Wednesday, July 15, 2015

How the 2016 Presidential Candidates Are Reacting to the Iran Deal

July 14, 2015 Republican White House hopefuls moved swiftly Tuesday morning to criticize the nuclear deal the United States and other world powers reached with Iran.
Sen. Lindsey Graham was the first to weigh in after the agreement was announced, tellingBloomberg the deal was "akin to declaring war on Israel and the Sunni Arabs." In an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe, Graham called the deal "the most dangerous, irresponsible step I have ever seen in the history of watching the Mideast." Graham also added that Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of State and frontrunner for the 2016 Democratic nomination, could negotiate a better deal than President Obama.
Here's what other presidential candidates have said so far.
In a brief press conference on Capitol Hill, Clinton called the deal "an important step," adding that the U.S. should now focus on preventing more of Iran's "bad actions."
"I think this is an important step that puts a lid on Iran's nuclear programs and it will enable us then to turn our attention as it must, to doing what we can with other partners in the region as beyond to try to prevent and contain Iran's other bad actions," Clinton said. "So all in all, I think we have to look at this seriously, evaluate it carefully, but I believe based on what I know now, this is an important step."
Clinton also said there are "a number of issues" that need to be addressed. "This agreement will have to be enforced vigorously, relentlessly," she added.
Clinton did not explicitly say whether she supported enforcement of the deal during her remarks. But House Democrats who met with her Tuesday morning said that sheunequivocally endorsed the agreement.
Jeb Bush derided the agreement as a "dangerous, deeply flawed, and short sighted deal," saying that it still allows a path for Iran to develop a nuclear bomb. 
"A comprehensive agreement should require Iran to verifiably abandon – not simply delay – its pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability," Bush said in a statement. He added: "This isn't diplomacy – it is appeasement."
Sen. Marco Rubio warned in a statement that the deal "undermines our national security" and criticized Obama for negotiating "from a position of weakness."
"Failure by the President to obtain congressional support will tell the Iranians and the world that this is Barack Obama's deal, not an agreement with lasting support from the United States," Rubio's statement read. "It will then be left to the next President to return us to a position of American strength and re-impose sanctions on this despicable regime until it is truly willing to abandon its nuclear ambitions and is no longer a threat to international security."
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who officially kicked off his campaign on Monday and made rejecting a deal with Iran part of his announcement speech, said the agreement "will be remembered as one of America's worst diplomatic failures." Walker called on congressional leaders and presidential candidates alike to reject it.
"In order to ensure the safety of America and our allies, the next president must restore bipartisan and international opposition to Iran's nuclear program while standing with our allies to roll back Iran's destructive influence across the Middle East," Walker said.
Carly Fiorina also voiced concern during in an appearance on CBS This Morning, saying "there is reason for suspicion" because Iran has not negotiated in good faith.
"I've never negotiated an Iran nuclear deal, but I've negotiated a lot of high-stakes deals, and there are a couple of rules and every rule has been broken," Fiorina said. "If you want a good deal, you've got to walk away sometimes." 
Rick Santorum slammed the deal on CNN Tuesday morning as a "a catastrophic capitulation" by the president, adding that it gives the Iranians "legitimacy" in the international community.  
"I would have ratcheted up those sanctions," Santorum said. "I would have continued to put pressure on this regime to capitulate. What we have here is not a capitulation."
Mike Huckabee took to Twitter to express his disapproval, saying that he would not rule out using military force in the region if he were in the Oval Office.
"Shame on the Obama admin for agreeing to a deal that empowers an evil Iranian regime to carry out its threat to 'wipe Israel off the map,' tweeted Huckabee, who went on to say, "As president, I will stand with Israel and keep all options on the table, including military force, to topple the terrorist Iranian regime."
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said in a statement that Obama us "playing a dangerous game with our national security, warning that the deal "will lead to a nuclear Iran and, then, a nuclearized Middle East."
The deal threatens Israel, it threatens the United States, and it turns 70 years of nuclear policy on its head," Christie said. "I urge Republicans and Democrats in Congress to put aside politics and act in the national interest. Vote to disapprove this deal in numbers that will override the President's threatened veto."
Sen. Bernie Sanders, meanwhile, congratulated Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry on striking an agreement.
"This is a victory for diplomacy over saber-rattling and could keep the United States from being drawn into another never-ending war in the Middle East," Sanders said in a statement.
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal specifically called on Clinton to oppose the nuclear a deal in a statement released Tuesday morning.
"Secretary Clinton should be a voice of reason and oppose this deal," Jindal said. "While Secretary Clinton has been the architect of President Obama's foreign policy, she can do the right thing and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon and oppose this deal."
Sen. Ted Cruz also attacked the deal, arguing that the agreement will 'legitimize" and "perpetuate" Iran's nuclear program. He called on Americans to voice their cocnerns about the deal to their elected officials. 
"Even by the low standards of the Joint Plan of Action, this is a staggeringly bad deal," Cruz said. "It is a fundamental betrayal of the security of the United States and of our closest allies, first and foremost Israel."
Ben Carson warned the deal is "almost certain to prove an historic mistake with potentially deadly consequences."
"Without anywhere anytime surprise inspections, a full accounting of Iran's past secret nuclear arms pursuits, elimination of Iran's uranium stockpiles and the lifting of any sanctions only upon verification of Iranian compliance, this is not a good deal, but a recipe for disaster and the first fateful step toward a frenzied nuclear arms race in the Middle East," Carson said.
Rick Perry called the deal "one of the most destructive foreign policy decisions in my lifetime." He also said that one of his first acts as president would be to rescind the agreement, and outlined other steps would take to deal with Iran. 
"I will order a review of Iran's compliance with the deal, and an evaluation of Iran's continued sponsorship of terror over the timeframe of the agreement," Perry said. "I will move to ensure that the arms embargo—and, specifically, the ballistic missile embargo — remain in place until Iran verifiably demonstrates that it desires to act as a stabilizing force in the region."

Macy’s inundated with complaints from Donald Trump fans as 'tens of thousands of customers cut up their store cards in protest'

Screen Shot 2015-07-14 at 10.20.38 PM
Macy's spat with Donald Trump seems to be costing the company dear - sources close to the department store say it is being inundated with complaints by customers.

Apparently the company has already received letters, phone calls and online messages from around 30,000 Trump supporters, many of whom have claimed to have cut up their store card.  

The irate customers are accusing the company of being against free speech after it cut ties with the Republican presidential candidate two weeks ago over his inflammatory comments about Mexican immigrants. 

Trump, who called for the boycott of Macy's, has been thanking his supporters over Twitter for doing just that.
'I am so happy that people are boycotting Macy's,' he said in a tweet yesterday.

In an earlier message he wrote: 'Thx [sic] to all the people who called to say they are cutting their Macy's credit card as a protest against illegal immigrants pouring into US.' 

A Macy's spokesman told TMZ: 'Our Facebook page is often times used by our customers to express their feelings or points of view. Many times it does not correlate to any action.'

Trump began his tirade against Mexican immigrants when he announced on June 16 that he would be entering to race to become the Republican presidential candidate.   

Trump tweeted this message a few days ago after calling for his supporters to shun Macy's

He said then: ‘When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.

‘I will built a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.’ 

Macy’s isn’t the only corporation to have severed ties with Trump. Mattress giant Serta, for instance, has said it will stop selling Trump-branded products, while Univision and Comcast’s NBCUniversal have cancelled plans to broadcast Trump’s Miss Universe beauty pageant.

Trump is suing Univision for $500million and has threatened legal action against NBC, among others. 

Rep. Darrell Issa Is Wealthiest Member of Congress

Image: Rep. Darrell Issa Is Wealthiest Member of Congress Rep. Darrel Issa, R- Calif. (Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images)

Rep. Darrell Issa is the richest member of Congress with a total worth of $768 million altogether, according his most recent financial disclosure. 

Roll Call has placed the California Republican in the number one spot for the second year in a row with a net worth of $357 million and a minimum of $432 million in assets. 

However, his actual worth may be far more than what he is required to report, or far less, Roll Call notes. 

Issa reportedly included seven high-yield bonds in his disclosure that are worth more than $50 million, but it doesn't say how much those bonds are actually worth. It is possible that they are each worth hundreds of millions of dollars — which would make his wealth far more than what was disclosed. 

In the same vein, his wealth might actually be lower than what is disclosed. 

The congressman also has two liabilities in the form of personal loans — a $25 million loan from Union Bank and a $50 million loan from Merrill Lynch. 

While the loan from Merrill Lynch is put in the $50 million category, it could be worth significantly more than what Issa has to report. 

Following Issa is Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, Democrat Rep. John Delaney of Maryland, Democrat Jay Rockefeller of West Virginia, Democrat Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, Democratic Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Colorado, Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California and Democratic Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington, who make up the top ten wealthiest members of Congress. 


Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says he has invited the family members of victims of illegal immigrant crimes to testify before Congress.

According to the Iowa lawmaker, the hearing will examine the breakdown of immigration enforcement under the Obama administration and the repercussions of lax immigration enforcement — specifically the impact on families victimized by illegal immigrant crime.
“Congress has a constitutional responsibility to conduct oversight of the executive branch of government to make sure the laws are being faithfully executed and carried out as intended. Little oversight has been done by the previous majority to ensure the administration is exercising sound judgment and acting within the immigration laws.   It’s clear they have taken far too much liberty and are essentially trying to write the laws themselves,” Grassley said in a statement.
The hearing will be next Tuesday. In addition to victimized families Grassley says he has also invited the Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Sarah Saldana, and the Director of Citizenship and Immigration Services Leon Rodriguez to testify.
“This hearing is intended to highlight how misguided the Obama administration’s lax enforcement policies are and how these policies are putting Americans in harm’s way,” he said.
The hearing comes on the heels of the recent murder of a young woman in the sanctuary city of San Francisco, allegedly by an illegal immigrant with a long rap sheet and multiple deportations.

Why Liberals Hate Uber

Grandmothers may know best, as Hillary Clinton has put it in tweets, but judging by her latest economic speech, they don’t necessarily get or like Uber.
The ride-sharing service is synonymous with the new efficiency and convenience enabled by information technology, and is anathema to regulators and entrenched interests everywhere. Add to the list of its critics the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.
Hillary Clinton didn’t mention Uber by name but warned about the disruption caused by it and other companies in the so-called sharing economy. Her husband wanted to build a bridge to the 21st century; Hillary worries about the downsides of “advances in technology and expanding global trade.”
Republicans would be foolish not to welcome a contrast with Hillary over some of the hottest companies in the world. The Bush campaign let it be known that Jeb will order an Uber ride in San Francisco during a campaign swing there. If he really wants to stick it to Hillary, he will find someone handy to do minor repair work at his Miami headquarters through TaskRabbit, or borrow a wrench during his next trip to Des Moines through NeighborGoods.
In the liberal imagination, the sharing economy is hurting workers by substituting part-time, contractor work for higher-paying full-time jobs that come with the full panoply of traditional benefits and protections. This line of attack creates the impression that these new firms are sucking workers from stereotypical 9-to-5 jobs so they can be dispossessed by tech-savvy entrepreneurs. But obviously something is drawing workers to this kind of work.
In a study for Uber, Princeton University economist Alan Krueger found “drivers who partner with Uber appear to be attracted to the platform in large part because of the flexibility it offers, the level of compensation and the fact that earnings per hour do not vary much with hours worked, which facilitates part-time and variable hours.”
Uber is really a paragon of choice. Its drivers decide when or if they are going to work, and customers call it up at will. It cuts out the middleman in the form of the shabby, highly regulated taxi cartels more concerned with their own interests than customer satisfaction or convenience.


NOBODY IS GOING to see New Horizons fly through the Pluto system. At least, not in real time. But thanks to the power of planetary physics you can watch the space probe pass by on your computer right now. NASA’s awesome visualization team has loaded the flight plan into their Eyes On The Solar System app.
The video above shows 8 hours of the flyby, speeding by at 10 minutes per second. The inset window shows what New Horizons’ suite of instruments see (and which instruments are currently active). And those images are updated as new data comes in.
“That is the best map of Pluto, and if they release another one tonight we’ll update it immediately,” says Doug Ellison, a NASA visualization producer. Like the rest of us, he’s really anticipating that new imagery. “It will be nice to put a map on Charon, it always sucks to have these gray potatoes in space.”
But if you’re really antsy for some real time communications, Ellison recommends you fire up DSN Now. This tool shows active communications from all NASA spacecraft. No need to burn your retinas waiting for New Horizons to perk up. The first communications post-flyby are scheduled to arrive at 9:07pm ET on July 14.
Via: Wired
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Netanyahu says the bottom line with this deal is that Iran will get billions in sanctions relief and will keep its nuclear program intact, giving them the ability to create a whole arsenal of nuclear weapons and the methods to deliver them in the coming years. Netanyahu calls this a stunning historic mistake and points out that Iran won’t just continue its terrorist activities in the region, but will increase them because of all the money it will get in sanctions relief.
Netanyahu adds at the very end of his statement that Israel is not bound by this deal and will always defend itself.

[VIDEO] DHS boss can’t say if admin reaching out to SF murder victim’s family

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson could not say Tuesday whether the Obama administration was reaching out to the family of the young woman killed earlier this month on a San Francisco pier, allegedly by an illegal immigrant, after the family complained that no one had been in touch. 
During a Capitol Hill hearing, Rep. Steve Chabot, R-Ohio, asked Johnson if the administration had reached out to the Steinle family. 
Johnson initially said: "To who?" 
Chabot clarified he was talking about Kathryn Steinle, 32, who was killed in San Francisco, allegedly by an illegal immigrant who had a lengthy felony record and had been deported several times before. (Johnson, who had spoken about her case earlier in the hearing, later told Fox News he simply couldn't hear the question.) 
Asked again if the administration was reaching out, Johnson said: "I'm sorry, I don't know the answer to that question, sir." 
Chabot urged Johnson to check, and he said he would. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

[SHOCK VIDEO]: Taxpayer-Funded Planned Parenthood Sells Baby Parts

Planned Parenthood thinks it can put a price on a baby: $30 to $100 per part. 

An undercover investigative video released July 14 showed a Planned Parenthood executive confess that her taxpayer-funded organization sells the body parts of aborted babies by using the partial-birth abortion procedure to ensure the baby parts stay intact. Pro-life leaders challenged the abortion giant after the Center for Medical Progress, a citizen journalist group focused on medical ethics, caught the scene on camera. 

In the video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s Senior Director of Medical Services, met with investigators posing as buyers and representatives from a “Fetal Tissue Procurement Company” for lunch on July 25, 2014.

 “Every provider has had patients who want to donate their tissue and they absolutely want to accommodate them,” she began. “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, ‘This clinic is selling tissue, this clinic is making money off of this.’”

 “A lot of people are looking for hearts these days,” she told the actors, before saying lungs and livers were also in demand. The price? $30 to $100 “per specimen.”

The video presented a “tissue order form” by “a multi-million dollar company” that offers “clinical specimens” to “biomedical researchers.” The site offers 40 different “organs and tissues” from unborn babies as old as 20 weeks. That means a baby – from the nose to the eyes and ears – is worth $1200 to $4,000 to Planned Parenthood. (And that’s without counting the “fetal blood” “fluids” and “nerves” also up for grabs). Nucatola explained how it’s important to know what body part is wanted to sell beforehand, to “know where they’re putting their forceps.” 

“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said. Next, she described how partial-birth abortion procedures help keep the baby parts intact to sell.

 “And with the calvarium [the baby’s head], in general, some people will actually try to change the presentation so that it’s not vertex,” she continues. “So if you do it starting from the breech presentation, there’s dilation that happens as the case goes on, and often, the last step, you can evacuate an intact calvarium at the end.”

Montana Justice Of The Peace Reads Riot Act To City Commissioners That Want Confederate Memorial Rededicated, Compares Arabic Writing In Civic Center To Writing On ISIS Flag…

Lewis & Clark County Justice of the Peace Mike Swingley weighed in last week on the future of Helena's Confederate Memorial Fountain, urging the two city commissioners who are pushing for rededication of the monument to "start focusing on your real job."
"Shame on you both," Swingley wrote in an email last week to Commissioners Katherine Haque-Hausrath and Andres Haladay.
He suggested that a logical extension of the move to rededicate or otherwise alter the fountain would be to also remove other potentially offensive items.
"If you want to cleanse Helena of of the items that offend the sensitive, I request that you remove the Arabic writing from inside the Civic Center," he wrote. "It reminds me of the Arabic writing on the flag of ISIS and as 99.9% of the terrorist (sic) in the world have turned out to be Islamic fundamentalist and Arab speaking, it offends me that Helena would allow such a symbol."
Reached Monday by telephone, Swingley said he had received numerous notes of support since his email was described on the Montana Cowgirl blog. He said the words had been taken out of context.
Haque-Hausrath says the comments are troubling even in context, and judges need to avoid even an appearance of bias.
"Judge Swingley's statements are deeply troubling because they exhibit such a clear bias toward Arabic and Muslim people that there is no way anyone who might even appear to be Arabic or Muslim could be confident about getting a fair trial in his courtroom," she wrote in an email to MTN News.
While Swingley may have been trying to make an absurd example of over-reaction to offensive materials, Haque-Hausrath says there's reason to believe he was serious in what he said about Arabs and Muslims.
"Even if Judge Swingley does not actually want to remove the Arabic writing from the Civic Center, he exhibited clear bias toward Arabic and Muslim people when he said that (he) considers them to be synonymous with terrorism," she wrote. "Regardless of whether Judge Swingley was trying to tell a joke, or he was under a lot of stress, or had a hard childhood, it is completely unacceptable for a sitting judge to espouse racist views in an official public record."
Swingley said any suggestion he's a racist is ridiculous and that he's always treated all people fairly in his court. He said that when he was a Montana Highway Patrol trooper based in Hardin for three years, he got along very well with the people of the Crow Indian Nation.
"I have a very diverse background working with native Americans and that blood runs through my veins," Swingley wrote in an email to Haladay. "I will always stand up for others, race is not a factor in my thinking, ever. Common sense is."
The low-key Confederate Monument, off Park Avenue in Hill Park, was given to the city by the Daughters of the Confederacy in 1916, in tribute to Confederate soldiers.
Haque-Hausrath likens the monument the to the Confederate flag and said it was installed as part of a nationwide propaganda effort to improve the reputation of the Confederacy. Swingley disagrees.
"Finally, I suggest you both learn more about the town you live in and the history of it," Swingley wrote in the email. "The truth is, Helena is a great place to live, with virtually no racism, and despite a beginning that was heavily influenced by confederates, old Helena had more than 2000 ex slaves who moved here, lived and worked successfully. That fountain is a symbol of success and a town that shaped itself as a melting pot of all, ex confederates and ex-union, plus Chinese, native Americans, ex-slaves and many more, including foreign nationals of Ireland, Germany, etc.,"
Swingley also said he the commission should focus instead on mental health issues, methamphetamine, sidewalks, streets, water lines, and police and fire resources.
"Your efforts are misguided," he wrote. "There is no issue with Helena Montana with race wars, no Nazi White fundamentalist, no problems that raise issue with this ridiculous idea. It is an attempt at getting in the spotlight with an idea to show how sensitive the commission is to the issues. I do not believe the commission has the power or position to be the political, ethical and moral think take of Helena. I suggest you start focusing on your real job."
Haladay responded to Swingley, discussing his about city issues one by one but not directly addressing Swingley's comments about Muslims or the Confederacy.
In his original email and again in his reply to Haladay, Swingley lamented the loss of Helena's historic character.
"I watched as a child while the Marlowe Theater was destroyed (and) the downtown area changed forever during urban renewal," he wrote to Haladay. "Few truly historic items remain in Helena that have not been destroyed, moved, changed or rewritten."
He also repeated his call for improvements in tackling the problems of mental illness and methamphetamine.
"As you are fully aware, the mental illness is not only uncontrolled, but intimately connected to the drug and alcohol issues er face," he wrote. "It is time to rethink and retool our approach."
The City Commission last week charged the City-County Heritage Tourism Council to come up with a proposal for a rededication and possible new signage for the fountain. It could be a few months before that seven-person council makes its recommendation.
Swingley's full email is below:
I have to say, I have been disappointed by the City Commission in the past. I spent my entire life in Helena and watched as the commission and Urban Renewal committee tore down buildings and reshaped Helena forever. Much of our history was lost in that debacle and Helena has never been the same.
Keep in mind that slavery was only one issue that caused the Civil War. The largest portion was economic based war as the southern states wanted to separate and begin printing their own currency, and detach from the banks of the United States.
Today I read of the Commission's issue with the fountain in Hill Park and I am, once again frustrated on many points. First, Dylan Roof was a mentally ill man who committed a heinous act in South Carolina and had obviously aligned his beliefs with the confederate flag and the race issues in the south. The key here is mental illness. The knee jerk reaction to this by the commission is unacceptable and misguided. If you want to tackle the issue at hand, start dealing with the rampant mental illness issues in Helena and the lack of resources to deal with them.
Further, Helena has a multitude of issues that the commission is not talking about. Streets are in disrepair, water lines breaking, Fire and Law Enforcement are in need of more resources, and a recent article focused on the lack of funds for basic maintenance issues in Helena. My own children have to walk in the street to school because there are no sidewalks on Hauser Blvd where we live and the City has allowed the residents to landscape the city right of way to the point that you can't even walk unless you are on the street. The meth issue is absolutely killing Helena. I have never heard the Commission even speaking the words "meth" or "mental Illness". Fix these things first before your non-issue.
Second, the fountain in Hill Park is a memorial placed by the daughters of the confederacy, in honor of their fathers. It is not possible to separate the history of Helena from the ex-confederate soldiers and their influence here. Helena was discovered by four individuals, at least two of whom were ex-confederates.
The four Georgians, D.J. Miller, Reginald Stanley, John Cowan and John Crabb, started the gold digs here and subsequently the town. Half or more of the miners were from the southern states. White's City, a ghost town east of Helena is located in Confederate Gulch. The fact is that
Helena was heavily influenced and started by them. If you want to cleanse Helena of all Confederate influence, you will need to rename several schools in Helena, including Four Georgians Elementary, several streets, tear down the Montana Club which was started by the wealthy ex-confederate gold miners and had black servants working there, and much more.
Your efforts are misguided. There is no issue in Helena Montana with race wars, no Nazi White fundamentalist, no problems that raise issue to this ridiculous idea. It is an attempt at getting in the spotlight with an idea to show how sensitive the commission is to the issues. I do not believe the commission has the power or position to be the political, ethical and moral think tank of Helena. I suggest you start focusing on your real job.
Third, if you want to cleanse Helena of the items that offend the sensitive, I request that you remove the Arabic writing from inside the Civic Center. It reminds me of the Arabic writing on the flag of ISIS and as 99.9% of the terrorist in the world have turned out to be Islamic fundamentalist and Arabic speaking, it offends me that Helena would allow such a symbol. I realize that the history of the Civic Center was that of a Masonic/Shriner's temple, that aligned themselves with the far east and had a large Arabic influenced theme.
But if we are going to rewrite and ignore the facts of history, we need to be fair and remove that symbolism as that conflict is still active and Christians like me are being killed daily by Arabic speaking fundamentalist who show those characters on their flag.
Finally, I suggest you both learn more about the town you live in and the history of it. The truth is, Helena is a great place to live, with virtually no racism, and despite a beginning that was heavily influenced by confederates, old Helena had more than 2000 ex slaves who moved here, lived and worked successfully.
That fountain is a symbol of success and a town that shaped itself as a melting pot of all, ex confederates and ex-union, plus Chinese, native Americans, ex-slaves and many more, including foreign nationals of Ireland, Germany, etc.
Shame on you both. And before you accuse me of being pro-confederate, I will inform you that my ancestors ALL served with the North in the Civil War and two of my ancestors served in Anderson Ville Prison. My family came to Montana in covered wagons and I have spent my entire adult life as a trooper and now judge defending and protecting all, regardless of their race, religion, political affiliation, etc.....

[OPINION] Carr: Pesky facts confirm Donald Trump right on illegals

Every time somebody watches a cable TV newscast, or reads a newspaper, it’s more votes for Donald Trump.
Even the moonbat media can’t ignore the tsunami of violent crime being committed by welfare-collecting illegal aliens. And now we have reports that Donald Trump was threatened by an escaped billionaire Mexican drug dealer, one of those criminals that all Democrats from Obama on down now want to pretend don’t exist.
Illegals are running amok, and the media are angry — at Donald Trump! Odd, though, isn’t it, how the Beautiful People still won’t acknowledge what open borders hath wrought? God forbid the media should ever say that any perp is an illegal. That’s “hate speech.” If you must mention a criminal’s immigration status at all, use Juan Ellis Bush’s preferred euphemism — valedictorian.
Take what happened in Waltham this weekend, at a DCR pool. One Victor Lopez was arrested and charged with groping an 11-year-old girl.
After his arrest, Lopez needed an interpreter to speak to the state police. He had a “Guatemalan passport.” Needless to say, he was identified as a “Waltham man.”
I asked the state police about Lopez’s immigration status. “He’s not a permanent U.S. citizen,” the flack said. What is a “permanent U.S. citizen?”
I asked the same question of the Middlesex DA — is Lopez an illegal alien?
The email response was: “Please note that our office has a Waltham residency for Victor Lopez.”
I didn’t ask about his residency, I asked whether he was a valedictorian. By the way, his bail was initially set at $300 — for groping a little girl in a pool. Do you suppose he paid with his EBT card?
Donald Trump tells the truth about this crime wave, and he’s shunned by the Beautiful People.
Last week in Lawrence the cops stopped a guy who first gave them a false name and then couldn’t produce a driver’s license. A valedictorian, perhaps?
The cops searched his car, then tossed his apartment. The haul was 9 kilos of heroin, two handguns and $340,000 in cash. Now we were definitely in valedictorian territory. I called the Lawrence PD to confirm my suspicions. Nobody called back. I called the Essex County DA’s office. Ditto.
They think we’re so dumb that we can’t figure out who’s committing all these crimes. Anyone who tells the truth must be destroyed.
Two weeks ago, the N.H. State Police grabbed two valedictorians at the DMV in Manchester. In their press release, the staties to their credit identified the perps (who’d given phony names — notice a pattern here?) as Dominicans.
But the next morning, the lead in the Union Leader was “Two men were arrested …”
Last month a sportscaster in Oklahoma City was run over by a valedictorian who’d been deported three times. In his wallet, he had no driver’s license, but he did have cocaine.
The headline: “Man charged in accident … ”

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