“Before they were allies, they were campaign-trail foes,” writes Lauren Fox of Obama and Ryan on her National Journal story yesterday.
But were Obama and Ryan ever really campaign foes as much as they were deceivers under the skin?
Makes you wonder when Ryan jumped so quickly into the sack with the man who has so radically “fundamentally transformed” America.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership secret negotiations have been going on behind the backs of We the People for six long years—or not long after Obama came into power.
We all know how long Obama has been working behind the backs of main-street Americans to render the U.S. into a Marxist state. The question Ryan’s voters should be asking is: “How long has Paul Ryan been working in the dark to sell out America?”
“President Obama’s GOP salesmen are telling fellow House members that fast-track trade promotion authority (TPA) will “constrain the president” to do what Congress wants when he negotiates the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (National Journal, June 9, 2015)
“Sounds reassuring, but there’s one problem: It’s just not true.
“Pointing to the negotiating objectives the Senate-approved bill lays out, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) says that “TPA makes the president follow dozens of strict objectives in his negotiations so that your priorities come first — not his.”
“First, let’s be clear: The Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations have been underway for six years. According to the U.S. trade representative, they are in the “end game” and will be wrapped up once TPA is approved. Scalise and company are a little late setting objectives for negotiations that have already taken place.”
In the bitter disappointment about the Republicans throwing in with Obama and the Democrats straight after being handed a majority mandate by voters in the last election, it is easy to see House Speaker John Boehner. He’s goofy, weak and weeps in public, giving in to feelings rather than commonsense.