Monday, August 26, 2013

Britain Gives America a Preview of Obamacare

PORTSTEWART, Northern Ireland — Each visit to the United Kingdom brings new horror stories about the National Health Service.
Last month, Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of the NHS, issued a forensic report, commissioned by the government, which found that 14 underperforming hospitals in England had substandard care, contributing to the needless deaths of nearly 13,000 people since 2005.
Earlier this year, it was reported that a single hospital in Staffordshire recorded 1,400 "excess" deaths.
Following the July report, letters from patients and relatives of those who died flooded in to newspapers, Sky News and the BBC. Many confirmed poor treatment, if in fact they or their loved ones were able to receive timely care at all.
The lack of adequate nursing staff, cuts to elder care budgets and a rise in immigrant populations are a few of the factors that have exacerbated the problem. 
One letter from Grace Nutt to the Sky News web page is typical:
"I am not surprised at the report at all. In fact the scandal has been going on for longer than the [period from] 2005 the report covers. My daughter was stillborn at Basildon Hospital in 1986.
"I was days overdue and very, very big, and in a lot of distress but was told go home and come back tomorrow; we don't have enough beds. During the night, my daughter died.
"The nurse even told me she could hear the heartbeat the following day. I told her she couldn't and it was confirmed by the doctor. The lack of care has been going on for much longer than stated.
"I am distressed that I did not at the time take the case further and sue, but it's too late now. I hope everyone in similar circumstances makes them pay. D--n you Basildon Hospital."
Via: Real Clear Politics
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An illegal alien brutally murdered Laura Wilkerson's 18-year-old son in Texas, tied his body up, and then doused him with gasoline before burning him. 

Wilkerson recalled the harrowing details on Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125, yet her story has gone unheard in the broader press.
Maria Espinoza, the director of the Remembrance project that memorializes Americans who were killed by illegal immigrants, told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that such crimes "happen every day" in America, even in states far from the border. But the mainstream media, Espinoza said, often do not report on illegal immigrants who have murdered Americans in states like Virginia, Tennessee, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, and Washington.
Espinoza said incidents remain local ones and are "shared" and actually suppressed. 
"We don't even hear the person was here illegally in the country," she said. 
Wilkerson told the harrowing tale of how her 18-year-old son was killed on what started out as "just a normal school day." Wilkerson's maternal instinct took over when her son did not answer a text from her around 1:30 pm and she went to the school to look for him. While driving around, Wilkerson saw her son's truck parked by a dumpster at a strip mall. After police found her son's backpack and shoes in the dumpster, she suspected the worst.
Wilkerson would later find out that an illegal alien, who would  have been eligible for citizenship under the DREAM Act, brutally murdered her son after he offered to give him a ride home. The illegal alien would later testify--without showing remorse--that he punched her son so hard in the nose that he went blind and kicked him in the stomach so hard that Josh's liver and spleen sliced. After ultimately strangling Josh to death, the illegal immigrant then tied Josh up, took him to a field, doused him with gas and burned him. The illegal immigrant was sentenced to life in prison this January. 

ObamaCare's architects reap windfall as Washington lobbyists

ObamaCare has become big business for an elite network of Washington lobbyists and consultants who helped shape the law from the inside.
More than 30 former administration officials, lawmakers and congressional staffers who worked on the healthcare law have set up shop on K Street since 2010.

Major lobbying firms such as Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock, The Glover Park Group, Alston & Bird, BGR Group and Akin Gump can all boast an Affordable Care Act insider on their lobbying roster — putting them in a prime position to land coveted clients.

“When [Vice President] Biden leaned over [during the signing of the healthcare law] and said to [President] Obama, ‘This is a big f'n deal,’ ” said Ivan Adler, a headhunter at the McCormick Group, “he was right.”

Veterans of the healthcare push are now lobbying for corporate giants such as Delta Air Lines, UPS, BP America and Coca-Cola, and for healthcare companies including GlaxoSmithKline, UnitedHealth Group and the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.

Ultimately, the clients are after one thing: expert help in dealing with the most sweeping overhaul of the country’s healthcare system in decades. 

"Healthcare lobbying on K Street is as strong as it ever was, and it's due to the fact that the Affordable Care Act seems to be ever-changing," Adler said. "What's at stake is huge. ... Whenever there's a lot of money at stake, there's a lot of lobbying going on."

The voracious need for lobbying help in dealing with ObamaCare has created a price premium for lobbyists who had first-hand experience in crafting or debating the law.

Via: The Hill

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From Mark Levin: A good look at the line of fans that lined up for Mark Levin to sign their copies of "The Liberty Amendments" at Book Revue in Long Island on August 17, '13. Thanks to everyone who came by! THE LIBERTY AMENDMENTS will debut on the September 1 New York Times best seller list as #1 in all 3 non-fiction categories -- hardcover, e-book, and combined hardcover & e-book. I know it pains them. I want to thank you all! But this is just the start. We need to keep up the information campaign. Ideas can be very, very powerful!


A new Public Policy Polling poll shows New Jersey Governor Chris Christie trails in Ohio by nine points against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in a potential 2016 face off.

“Clinton looks very strong in Ohio- leading Chris Christie 45/36, Jeb Bush 50/36, Rand Paul 51/36, and Paul Ryan 52/36 as well- but Kasich does the weakest on the home front,” the polling firm wrote on Friday announcing the results. “One thing that is not helping his cause is the controversial abortion restrictions he signed into law this summer- only 34% of voters support them to 40% opposed.”
In a New York Times op-ed, Bloomberg News’ Al Hunt noted that so goes Ohio, so goes the nation.
“Ohio is the only state that has voted for the victor of the past 12 presidential elections,” Hunt wrote. “It is the embodiment of Middle America and swings back and forth from Republican red to Democratic blue.”
President Barack Obama won Ohio in 2012 by three points and won the election. Christie is a favorite among moderate Republicans for 2016, and while plenty can change in the coming years, being nine points behind Clinton in arguably the nation’s most critical state for a presidential election could cause reservations for the governor's possible run.

Obama flaunts political power on college tour

The president likes to clothe his progressive beliefs in a comfortable toga of poll-tested generalities.
But on last week’s education “reform” tour, he stripped down to his ideological skivvies, oiled up his rhetoric, and flaunted his political power to enthralled academics, administrators and journalists.
He made clear that whoever has the gold writes the rules, to an audience of students and academics who know that 70 percent of students are funded by $150 billion in federal dollars.
“Taxpayers are often providing those families and students assistance, we want to make sure taxpayers are getting a good deal,” he said, while describing his ambitious plan to rate universities’ and colleges’ performance at a test to be drafted and graded by Obama’s progressive monitors.
Government expertise trumps the universities’ autonomy, and government’s priorities top Americans’ free-market preferences, Obama insisted.
“I’m in my second term so I can say it. … I believe, for example, that law schools would probably be wise to think about being two years instead of three year. … The third year they’d be better off clerking or practicing in a firm, even if they weren’t getting paid that much,” said the president, who was acting as the nation’s law-school-dean-in-chief.
And also as the nation’s concerned-parent-in-chief.
“I know a lot of stories of people who are LGBT who come out to their parents, and their parents are supporting them financially for college, and when they come out their parents cut out that support,” said one of the attendees. “I was wondering if maybe in the future part of your affordability for college would be able to include LGBT people?”
Via: Daily Caller

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Jonah Goldberg: Cruz Using Obama-Style Strategy to Defund Obamacare

National Review editor Jonah Goldberg told Fox News Monday morning that Texas SenatorTed Cruz was attempting to employ a Barack Obama-style strategy in his quest to shut down the government over Obamacare—a strategy Goldberg predicted won’t be successful.
Goldberg reiterated his disapproval of Obamacare and its implementation problems, but added that he was no more enamored of Cruz’s call to make the passage of a continuing resolution contingent on the defunding of the ACA.
“The defund-Obamacare strategy that he’s pushing is simply not going to work,” Goldberg said. “It’s a misreading of the political moment. The idea that somehow Ted Cruz will be able to create a political tsunami that will change the minds of at least twelve Democrats in the Senate just strikes me as utterly fanciful.”
“In some ways Ted Cruz is doing the same sort of strategy that Obama did in 2008 and 2012, of making these arguments about bringing change to Washington in terms of these populist, grassroots kind of forces,” Goldberg continued. “That has not worked for President Obama, and I don’t think it would work for Ted Cruz either.”
“…Interesting analogy,” host Martha MacCallum replied.
Watch the full clip, via Fox News:

Immigration bill generating little heat in town halls

Rep. Frank LoBiondoALLOWAY, N.J. — Republican Rep. Frank LoBiondo represents a South Jersey congressional district with a sizable Hispanic population, farmlands that employ migrant workers, an influential labor union presence and a constituency that voted twice for President Obama.
He's precisely the kind of GOP lawmaker immigration advocates said they would target over the August recess, when members of Congress return home for the longest stretch of the year.
But at a local Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting and a Rotary Club luncheon on Thursday, immigration was never mentioned.
The 10-term incumbent met with constituents in open forums where he fielded questions on the economy, the implementation of Obama's health care law, unrest in the Middle East and even how to improve local infrastructure to ease traffic to the Jersey shore.
"It's not coming up," LoBiondo said in interview. "It is a big issue nationally, but in this district it's just not something on people's minds."
It's not because advocates aren't trying. LoBiondo has not staked out any hard-line positions on immigration, and his is one of 17 congressional districts the House Democrats' campaign operation said they would target on immigration in August with "media tactics, messaging amplification and community outreach," according to a memo.
Last week, Organizing for Action, an outside political group promoting Obama's agenda, used its local New Jersey Twitter account in an effort to organize supporters to appear at a LoBiondo event in Cape May to show support for an immigration overhaul. Jason Galanes, LoBiondo's spokesman, notified event organizers and local police that protesters might be in attendance. It was not necessary. "No one showed up," Galanes said.

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