Wednesday, December 18, 2013

[VIDEO] America Under Obamacare: The Reality Revealed

Its the worst possible scenerio

Join us tomorrow for a very special Google+ Hangout. The Heritage Foundation and The Washington Free Beacon have collaborated to bring you “America Under Obamacare: The Reality Revealed” at 10 a.m. ET.
Our all-star panel will discuss the hardship that Obamacare has caused for so many this holiday season. From the loss of health insurance plans to the struggles that small businesses face with rising costs, Obamacare is increasingly disliked by the American public

ObamaCare May Devastate the Real Estate and Travel Industries

Americans are among the most mobile people on earth, but ObamaCare may soon start freezing them in place. Millions are losing their health insurance policies and being forced onto the ObamaCare exchanges, where most plans only provide local medical coverage. As Americans realize they must pay for all non-emergency medical care when they leave their home county, their decisions may have a profound impact on the real-estate market, particularly the second home sector, and on the travel business.
I recently interviewed a woman I'll call Sue, whose story may become increasingly common. Sue, a 60-year-old retiree, and her husband bought a second home in South Carolina to escape the Connecticut winters. "I had a Blue Cross Blue Shield policy in Connecticut, and I used it with no problem in South Carolina. I found an internist and ophthalmologist and dermatologist down here, and kept the rest of my doctors up north."
"The price was reasonable. It cost me $450 a month, with a $2,500 deductible. It was slightly more for out of network; there was no co-pay, and I got my prescriptions filled in both states with no problem."
"Then I got the letter telling me that my policy would no longer exist, because it didn't comply with the new health care law. They wanted to transfer us into a new plan that doubled my premium to $900 a month. The deductible went up to $3,500, and it covered zero out of network."

Via: American Thinker

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Christmas Miracle Delivered by Courageous, Loyal dog

People of the day want to believe in Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, free stuff and whatever lies President Barack Obama is spouting, but few believe in miracles.

The Miracle on 34th Street was just a Hollywood movie, the miracle of the blind man and his loyal dog surviving the New York subway is the real thing.

Out of bustling New York City comes a miracle from subway tracks just one week before Christmas.

In possibly the best Christmas message ever delivered by the New York Post, 60-year-old blind man Cecil Williams and his going-on-11 black labrador guide dog, Orlando survived after being struck at the NYC subway.

“A brave seeing-eye dog loyally leaped to the subway tracks when his owner tumbled off a Harlem platform Wednesday—and they both survived getting run over by a train, according to witnesses.” (New York Post, Dec. 17, 2013)

Istook: ObamaCare Has Become A Never-Ending 'Opposite Day' By: Former Rep. Ernest Istook (R-Okla.)

featured-imgObamacare has become a never-ending Opposite Day — the opposite of what was promised:
By 14-to-1, more people have lost health insurance than gained it due to Obamacare. Millions more will lose coverage next year.
Health insurance is not more affordable; it’s more expensive despite Obama’s promised savings of $2,500 per family per year.
Even if you like your plan, you cannot choose whether to keep it.

Even if you like your doctors, you cannot choose whether to keep them.

Even if you enrolled in Obamacare, there’s a good chance the website lost your data, and you aren’t really enrolled.

This is the most open, transparent and honest White House in history, except when you have an important question.

Opposite Day is fun for young children, but it’s no joke to the estimated 7 million who so far have lost their health insurance due to Obamacare. For most, replacement coverage will cost thousands of dollars extra next year. There goes the family vacation. Or the kids’ braces. Or violin lessons. Or savings for college. Or all of the above.

Many have decided to go without insurance, so look for an onslaught of personal disasters next year when newly-uninsured families suffer emergency needs. Even worse, their ranks will grow from millions more whose group policies will be wiped out next year by the harsh requirements of Obamacare.

Follow the Money — Down the Drain

What if you were told there is a corrupt dictatorship on the other side of the world where government officials are using US foreign aid to build palatial mansions for themselves, diverting money intended to feed poor children and spending billions with no oversight or accountability?
Unfortunately, these examples are not from a remote foreign land, but from right here in California. And you, California taxpayers, are footing the bill.
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Foundation has just released “Follow the Money 2013,” a report chronicling some of the highest profile government waste, fraud and abuse uncovered this year. Added together, the examples in this document amount to tens of billions of dollars.
There seems to be no limit on the irresponsible behavior of some politicians and bureaucrats when it comes to spending OPM (Other People’s Money). “Follow the Money 2013” shows they are paying millions to drug rehab clinics with histories of questionable billing practices, giving elected officials bonuses just for being reelected, spending hundreds of millions of dollars on outside consultants, and much, much more.
While the report profiles numerous high profile scandals discovered in 2013, it also raises an even more compelling question: if these examples were all exposed in the course of the last year, how much additional waste is still hiding in the shadows? Could the billions that we know were squandered, just be the tip of an even larger iceberg of titanic waste?
Taxpayers can expect 2014 to bring new efforts by the Sacramento politicians to saddle our high-unemployment economy with billions in tax increases, including proposals to repeal portions of Prop. 13 to satisfy their insatiable hunger for more revenue.
They will say regular citizens need to sacrifice so that the state can afford to provide quality services we all care about, such as education and public safety. That’s why now is the right time to ask whether they’ve spent the money we’ve already given them responsibly.

Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

obamaPresident Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.
Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.
The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation. 
Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.
Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.
Via: Business Insider

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Obama adviser sorry for comparing GOP to Jonestown cult

AP Obama Podesta_001John Podesta was just named as a new senior-level adviser to President Obama last week, but he's already ruffling Republican feathers.
In a profile published late Tuesday by Politico Magazine, Podesta is quoted comparing Republicans to the infamous cult led by Jim Jones, who was responsible for the 1978 cyanide poisoning of more than 900 of his followers in Guyana.
"They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress," said Podesta of what Obama's White House team faces. Jonestown was the informal name of the settlement founded by Jones and his American followers.
On Wednesday, Podesta apologized for his impolitic comment.
"In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment. I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected," Podesta posted on his Twitter account.
The Jonestown incident marked one of the most horrific mass killings in American history.
Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif., who had traveled to the settlement after receiving alarming reports of conditions there from constituents, was shot dead by cult members as the congressman's delegation readied to fly out of Guyana with some members of the cult who wanted to leave. Current Rep. Jackie Speier, who was then an aide to Ryan, was wounded in the incident.
The author of the profile, Glenn Thrush, writes Podesta made the comment in an interview in the fall before Obama recruited the former Clinton administration chief of staff to join his team.

[CARTOON] Obamacare Had A Great Fall

Via: California Political Review

[VIDEO] Harry Reid Is Taking a Taxpayer Subsidy to Buy His Obamacare Plan

( - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.), whose salary is $193,400 a year, said he has purchased a health care plan through the D.C. Obamacare exchange and that he is accepting the federal subsidy that can run up up to $11,378 per year for a member of Congress to purchase a plan.
Private citizens buying an insurance plan in an Obamacare exchange can only get a federal subsidy if their income is less than 400 percent of the poverty level--which equals $94,200 for a family of four. asked Reid on Wednesday at the Capitol if he had purchased a health care plan through the D.C. exchange.
“Yes, I have,” he said. then asked Reid if he would accept the federal subsidy to help pay for that plan.
“Yes, I am,” Reid said.
Finally, asked if he thought accepting the subsidy was the right thing to do.
“I’m just like 150 million other people in America,” Reid said. “My employer helps me pay for my health care.”
Via: CNS News
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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reports of erroneous WA health exchange debits

For the second week in a row, the Washington Healthplanfinder website is down, and it's causing problems for people who are dealing with billing issues. Some of them say the website is mistakenly debiting their accounts.
Shannon Bruner of Indianola logged on to her checking account Monday morning, and found she was almost 800 dollars in the negative.
“The first thing I thought was, ‘I got screwed,’” she said.
The Bruners enrolled for insurance on the Washington Healthplanfinder website, last October. They say they selected the bill pay date to be December 24th. Instead the Washington Healthplanfinder drafted the 835 dollar premium Monday.
Josh Bruner started his own business this year as an engineering recruiter. They said it’s forced them to pay a lot of attention to their bills and their bank accounts.
“Big knot in my gut because we're trying to keep it together,” said Shannon Bruner. “It's important to me that this kind of stuff doesn't happen.”
They're not alone.
One viewer emailed KING 5 saying, "They drafted my account this morning for a second time."
Another woman on Facebook with a similar problem commented, "We are all in the same boat."

Efforts to enroll young in ObamaCare heads to Air Jordan debuts, late-night haunts

District of Columbia officials are recruiting young residents this weekend to enroll in ObamaCare by showing up where they “party by night and shop by day.”

Officials on Saturday visited two Footlocker stores where Nike’s exclusive Air Jordan 12 “Taxi” sneakers were going on sale. And they are scheduled to visit two Denny’s restaurants from 2 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday.
“My motto is ‘Get them health care while you get them Jordans,” DC Health Links representative Vanessa Brooks told Fox News outside a Footlocker in the city’s downtown.
“Get some health care to go along with them taxis, OK?” Brooks told those at the store. “You got to have it. And you need it.”
The Obama administration and other supporters of the Affordable Care Act have worked hard since enrollment started in October to connect with young people, knowing their participation will help cover the cost of the elderly and others who need more medical care.

[VIDEO] Thousands of Obamacare sign-ups disappear into black hole

Nearly 15,000 enrollment records from Americans trying to sign up for Obamacare never made it to insurers — but the federal government does not know which records never made it to which insurer.
The federal analysis merely compares the number of times Obamacare enrollees clicked “enroll” to the number of plans sent to insurers, according to The Washington Post. Consumers who send the vanishing enrollments, or “orphan files,” are not notified that their information has not been processed and an insurer did not receive sensitive financial and health-related data, meaning that they could be in for an unpleasant surprise when the Dec. 23 deadline — the last day for customers to sign up for health insurance — comes and goes.
But government officials insist that less than one percent of enrollments disappeared into cyberspace since early December, even though their data does not include duplicated and erroneous enrollments.
he Health and Human Services Department needs 7 million Americans to enroll within six months of’s launch to fund the exchanges, but only 365,000 Americans have signed up since the end of November, a drastic shortfall.
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[CARTOON] New Filibuster Rules


Maine wreaths go to Arlington cemetery

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PORTLAND, Maine — Thousands of Maine-made wreaths are being distributed at Arlington National Cemetery.

All told, 11 truckloads of greenery from Worcester Wreath Co. made their way to the cemetery outside Washington, D.C. Maine first lady Ann LePage planned to be on hand Saturday as the wreaths are laid on headstones.

All told, the nonprofit Wreaths Across America expects to ship 470,000 to 500,000 wreaths to adorn veterans' graves this holiday season. Last-minute donations bumped the number of Arlington wreaths from 100,000 to 120,000.

U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King say the Senate has passed a resolution designating Saturday as "Wreaths Across America Day."

Obamacare’s 19 New Californias

If you try to understand Obamacare, you’re guaranteed to get a nation-sized headache. (I tried, and I did.) Federal and state government officials have a mess on their hands, and nearly every statement you can make about the law comes with 17 qualifications. But here’s some health advice for Californians: take two aspirin—and stop thinking of Obamacare as a national story.
The Affordable Care Act created a lot of new health insurance marketplaces, and the secret is that they’re not really federal or state entities. They’re regional.
For the purposes of selling insurance to individuals and small groups, California’s government divided the state into 19 regions, each with different insurance prices and subsidies based on demographic and economic data. If you’ve heard about the “state insurance exchange” in the media, it doesn’t refer to one market. In California, it refers to 19 different regional markets. Obamacare’s impact will differ across Californian communities, often in unpredictable ways. Unless you’re a policy buff, you’re probably best off if you stick to understanding your own market.
The reason for the 19 regions is that the ACA prohibited insurers from using your health as a basis for denying coverage or determining insurance rates. That left insurers with two ways to set your insurance prices—your age and your place of residence. Healthcare costs differ from region to region—both because of differences among hospitals and other health providers and because of health differences among populations. Therefore, insurance premiums will now differ along regional lines.
Why 19 regions? Under Obamacare, every state is required to divide its insurance markets into a minimum number of regions—essentially, one per Metropolitan Statistical Area, or media market. In some states, however, insurers have lobbied for even more regions than required by law, and the federal government has generally signed off on these changes. In California, lawmakers considered plans for as few as six regions before eventually expanding the number to 19 regions. (We’re not the only state with more regions than usual; Texas, determined to be bigger in everything, has 26, and South Carolina, determined to be crazier in everything, has 46, one for each county.)
Via: California Political Review
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Have Los Angeles Teachers Unions Gone Too Far?

The American Federation of Teachers sponsored a “day of action” Monday to ostensibly shed light on educational issues. Teachers throughout the country — with varying success — staged demonstrations discussing a laundry list of union priorities. Its state affiliate here is the California Federation of Teaches.
In California, where unions have long wielded more influence than in most states, the protests took an interesting turn. That is, Los Angeles teachers mostly just focused on themselves — not students.
Los Angeles teachers, who are relatively powerful, drew light to a very specific issue, one they are facing heat for (even from Democratic legislators). The Los Angeles Times reported that United Teachers Los Angeles members protested “against the conditions under which the L.A. Unified School District handles teachers who are facing allegations of misconduct.”
L.A. Unified teachers are represented by both the CFT and the larger California Teachers Association.
The union members held “vigils” for teachers who were spending time in Los Angeles Unified School District offices because of their impending misconduct cases. The union focused on defending teachers plausibly accused of wrongdoing — from sexual misconduct to aggressive behavior against students.
One teacher, explaining the protest, asked the Times, “What kind of school district removes a teacher from the classroom if a 13-year-old said so?”
The protests are a response to a crackdown on misbehaving teachers. After the district was forced to pay Miramonte Elementary teacher Mark Berndt — who sexually molested countless children and photographed them ingesting his bodily fluids — $40,000 to settle his case, the district opened up hundreds of cases against teachers. Those protesting said that the district had gone too far and was no longer defending students, but attacking teachers.

ObamaCare Is A Lump Of Coal For Employers

On The 7th Day Of ObamaCare, Democrats Gave To Me … Businesses-A-Closing


Obama Promised That ObamaCare Would Provide “Cost-Savings” To Employers That Could Result In Raises For Employees. OBAMA: “Americans who get their insurance through the workplace, cost-savings could be as much as $3,000 less per employer than if we do nothing. Now, think about that. That’s $3,000 your employer doesn’t have to pay, which means maybe she can afford to give you a raise.” (Barack Obama, Remarks At George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 3/19/10)


According To A July Chamber Of Commerce Poll, ObamaCare Now “Surpasses Economic Uncertainty As The Top Worry For Small Business Owners.” “Small business owners’ concern about the economy remained steady this quarter; however, their concern about the 2010 health care bill rose significantly in the past quarter and for the third quarter in a row (from 42% in January to 49% in June). Since June 2011, anxiety about the requirements of the law has increased by 10-points since and now surpasses economic uncertainty as the top worry for small business owners.” Harris Interactive/U.S. Chamber Of Commerce , 1,304 Small Business Executives, MoE 2.5 %, 6/21/13-7/8/13)
A Separate IFA Poll Shows That “Sixty-Four (64) Percent Of Business Decision-Makers In Franchise-Owned Businesses And 53 Percent Of Non-Franchisee-Owned Businesses Believe The ACA Will Have A Negative Impact On Their Businesses.” IFA/U.S. Chamber Of Commerce/Public Opinion Strategies , 414 Franchise-Owned And Non-Franchised Owned Businesses With 40 To 500 Employees, 11/13/13)
“Twenty-Nine (29) Percent Of Franchise And 41 Percent Of Non-Franchise Businesses Are Already Seeing Health Care Costs Increase Due To The Law.” IFA/U.S. Chamber Of Commerce/Public Opinion Strategies , 414 Franchise-Owned And Non-Franchised Owned Businesses With 40 To 500 Employees, 11/13/13)
The IFA Poll Shows That “The Employer Mandate Will Almost Double The Percentage Of Franchise-Owned Businesses And More Than Triple The Percentage Of Non-Franchise Businesses That Will Not Offer Health Care.” “Twenty-eight (28) percent of franchise and non-franchise businesses surveyed report that the employer mandate will mean they will drop coverage for their employees. In effect, among this segment of businesses, the employer mandate will almost double the percentage of franchise-owned businesses and more than triple the percentage of non-franchise businesses that will not offer health care.” (IFA/U.S. Chamber Of Commerce/Public Opinion Strategies , 414 Franchise-Owned And Non-Franchised Owned Businesses With 40 To 500 Employees, 11/13/13)
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