Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tingles Slams Dinesh D’Souza’s Film As Racist…

Chris Matthews in a special Sunday night Hardball slammed the south as racist and insisted that quoting Barack Obama is bigoted. An incredulous Matthews explained, "And topping it off, we heard Romney himself out here in Ohio today tying all this trash talk together, the president is bent on, get this, revenge." Of course, while talking to voters last week, the President actually said, "Voting is the best revenge."
In another appearance, on Sunday's Last Word, Matthews appeared totally unaware of the context "Well, where did this revenge come from? Where did that line come from?" [See video below.] On Hardball, Matthews insisted to Howard Fineman that most of the country would vote for Obama: "Well, what do you make of the geography, Howard?...The fact that the north, the west, the Midwest will all support Obama, but the south intensely dislikes him?"
The liberal host derided the movie 2016, dismissing it as "that twisted movie out there now that says the President is governed by some Kenyan, anti-colonial mind set."
Continuing to harp on the "revenge" comment (that he was ignorant of), Matthews said Romney's use of the line in an attack ad "fits so neatly into all the Dinesh D'Souza storyline, the whole rest of the stuff."

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