This week saw the first shift, as MSNBC devoted more time to Clinton and her impending potential hypothetical 2016 campaign than the other two cable networks combined, with 97 minutes devoted to Clinton. (Much of that came from Chris Matthews, who ran several ten-minute-plus segments on Clinton.) CNN still ran the most segments on non-existent Clinton, but spent cumulatively far less time discussing her hypothetical run, while Fox News spent 52 minutes over the course of twelve segments.
Les charts:
Overall, this week’s 185 minutes of attention was down considerably this week from last week’swhopping 410 minutes. Coverage is still being driven largely by comments of Republican figures about whether Bill Clinton’s mid-90s scandals should bear upon Clinton’s campaign, though Fox is much more interested in Clinton’s old papers than the other two networks.
Methodology: The study counted any sustained discussion lasting more than thirty seconds and involving more than a passing reference to Clinton (thus excluding, for instance, any Scott Walker orChris Christie segments that happened to reference her as a hypothetical election opponent); however, any on-screen graphic of 2016 poll numbers citing Clinton automatically counted as a segment. All repeats and show intros were excluded.
Eternal disclaimer: there are 986 days until the 2016 election.