Should you decide to apply for health coverage through Maryland Health Connection, the information you supply in your application will be used to determine whether you are eligible for health and dental coverage offered through Maryland Health Connection and for insurance affordability programs. It also may be used to assist you in making a payment for the insurance plan you select, and for related automated reminders or other activities permitted by law. We will preserve the privacy of personal records and protect confidential or privileged information in full accordance with federal and State law. We will not sell your information to others. Any information that you provide to us in your application will be used only to carry out the functions of Maryland Health Connection. The only exception to this policy is that we may share information provided in your application with the appropriate authorities for law enforcement and audit activities.
Yet the Obama administration, through the powers of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (with an assist from Eric holder's Department of Justice") is all but trying to prevent private businesses from running criminal background checks during the hiring process. Businesses do not want to expose their employees or customers and clients to risks from criminals on their own staff. Businesses want to protect people. The Obama administration looks at such background checks as being discriminatory. I wrote about the pressure the administration is exerting to force businesses to comply with these diktats here.
So a double standard is at work.
Via: American Thinker
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