“A loathsome creature like Stephanie Cutter, the roots jutting out from her blonde dye job as black as the recesses of her soul, can push her way onto national television to sit next to a former Speaker of the House and two sitting U.S. senators. A charmless, dead-eyed, tacky sociopath with no sense of ethics, an empty shell spewing her flat-throated bile without the slightest trace of self-awareness, can beat all of us to the front of the Darwinian line.”
Yup, that’s how someone named Patrick Howley of the Daily Caller decided to review CNN’s Crossfirereboot, which debuted Monday night. Forget about content, forget about any thoughts around the other co-host of the program on its opening night (Newt Gingrich). This Pulitzer piece was aimed squarely at Ms. Cutter, a prominent member of Team Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012.
Before we continue, know this: As stated in this space before, I voted for Mitt Romney. This isn’t one liberal protecting another. And no, I’ve never met Stephanie Cutter. From what I’ve observed, she’s an effective media-facing resource to have on any campaign.
Did she engage in stretching the truth, in hyperbole? Of course. All campaign operatives do it, and Ms. Cutter had no problem getting her hands dirty in 2012… but let’s not pretend this kind of behavior only happens on the Democratic side of the aisle.
Given her resume and the trend around hiring politicos while they’re still fresh in the public eye, landing Ms. Cutter was bound to happen at one of the big three cable networks. The easy pick would have been MSNBC, where Cutter would have been quite cozy among former co-workers David Axelrod andRobert Gibbs while fielding tee-ball questions from Mika to Matthews to Maddow.