Friday, September 13, 2013

Eric Holder, IRS officials coached tax-exempt black ministers on how to engage in political activity

Attorney General Eric Holder and IRS officials advised black ministers on how to engage in political activity during the 2012 election without violating their tax-exempt status.
Holder, then-IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman, and Peter Lorenzetti, a senior official in the scandal-plagued agency’s exempt organizations division, participated in a May 2012 training session for black ministers from the Conference of National Black Churches at the U.S. Capitol hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Holder spoke at the event.
“We’re going to, first of all, equip them with the information they need to know about what they can say and what they cannot say in the church that would violate their 501(c)(3) status with the IRS,” said then-CBC chairman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, a Democrat from Missouri. “In fact, we’re going to have the IRS administrator there. We’re going to have Attorney General Eric Holder there…the ACLU.”
Cleaver’s session advised black ministers on “draconian laws” including voter ID laws. Cleaver was a sharp critic during the 2012 campaign of Republican Mitt Romney’s policies.
As The Daily Caller has extensively reported, the IRS harassed conservative and tea party groups during the 2012 election cycle with improper reviews of their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt applications.
“[The CBC] had the IRS members there specifically to advise them on how far to go campaigning without violating their tax-exempt status,” George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley told The Daily Caller.
“I viewed the meeting as highly problematic. Eric Holder heads the agency that prosecutes organizations who give false information to the government. The Justice Department coordinates with the IRS on actions taken against not-for-profits. These ministries are given not-for-profit status on the basis that they are not engaging in any political activities. Here, the Obama administration was clearly encouraging them to maximize their efforts by showing them where the lines were drawn in federal case law,” Turley said.
“It is a fundamental precept that cabinet members should not engage in political activities. The most important of those cabinet members would be the attorney general of the United States. To have the attorney general actively advising political allies of the president showed remarkably poor judgment on his part,” Turley told TheDC.

Government Seeking Inclusion of ‘Social and Behavioral’ Data in Health Records

Kathleen Sebelius / APThe Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) wants to require health care providers to include “social and behavioral” data in Electronic Health Records (EHR) and to link patient’s records to public health departments, it was announced last week.
Health care experts say the proposal raises additional privacy concerns over Americans’ personal health information, on top of worries that the Obamacare “data hub” could lead to abuse by bureaucrats andidentify theft.
The CMS currently covers 100 million people through Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Hospital Insurance Program and is tasked with running Obamacare.
According to a solicitation posted by the Department of Health and Human Services on Sept. 4, the CMS is commissioning the National Academy of Sciences to study how best to add social and behavioral factors to electronic health record reporting.
The agency said adding social and behavioral data to patients’ online records will improve health care.
“Increasing EHR adoption has the potential to improve health and health care quality,” the contract’s statement of work (SOW) reads. “Parallel advances in analytic tools applied to such records are fueling new approaches to discovering determinants of population health.”
The project sets out to identify “core data standards for behavioral and social determinants of health to be included in EHRs.”

Obama's Struggles and the Republican Rebound

The latest poll data from the WSJ probably comes as a surprise to more than one insider. “The Republican Party is gaining a public-opinion edge on several key issues ahead of the 2014 elections, as Americans question President Barack Obama's leadership on Syria and worry about the country's overall direction, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows. Republicans are now rated higher than Democrats on handling the economy and foreign policy, and the GOP's lead has strengthened on several other issues, including dealing with the federal deficit and ensuring a strong national defense. On topics such as health care, Democrats have seen their long-standing advantage whittled to lows not seen in years.”
The real crux of this isn’t Republican improvement so much as it is that the American people believe Obama’s approach hasn’t worked. “The poll also reflected unease over the economy. Just 27% of Americans think the economy will improve over the next year, the lowest since July 2012, while nearly two-thirds think the country is on the wrong track. The public tilt on several issues in favor of the GOP, particularly among independents, comes as Mr. Obama's own job-approval rating has hovered around 45% for three months, a tenuous place for a president trying to build support for likely battles with Congress over possible military action in Syria, a proposed overhaul of immigration law and the budget.” The dramatic shifts on health care and the deficit have all been under Obama’s tenure.

Via: Real Clear Politics

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Libtalker Malloy Uses 9/11 Anniversary to Accuse Dick Cheney of Having Flight 93 Shot Down

Liberal radio host Mike Malloy has made some truly asinine comments in his career, but what he said on the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 Wednesday truly takes the cake.
Discussing the tragic events of twelve years ago, Malloy said United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania with “orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
MIKE MALLOY (11 September 2013): And that disappearing jetliner and all the disappearing bodies at the Pentagon, right? I'm sorry, I'm just no - and - in Pennsylvania? The conventional wisdom being that oh yeah, well the passengers tried to overtake or overcome the hijackers and everything crashed, when in fact I think even a cursory examination of that crash site, as spread out as it was, would indicate that that plane was shot down by a bloodthirsty, orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney!
So all of those phone calls from Flight 93 passengers to loved-ones - including from Todd Beamer! - were made up? They never happened?
Via: Newsbusters

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Biden: House GOP Are ‘Neanderthal Crowd’

Vice president Joe Biden called House Republicans Neanderthals for not initially supporting the Violence Against Women Act’s reauthorization, a bill that he originally introduced in 1993.

Biden admonished “this sort of Neanderthal crowd” of House Republicans who opposed the version of the VAWA passed by the Senate. He said that he thinks he “understand[s] the Senate better than any man or woman who’s ever served in there” but couldn’t wrap his head around “the idea we still had to fight” for its reauthorization in Congress.

Republicans eventually voted to reauthorize it in February of this year after taking issue with a handful of provisions in the Senate’s version.

[VIDEOS] Union Boss Says Obama Broke His ‘You’ll Be Able To Keep Your Doctor’ Promise, Media Mum

Remember when President Obama promised that under his healthcare reform plan, you'd be able to keep your doctor if you wanted to?
At Wednesday's AFL-CIO meeting, IBEW President Edwin D. Hill said Obama broke this promise, and that ObamaCare "will devastate a successful part of healthcare."
EDWIN D. HILL, PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS: What I want to say is on July 16, 2009, President Obama clearly stated the following, and I quote: “No matter how we reform healthcare, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you’ll be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what. My view is that healthcare reform should be guided by simply one principle: fix the broken and build on what works.” End of the quote.
We supported the President then. We support the President now. But it’s clear that the ACA (Affordable Care Act) as it currently stands is not meeting his promise. The sad fact is the law will divest, will devastate, I’m sorry, a similar part of healthcare, a successful part. Healthcare coverage for some 20 million workers, retirees, family members, provided through collective bargaining that we all stand here to do.
The Resolution spells out the damage that will be done to multi-employer plans in construction and several other industries. There are nonprofit plans jointly administered by equal numbers of trustees from labor and management. Mr. Chairman, we’ve worked 65 years to build up these plans, but because the ACA doesn’t recognize their unique nature, we could lose it all. And we’re not alone. And we’re not about to let that happen.
Pretty powerful and important statement about this legislation, wouldn't you agree?
Yet according to Google News and LexisNexis, other than The Hill Wednesday, not one single news organization in this country thought Hill's words were newsworthy.
Not one.
Journalism really HAS died, hasn't it?
As an aside, Hill supported Obama's reelection last year:
Given what he knew about ObamaCare's impact on his members, how could Hill - or any other union leader - have supported the President's reelection?
As my good friend at Weasel Zippers observed, "I have zero sympathy for them, the unions were Obamacare’s biggest backers when it was being rammed down our throats."
Via: Newsbusters

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15 Journalists Join Obama Administration Since 2009

The news that Time magazine editor Richard Stengel is leaving his post to become the undersecretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs prompted Atlantic Wire reporterElspeth Reeve to examine how many reporters had left their jobs for positions in PresidentBarack Obama’s administration. It turns out that quite a few journalists have found second careers working for the president. 
“But it is the latest example in a growing trend of the White House reaching out to hire journalists. According to one count, at least 15 journalists have joined the Obama administration since 2009.,” writes The Daily Beast’s Ben Jacobs.
RELATED: Obama Addresses DOJ Leak Investigations: ‘Journalists Should Not Be At Legal Risk For Doing Their Jobs’
Stengel joins high-profile figures in the Obama administration who once served as reporters like White House Press Sec. Jay Carney and former senior advisor to Obama, David Axelrod. But lesser-known figures in the administration like former Washington Post reporters Douglas Frantz and Shailagh Murray, former CBS and ABC News reporter Linda Douglass, and former Associated Press andBoston Globe reporter Glen Johnson also once reported on their current employer.
“Yet hiring journalists isn’t an Obama innovation,” Jacobs concludes. He notes that Abraham Lincolnand George W. Bush also plucked promising reporters from their careers for positions in their administrations.

44 Percent Of Americans Don't Want To Raise Debt Ceiling, Poll Finds

debt ceiling pollAs the U.S. draws closer to hitting its borrowing limit, polls released this week show that many Americans oppose raising the debt ceiling, despite worries about the consequences of failing to do so.
In an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released Friday, 44 percent of respondents said they are against raising the debt ceiling, while 22 percent said it should be raised so the U.S. avoids "going into bankruptcy and defaulting on its obligations." The remaining third said they are unsure.
“People’s first instinct is how fed up they are with Washington and spending,” Republican pollster Bill McInturff told NBC. “This is a very difficult issue in terms of public opinion.”
Reason-Rupe poll released Thursday by the libertarian Reason Foundation and Arthur N. Rupe Foundation found even wider opposition, with 70 percent against raising the debt ceiling and 24 percent in favor of it. The poll, unlike the one from NBC/WSJ, didn't explicitly give respondents the option to say they didn't know enough to form an opinion.
While Americans are eager to tell pollsters they support cuts, however, they often hold conflicting opinions on budget issues, and public opinion is far from set. In the summer of 2011, NBC/WSJ polling showed that support for raising the debt ceiling rose by 10 points between June and July as the issue received more attention.
Despite the lack of support for increasing the debt limit, a CNN/ORC poll released earlier this week found that 62 percent of Americans said failing to do so would cause a "crisis" or "major problems." A 54 percent majority said they would blame Republicans in Congress for such a failure, while 25 percent said they'd blame President Barack Obama. Both figures are roughly the same as they were in CNN/ORC's 2011 polling.

Hospital Finds Obamacare Harmful to Its Health

Last night the Newark Star-Ledger reported that Obamacare is causing one large New Jersey hospital to lay off workers:
Barnabas Health, the second-largest private employer in the state, said today it was forced to lay off employees because of pressures brought about by healthcare reform….“Healthcare reform, in combination with Medicare cuts, more patients seeking outpatient care and decreasing patient volumes,” a spokeswoman for Barnabas said in a statement. “As a result, we have made the difficult decision to reduce our workforce.”
This move was both predictable and predicted. Even though hospital industry lobbyists supported Obamacare three years ago, the law contains Medicare provisions that will decimate the industry over the long term. As Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint wrote earlier this week:
ObamaCare’s reductions in Medicare spending could undermine the health system for millions of seniors. According to the non-partisan Medicare actuary, the law’s arbitrary spending reductions could cause 15% of hospitals to become unprofitable by 2019, and as many as 40% of hospitals to become unprofitable in the long term. These hospitals could face the choice between shutting out seniors or shutting their doors for good.
Nancy Pelosi famously said we had to pass the bill to find out what’s in it. Hospitals, whose Washington lobbyists endorsed the law, are now finding out that Obamacare will harm them significantly—and hospital workers are finding out Obamacare could cost them their jobs.
Via: The Foundry
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Secret Assad Forces Hiding Chemical Weapons

Image: Secret Assad Forces Hiding Chemical Weapons
A secretive Syrian military unit has been moving stocks of poison gases and munitions to as many as 50 sites to make them harder for the U.S. to track, American and Middle Eastern officials said on Thursday.

The movements of chemical weapons by Syria's elite Unit 450 could complicate any U.S. bombing campaign in Syria over its chemical attacks, the officials told The Wall Street Journal .

Further, the activity raises questions about the implementation of a Russian proposal that calls for the regime to surrender control of its stockpiles, they said.

The U.S. estimates Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime has 1,000 metric tons of chemical and biological agents.

"That is what we know about," a senior U.S. official told the Journal. "There might be more."

U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies said they still believe they know where most of the chemical weapons are located, but with less confidence than six months ago.

Secretary of State John Kerry met on Thursday in Geneva with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to discuss a proposal by President Vladimir Putin to turn over the weapons to international control.

Kerry bluntly rejected a Syrian pledge to begin a "standard process" by turning over information rather than weapons — and nothing immediately.

Via: Newsmax

Experts Fear Backdoor Unionization in Tennessee

APA business’ attempt to collaborate with workers may provide an auto union a long-sought foothold in right-to-work Tennessee, which experts suggested could end up hurting employees.
United Auto Worker Region 8 director Gary Casteel claimed that a majority of the 2,500 workers at Volkswagen’s Chattanooga manufacturing facility had signed card check forms, which would grant the union exclusive representationrights at the facility.
This wasn’t a typical example of a union organizing: It was the company, not the union, that raised the issue of giving workers a voice in the plant’s operations.
VW, a German company, approached the Tennessee manufacturing plant earlier this month, hinting that it would not receive additional investments if it did not establish an European-model works council to represent employee interests.
“When I toured the Chattanooga plant and spoke with workers, I found little evidence of any job dissatisfaction … all anyone could talk about was the number of applicants and how lucky they felt to have such a good job,” one auto analyst told theWashington Free Beacon on condition of anonymity.
Works councils provide employees with direct representation to management in worker safety and plant operations. They differ from American unions in one respect, according to Lipscomb University economics professor Richard Grant.

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