Showing posts with label Community Organizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community Organizer. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


In the wake of the gruesome massacre of nine black churchgoers by an angry racist white gunman in Charleston, South Carolina comes an article that encourages black youth to be angry, racist, uninformed, unforgiving, intentionally opaque, and to explicitly exclude and ignore “white folks” in a direct call for unrest and anarchy.
The most shocking part is that the call for uncivilized radical action comes not from some obscure underground revolutionary manifesto, but from an author with a conventional liberal resume, including a writing gig at the Huffington Post and a previous executive position with an ostensibly positive program working with black youth.
The article is called 8 Things Black Folk Don’t Have to Do in Light of the AME Massacre and it’s published on the website Black Youth Project. The suggestions of what “black folk”don’t have to do include forgive, “police our rage”, “be peaceful”, or “explain ourselves to anyone — especially white folk.”
The article also suggests youth avoid staying informed about news developments, with the author describing major media as a tool of the white man:
Personally, I have not hate-watched any news coverage because I do not feel compelled to pad the pockets of white supremacist propaganda.
The battle cry for unbridled racist exclusion, uninformed anger and actions including the refusal to “give up space” shows how the black radical agenda has become an acceptable part of public discourse in the Obama era.
A closer look at the author and her work also shows the disturbing connections between community organizing groups that paint themselves one way publicly, but seem to foster and promote a far different agenda when examined.
The author is “8 Things Black Folk Don’t Have To Do…” is Arielle Newton, whose LinkedIn resume says she attended Northeastern University studying Political Science and International Affairs and lists her as the Chief Innovation Officer and former “Civic Engagement Chair” at a group called Rockaway Youth Task Force, a 501(c)3 group.  Rockaway Youth confirmed that she left the group on January 20 of this year.
That group’s website shows smiling black youth involved in the group’s mission:
Since 2011, RYTF has engaged hundreds of local Rockaway youth between the ages of 15—25. RYTF’s mission is cradled with our humble beginnings—to empower local youth through civic engagement and volunteer opportunities. We build on our Four Principles: civic engagement, volunteer work, mentoring, and professional development.
Via: Breitbart

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Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Lonely Guy

He’s a community organizer who works alone. What was once his greatest strength—he kept his cool and didn’t need feedback—is now a liability.
When Barack Obama arrived in Washington almost five years ago, the universal assumption was that the young president—who had, after all, won office by exploiting every connective tool of the national social and electoral network—would run his White House in sharp contrast to the bunkered, hunkered-down George W. Bush.

Like so much conventional wisdom, that impression has proved dead wrong. In fact, Obama’s resolute solitude—his isolation and alienation from the other players and power centers of Washington, be they rivals or friends—has emerged as the defining trait of his time in office. He may be the biggest presidential paradox since Thomas Jefferson, the slaveholder who wrote the Declaration of Independence: a community organizer who works alone.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Churches help spread word on health care law

churchCommunity organizers went to churches across the country, talking to members about the new health care law, with help from pastors.
Pastor John Newman introduced two community organizers from Enroll America who talked about the act, everything from coverage, cost, to how to enroll.
They also asked church members to fill out help cards with basic information for themselves or someone they knew. That's exactly what Michelle Fletcher did. 
"I have a cousin that recently lost her job and she doesn't have employment insurance so thought of her writing her down," Fletcher said.
Fletcher said diabetes and breast cancer run in their family, so she was surprised and happy to get the info she needed at church. 
"Our pastor, he keeps us real informed and grounded in what's going on in the community, and he's always bringing stuff to help us, so I love him for that," Fletcher said.
That bond between a pastor and church members is what Enroll America is counting on as a part of their nationwide initiative called "Health Care from the Pulpit."
Organizers are going into churches all across Florida and the country asking pastors to talk about the Affordable Health Care Act.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Community Organizer Runs Amok

From its earliest days, the Obama Administration has operated from a “community organizer” worldview, characterized by an “us” against “them” perspective. The President has repeatedly and in a variety of circumstances said, “Elections have consequences, and I won” as an excuse for yet another executive order, non-Constitutional decision, or “in-your-face” arrogant action. The President goes through the motions of listening to others: he claims to be bipartisan; he hosts White House confabs and talks about the need for compromise, but he always ends up saying, “I won,” and ends any pretense of discussion or negotiation. He explains that, as President, he shouldn’t have to “bring something to the table” and declares that he will not negotiate, as though that his beneath his dignity as President. He goes to play golf and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s snide remarks become the Democrat voice.
Obviously, the President did win the election; he won the presidency. But, as noted by James Joyner in Outside the Beltway: the President is not a king or a prime minister. Granted, he is the most powerful person in America and, indeed, in the world (though, sadly and increasingly, less so), but he does not control the other two branches of government. They have the responsibility to balance his power for the good of the people. The Legislative and Judicial branches of government are independent entities. And, as clarified brilliantly and effectively by Thomas Sowell, the House of Representatives has the right –– indeed, the authority and responsibility –– to grant or withhold money: they voted “all the money required to keep all government activities going except for Obamacare.” The decision of the House of Representatives determines independently where money is to be spent. It is called “legislation by appropriation.”

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Laura Ingraham: Obama’s ‘Community Organizer’ Foreign Policy ‘Looks Ridiculous’

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham expressed skepticism about the so-called Russian solution to the crisis in Syria. She said that she was not certain that the offer to monitor the surrendering of Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons into international custody will resolve the crisis. Furthermore, Ingraham said, President Barack Obama, given his background as a “community organizer,” appears incapable of managing America’s affairs abroad. 
“The bottom line is the president has an escape hatch, right?” Gretchen Carlson asked.
“We’ll see,” Ingraham replied. She said that Sec. John Kerry “stumbled” into allowing the Russians to embarrass Washington and boost their own stature by making it appear as though Kerry’s off-the-cuff hypothetical was a real policy proposal that Moscow could facilitate.
Brian Kilmeade noted that even the State Department attempted to walk back Kerry’s accidental policy proposal before it was embraced as a path to peace by the White House.
“This is an example of what happens when a community organizer, who is used to doing the razzle-dazzle with Oprah and all of his celebrities, thinks by just through the sheer force of personality and magnetism he can somehow change the chess pieces on the board,” Ingraham later said.
“When you’re dealing with someone like Russia — it’s a great world power, even with all of the struggles — or China, this is not something that you can just stumble into,” she insisted. “This is something that has to be incredibly well thought out and from the beginning. It was not.”
Ingraham insisted that she did not think the Russian solution would save Obama from a political defeat, and that he “looks ridiculous” pursuing it.
Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Community organizer goesto warOh, how I long for the days when liberals wailed that “the rest of the world” hated America, rather than now, when the rest of the world laughs at us.
With the vast majority of Americans opposing a strike against Syria, President Obama has requested that Congress vote on his powers as commander in chief under the Constitution. The president doesn’t need congressional approval to shoot a few missiles into Syria, nor — amazingly — has he said he’ll abide by such a vote, anyway.
Why is Congress even having a vote? This is nothing but a fig leaf to cover Obama’s own idiotic “red line” ultimatum to President Bashar al-Assad of Syria on chemical weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize winner needs to get Congress on the record so that whatever happens, the media can blame Republicans.
No Republican who thinks seriously about America’s national security interests — by which I mean to exclude John McCain and Lindsey Graham — can support Obama’s “plan” to shoot blindly into this hornet’s nest.
It would be completely different if we knew with absolute certainty that Assad was responsible for chemical attacks on his own people. (I’m still waiting to see if it was a Syrian upset about a YouTube video.)

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