senior water rights-holding agencies filed suit against the State Water Board, challenging the legality of the orders.
While Friday’s ruling only affects farmers and individuals served by four water agencies, there could be precedent to apply the ruling to agencies statewide.
“This seems to subtly change the relationship between the regulated and the regulator,” Steve Herum, an attorney for the West Side Irrigation District, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “The court has said that state regulators can’t threaten to take property rights in the manner that the state has attempted to do… It’s really a win for all property interests in California.”
The case is scheduled to return to court on July 30. State Water Resources Control Board spokesman Tim Moran told the Fresno Bee that state attorneys are reviewing the ruling.

Expand Health Savings Accounts

….private property, production, and voluntary exchange … are the ultimate sources of human civilization.—Hans-Hermann Hoppe

Expand Health Savings Accounts

Since World War II, America’s health insurance systems has always had government distortions. During the war, America had wage and price control, and Kaiser, a shipbuilding company, had to abide by these wage controls. In order to attract better workers, Kaiser offered employer-paid health insurance. After the war, this morphed into employer-paid insurance, which was not taxed to the employee and deducted as a business expense for the employer. Too bad for employees that did not work for employers with health insurance; they paid for health insurance with their after-tax dollars.
Lesson One: In reality, health insurance was mostly prepaid healthcare with large and diverse risk populations – a big business and their employees. Health insurance had less to do with the risk of illness or injury. America’s government-distorted health insurance was very different from Lloyds of London, which originally was risk insurance on oceangoing ships of trade.
Lesson Two: Obamacare is a continuation of our distorted health insurance
Take a typical 30-year-old and 64-year-old, earning identical amounts of money, living in the same place, and choosing the same health plan. Who will pay more for that health care plan under Obamacare?
The 30-year-old pays $2,800 a year for a bronze plan. The 64-year-old pays $7,400 for the same plan.Wait. The 64 gets generous subsidies and thus pays nothing. That’s a $0. Meanwhile, the 30-year-old receives a smaller subsidy, which pays $400, and pays about $2,400 out-of-pocket.
Lesson Three: Political favoritism always distorts government-controlled programs, i.e. ObamaCare.
**Lesson Four: ** Most people under fifty would be much better served to have health-saving accountswhere pre-tax dollars buy catastrophic medical insurance and pay for ordinary health care with their pre-tax dollars. The excess pre-tax savings builds within the account and will eventually be used for Medicare.
**Lesson Five: ** Health savings accounts excel because people are buying real insurance against catastrophic injury and illness and paying for ordinary medical checkups with their own money. This is private property being voluntarily exchanged for risk protection and good medical care. Or as Hans-Herman Hoppe explains: …*.private property, production, and voluntary exchange … are the ultimate sources of human civilization. *
Lesson Six: Everyone should be demanding that politicians expand health savings accounts. Call your senator, member of congress, governor and state legislators and demand health savings Make health savings accounts an issue in the 2016 campaigns. Only then will the opportunity exist in 2017 for good legislation. This is how geo-politics works.
Remember! Make expand health savings accounts an issue in the 2016 elections. It’s very important.

Washington’s Obamacare Exchange Is Losing A Top Insurer In 2016

A top insurer is dropping from Washington, D.C.’s Obamacare exchange in 2016, leaving customers with fewer options than ever in the nation’s capital.
Aetna Life Insurance will no longer offer individual plans on D.C. Health Link, Washington’s own Obamacare exchange, in 2016, The Washington Post reports. Aetna is sending letters to customers notifying them that their plans will be canceled at the end of this year. The company says it has “determined we can no longer meet the needs of our customers while remaining competitive in the market.”
That will leave just one company on the exchange, CareFirst, that provides Preferred Provider Organization plans, or PPOs, which offer a wider choice of approved doctors and hospitals to customers. Just two other companies currently offer health maintenance organizations, HMOs, on the exchange.
That will leave customers looking for greater choice in their health care options with just one insurance company, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, which is drastically hiking premium rates across the region.
CareFirst has already proposed rate increases from 3 percent to 17 percent, according to the Post. In nearby Maryland, CareFirst has requested that state regulators allow it to hike rates by up to 30.4 percent in 2016, The Baltimore Sun reports.
DC Health Link’s director, Mila Kofman, told The Post that the shrinking number of options isn’t a loss for the competitiveness of the exchange and that Aetna’s decision to leave the exchange won’t harm residents.
“When you have products when there’s not a whole lot of interest to buy, that’s the market telling the carrier what they are selling, people can’t afford. So in terms of competition, it’s not a loss,” Kofman said. “I don’t consider that real competition.”
Aetna will continue to offer employer-provided plans on the exchange — including for Congress and its staff. Federal employees make a large part of Washington’s Obamacare customers, as they are required by the health care law itself to purchase coverage on the exchange.

Constitutional Carrier Thwarts Robbery In Topeka Less Than Two Weeks After New Gun Law Is Signed

It’s amazing what armed citizens can do to help preserve the peace when government gets out of the way, and allows law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights.
Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback just signed a bill legalizing so-called “constitutional carry”—allowing citizens to exercise their right to carry a firearm for self-defense without permits—less than two weeks ago.
It has already proven instrumental to thwarting a robbery.
24 year old Joey Tapley was a key witness in Friday’s armed robbery for weapons inside the Academy Sports and Outdoors store in Topeka.
He recalled the moments before the robbery, saying, “I was at the counter buying bullets with my cousin and I heard some loud bangs. I look up and they are just loading up weapons from the counter and then they run off and my instincts kicked in.”
Tapley followed the three suspects described only as white males ages 16 or 17, after they stole several rifles and an undisclosed amount of cash. Once outside, Tapley pulled out his own weapon.
“I told him drop the gun man, mine is loaded , just drop the gun. We made eye contact for a second or two and he dropped two guns and ran,” said Tapley.
Police officers arrested the teens along with an unidentified woman in the area of Southwest 6th and Fairlawn. The teenage boys were booked into the Juvenile Center on assault, burglary and robbery charges. The female was booked on conspiracy to commit aggravated robbery.
Tapley who carries his gun without a concealed carry permit says his heroics wouldn’t have been possible without Governor Brownback’s approval of the law that took effect just under 2 weeks ago on July 1.
“Thats why Kansas made the law. So citizens can carry and protect themselves and others. I guess my instincts just took over,” said Tapley.
The constant lament from opponents of constitutional carry is that without regulation and permitting that there will be “blood on the streets” from unlicensed carriers shooting at anything that moves… the same argument that they’ve been attempting to use (unsuccessfully) against concealed carry for more than 30 years.
Here in reality, we know that the very minimal “classes” required for concealed carry don’t have any long-term effect on students who take 8 or even 16 hours courses. People will default to their level of firearms training, which is not a required part of any concealed carry class in the nation (the shooting portion required in some concealed carry courses is a qualification test only).
Mr. Tapely used his common sense and his gun rights to thwart criminals from acquiring several firearms, and helped put them in jail, showing that constitutional carry works.
Let’s hope that the growing nationwide trend towards reasserting constitutional carry rights continues.


Los Angeles Does Not Reflect America
It's a truism that will come as a surprise to few.
Los Angeles doesn't really reflect the rest of America. Sure, this is the United States. We are Americans (most of us, anyway). And L.A. is Hollywood's perpetual stand-in for Anytown, U.S.A.

But personal-finance website WalletHub confirmed that Los Angeles is in a league of its own compared with the rest of the nation. The site looked at metrics such as age, gender, income, household demographics and housing tenure to determine "2015's Metro Areas That Most and Least Resemble the U.S."

In housing demographics, which include how long people have lived in their homes, median home price and vacancy rate, we ranked a sad 379th — almost the bottom.
But you already know about the city's nation-topping housing crisis.
Among big metro areas, L.A. still ranked fairly low — 49th out of 166. A WalletHub spokeswoman broke out some other data for L.A:
330th – Race
152nd – Household Makeup
295th – % of Population with Health Insurance Coverage Housing
380th – Tenure (Renter-to-Owner Ratio)
105th – Household Income
144th – Wealth Gap
311th – % of Households Receiving Food Stamps
200th – Educational Attainment
This is a city where minorities outnumber whites and the gap between rich and poor is huge. But some of the stats are startling. The home of Caltech, considered by some to be the best university in the world, is 200th in educational attainment?
We need to elevate our game.
The city that most reflects America, by the way, is Indianapolis. 

Sanders Battles Boehner on Min. Wage: ‘Who’s Out of the Mainstream?’

2016 Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders responded on Face the Nation Sunday morning to criticism from House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) that he was “out of the mainstream” with his desire to raise taxes to pay for his policies.
“Well, let me respond to that issue by issue, and you determine who’s out of the mainstream,” Sanders said.
“I want to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. A recent Wall Street Journal poll said majority of the American people want to do that. John Boehner is not going to bring up any legislation in the house to raise minimum wage. Many want to get rid of the concept of minimum wage.”
Sanders repeated the formula with Social Security and infrastructure.
“In terms of who’s out of touch with the American people, I’d say Republican party is,” he concluded. “They want to give tax breaks to billionaires, not help the middle class.”

Massachusetts: Charlie Baker, Marty Walsh field unique requests

U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano has never been afraid to blast political enemies or even those in his own party like Hillary Clinton, waxing that her rollout offered more of a fizzle than a bang.
Turns out the former Somerville mayor’s had a lot of practice sparking explosions.
Capuano said he got a federal license back in 1973 to light fireworks, and worked behind the scenes on municipal fireworks shows throughout the state.
“I thought I could make a killing during the bicentennial. I was wrong,” the Democratic congressman joked during an in-studio visit with Boston Herald Radio.
Capuano didn’t spend a lot of time working the fireworks circuit, but said he gleaned one big takeaway.
“Everyone who worked there, they all had a little something missing,” he said.
Charlie’s chopper
Gov. Charlie Baker threw out his notes at a ceremony honoring the arrival of “The Wall That Heals” last week and instead regaled a veteran-heavy crowd with a slew of stories, including one during which he struggled to contain his emotions.
This one, however, got the most laughs:
Recalling a meeting with the Congressional Medal of Honor Society — which is holding its annual convention in Boston in September — Baker described himself as breezing into his “15th meeting” that day, quickly shaking hands amid introductions and pledging to do whatever he could to help.
One elderly gentleman had a request, Baker said: He wanted to go for a helicopter ride — a notion Baker laughed off. When it came time for a group photo, the same man sidled up next to him, and repeated his request. Baker told him he’d take “note of that” with an eye roll.
“Then he looks up at me like this,” Baker said, leaning back and turning his eyes toward the sky, “and he goes, ‘You know? You’re a pretty big guy.’ ... I used to fly with a guy who’s about your size. We used to call him Too Tall.’
“And so I looked at him and said, ‘You know, there’s a guy named Too Tall. His name’s Ed Freeman.” Freeman, Baker described, was a Medal of Honor recipient who bravely flew a helicopter in and out of a Vietnam War battle zone to bring supplies to soldiers and carry the wounded to safety.
“He probably saved dozens of lives,” Baker said. “I said (to the elderly man), ‘His flying buddy in that battle was a guy named Bruce Crandall.’
“This guy looks at me and says, ‘Yeah, me! Bruce Crandall! That’s what I said when I came in!’ ”
Baker, breaking into a wide smile, told Crandall — also a Medal of Honor recipient — that he was honored to meet “a real American hero.”
“So,” Baker said, “he looked at me and said, ‘So do I get my helicopter ride?’ ”
Pitching Marty
Since he took office in January 2014, Mayor Martin J. Walsh has gotten dozens of direct messages on Twitter. The majority are constituents offering complaints or compliments. More than a half-dozen address him simply as “Marty” or even “Martin.”
One, however, was an outright solicitation from a man who said he owns his own “pavement marking company.”
“... just wondering if you could help me maybe get a few contracts?” the DM reads.
Walsh didn’t respond, according to documents Herald reporter Jordan Graham obtained through a public records request. In fact, Walsh’s account had no outgoing DMs, according to his office.
Hillary Chabot and Jordan Graham contributed to this report. State House reporter Matt Stout can be reached at

'World's most powerful drug lord' escapes max security prison

The world's most powerful drug lord has escaped from a maximum security Mexican prison. Authorities have launched a manhunt to find drug kingpin Joaquin Guzman, Mexico's National Security Commission said Sunday.
The kingpin known as "El Chapo," who headed the Sinaloa Cartel, escaped through a hole in the shower into a tunnel complete with stairs, electricity and ventilation nearly a mile long, guards at the Altiplano Federal Prison discovered Saturday.
Guzman was "considered the world's most powerful drug lord until his arrest in Mexico in February 2014," according to the Department of Justice. He was on the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest men, with a personal net worth of over a billion dollars.
The U.S. Justice Department describes the cartel Guzman headed as "one of the world's most prolific, violent and powerful drug cartels."
This is Guzman's second escape. He escaped in a laundry cart in 2001 from a high-security prison and was not apprehended again until 2014.
Eighteen prison guards have been arrested under speculation that such an elaborate escape was not possible without corruption.
"The Sinaloa Cartel moves drugs by land, air, and sea, including cargo aircraft, private aircraft, submarines and other submersible and semi-submersible vessels, container ships, supply vessels, go-fast boats, fishing vessels, buses, rail cars, tractor trailers, trucks, automobiles, and private and commercial interstate and foreign carriers," according to the Justice Department.
In January, the Justice Department unsealed indictments of 60 members of the cartel, including Guzman's son, Ivan Guzman-Salazar known as "El Chapito," CNN reports.
The cartel imports cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, other drugs and the chemicals necessary to process methamphetamine into Mexico from Columbia and other countries, a news release from the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of California said. It then launders money and smuggles drugs from San Diego to distribute throughout the U.S.
Guzman is the subject of best-selling books in Mexico and the "adoring songs known as narcocorridos," CNN reports. His drug exploits have become legendary. He is wanted in the U.S. for several federal crimes related to his drug trafficking and organized crime activities.

[VIDEO] Fiorina: Trump tapping into an ‘anger’

Carly Fiorina said in an interview Sunday that fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is “tapping into an anger that I hear every day.”
People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme,” she told ABC’s “This Week.” “It's not extreme, it's commonsense. We need to secure the border.”
“People are also angry at a professional political class of both parties that talks a good game, gives good speeches, but somehow nothing ever really changes,” she added. “And people are angry as well at a double standard in the media.
Fiorina said she had not been asked a “single question” about Trump’s comments on immigration during six days in New Hampshire.
Fiorina also blasted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton during the ABC interview, saying the former secretary of State’s polices create more income inequality.
“Why? Because bigger government creates crony capitalism,” she said. “When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you've got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code. … I will continue to point out … the fact that every policy she is pursuing will make income inequality worse, not better, crony capitalism even worse, not better. “
Clinton is scheduled to deliver a major economic policy speech in New York on Monday, when she is expected to call for a boost to the stagnating incomes of middle-class families.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

[VIDEO] US Marshals Employee Caught Having Sex On Roof

A Pennsylvania town is scandalized after reports that a couple, including at least one federal employee, was having sex on the roof of the courthouse.
A concerned resident in a nearby building took pictures of a sexual escapade on the roof of the Harrisburg Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse, and now the U.S. Marshals is saying one of the bold culprits works for them, WHTM-TV reports.
The U.S. Marshals have said there was no security violation and that they are investigating the incident.
A woman saw the couple copulating and took pictures that she sent in to WHTM-TV. She said she has seen the couple frequenting the rooftop several times over the last few weeks. The pictures are in the video below.
The U.S. Marshals have been embroiled in scandal of late, but this sexcapade is a twist. (RELATED: Scandals Continue To Pour In As US Marshals Director On Way Out)

Via: Daily Caller

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