Sunday, June 21, 2015


On Thursday, President Barack Obama pledged: “I am committed to taking bold actions at home and abroad to cut carbon pollution.” On Friday, the President told a gathering of the nation’s mayors in San Francisco that they had to prepare for climate change. On Saturday, he flew on Air Force One to Palm Springs, where on Sunday he is playing golf at Sunnylands.

The president’s golf trip comes as Californians struggle with an extreme drought that has prompted Gov. Jerry Brown to issue the state’s first-ever mandatory water cuts. The Coachella Valley’s “water guzzling” golf courses have faced particular criticism, though they rely on their own large aquifer, and many have implemented water-saving reforms in recent years.
The White House wants Americans to know the president cares about the drought: “White House spokesman Eric Schultz responds that many courses have taken water mitigation steps aimed at conservation,” the Associated Press reports. “Schultz says Obama discussed the drought with California Gov. Jerry Brown in a meeting in San Francisco Friday.”
Still, at the end of his Father’s Day retreat, the president will climb aboard his taxpayer-funded aircraft and burn another trail of “carbon pollution.” If Obama truly believes that “we have a profound responsibility to protect our children, and our children’s children, from the damaging impacts of climate change,”  he has a rather roundabout way of showing it.


Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” former Gov. Rick Perry (R-TX) reacted to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accusing Republicans of intentionally attempting to disenfranchise voters based on race, age and poverty level and said she insulted the people of Texas who overwhelmingly supported the law.
Perry said, “Well, I think it’s way outside the norm of ridiculous, if you want to know the truth of the matter, to call out the people of the state of Texas, that’s what she did, I just happened to be the governor that signed that legislation and support it, and the vast majority of the people of Texas support it, and what Secretary Clinton did was saying the state of Texas didn’t.”
He continued, “Why would you say that you need a photo id to get a library book or to get on an airplane? This is a state issue, and this is an issue that the people that the state of Texas overwhelmingly support. so you know, I don’t know who she is playing to, but she is not playing to the people of Texas and I don’t think she is playing to the Americans that believe that the sanctity of the vote is really important and you need to have a photo id to go and vote. And the people of Texas wanted it, and whichever state Hillary Clinton considers to be her home state, she goes home and argues there to not to have it.”
“I think we make it pretty easy in the state of Texas for people to vote. again, I don’t know what her beef is with the people of the state of Texas about voter id but I think she is on the wrong side of the issue,” he added.

Is Michelle self-cast in ‘underdog’ role recruiting for next revolution activists?

 Okay, we get the picture the mainstream sends.  First Lady Michelle Obama is so much in demand as a celebrity that she gets to sip tea at will with Prince Harry at Kensington Palace and merits “an affectionate reunion” with Barack “bro” Prime Minister David Cameron and his Mrs. on the steps of Downing Street.

Oh, the powers protocol bestows on the wife,  daughter and even the mother-in-law of a president.  Just as the rarified gentry of the Victorian era, when matrons waited at home for other mavens to come calling, world leaders long ago took for themselves, the same unalienable rights.

The big picture the mainstream media never shows is the gallivanting Michelle serving up her trademark malicious menu of malcontent, the one that focuses on everything negative and that potentially feeds the festering resentment of today’s restless youth.

But then again Michelle’s incurable state of ‘Me-ism’ is not a pretty picture.

As keynote speaker at graduation ceremonies, like the one at King College Prep High School in Chicago’s South Side this year,  she offered no hope, no inspiration to eager young graduates going out into the world.  Instead, she spun again the sorry tale of how her and her husband suffered at the hands of a supposedly racist society:

“I know the struggles many of you face, how you walk the long way home to avoid the gangs; how you fight to concentrate on your schoolwork when there’s too much noise at home; how you keep it together when your family’s having a hard time making ends meet. But more importantly, I know the strength of this community.” 

[NEWS CONFERENCE] New Orleans Police Capture Suspect Wanted In Fatal Shooting Of Officer…

Police have captured the suspect accused of killing a New Orleans police officer while handcuffed in the back of his police car on the way to jail.
Travis Boys, 33, was apprehended before 9 a.m. while trying to board a bus, sources told TV Station WDSU.
Police said Boys was handcuffed and en route Orleans Parish Prison when he was able to free himself from his handcuffs and shoot 45-year-old Daryle Holloway, a 22-year veteran with the department.
“They’re taking it pretty hard,” Holloway’s ex-wife Nicole Holloway told the Daily News of their three teenagers. “I took my youngest daughter shopping for Father’s Day gifts yesterday. She had all these gifts waiting to give him tomorrow. She made sure her dad was taken care of for tomorrow.”

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Breitbart Exclusive — Mark Levin: Boehner’s Retaliation Against Conservatives Means Open Warfare, Time To Take Him Down

It’s time for conservatives to take out House Speaker 
Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)
 and all of his comrades in primaries, nationally syndicated radio host, New York Times bestselling author, and conservative movement thought leader Mark Levin argues in an exclusive comment to Breitbart News.

Levin’s comments come after Boehner’s retaliation against conservatives hit a new low this weekend, with a report from Politico about how House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform chairman 

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)
—playing along with Boehner’s scheme to attack Republicans for voting their conscience—removed 
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC)
 as the chairman of a subcommittee on his full committee. Levin even compared Boehner to 20th century Communist Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin and how he cleansed his government of all dissent.

“Speaker Boehner’s and Congressman Chaffetz’s removal of Meadows is the latest in a series of ideologically-driven attacks on conservatives. Boehner seems to think he’s Stalin cleaning out all opposition in the Kremlin,” Levin said. “No Republican Speaker in recent times has behaved with less integrity in his wielding of power.”
Levin said that Boehner, House Majority Leader 

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
, and Majority Whip 
Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA)
—and more—each need to be removed by Republicans across the country in primaries in 2016. He says this is because the leadership has failed to learn the proper lessons from the astronomical defeat of now former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in 2014 in a primary against now Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA), the first time in U.S. history a sitting House Majority Leader was defeated in a primary. The position of majority leader was created in the late 1800s, so that means this never happened for more than a century—and Levin is calling out GOP leadership for failing to learn from the unprecedented event.

“Obviously, the lessons of Eric Cantor’s humiliating loss have not resonated with Boehner, McCarthy, and Scalise,” Levin said. “The only solution is for Conservatives to husband their resources and target these three in the coming Republican primaries. Conservatives need to find serious candidates and raise funds nationwide to defeat them. Let them fight for their political careers as our response to their disgusting and pathetic behavior.”
For primaries, Boehner already has an opponent declared—J.D. Winteregg. Winteregg ran against Boehner last cycle and didn’t win, but he is getting even more aggressive this time around.

Parishioners gather for emotional return to Charleston church

CHARLESTON, S.C. — The Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church threw open its doors for Sunday morning service, as heavyhearted worshipers filed into the same sanctuary where nine of their fellow parishioners were slaughtered nearly four days ago.
The organ played “Amazing Grace” as 400 seats inside historic black church were filled by worshipers who vowed that a racist gunman would not break their faith.
“I woke up at 6 a.m. and I was determined to come here. In spite of what happened, the strength still remains in our unity,” said Eva Bryant, 55, with her 10-year-old granddaughter Demiyah in tow.
“I brought my granddaughter because I want her to see all races coming together and know that just because one bad thing happens, you don’t shut yourself from the world. Being active is important and so is showing our support for the victims’ families.”

Via: New York Post

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Tensions build as Supreme Court readies blockbuster rulings

By Lawrence Hurley
Gay marriage supporters hold a gay rights flag in front of the Supreme Court before a hearing about gay marriage in Washington April 28, 2015. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Tensions are building inside and outside the white marble facade of the U.S. Supreme Court building as the nine justices prepare to issue major rulings on gay marriage and President Barack Obama's healthcare law by the end of the month.
Of the 11 cases left to decide, the biggest are a challenge by gay couples to state laws banning same-sex marriage and a conservative challenge to subsidies provided under the Obamacare law to help low- and middle-income people buy health insurance that could lead to millions of people losing medical coverage.
Many legal experts predict the court will legalize gay marriage nationwide by finding that the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of equal treatment under the law and due process prohibit states from banning same-sex nuptials.
The four liberal justices are expected to support same-sex marriage, and conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy, the expected swing vote, has a history of backing gay rights.
In three key decisions since 1996, Kennedy has broadened the court's view of equality for gays. The most recent was a 2013 case in which the court struck down a federal law denying benefits to married same-sex couples.
During oral arguments in the gay marriage case on April 28, Kennedy posed tough questions to lawyers from both sides but stressed the nobility and dignity of same-sex couples.
The healthcare decision is tougher to call. Chief Justice John Roberts, the swing vote when the court upheld Obamacare in 2012, said little during the March 4 oral argument to indicate how he will vote.
The court will issue some rulings on Monday, with more likely later in the week.
For the justices, the pressure is on to have the rulings ready. That can be difficult as the cases in which they are closely divided are generally the ones left until the end.
Outside the court, those with a stake in the outcome of the rulings are left anxiously waiting.
James Obergefell, one of the plaintiffs in the gay marriage case, said he will be at the court for all the remaining decision days.
Obergefell sued Ohio, challenging its ban on same-sex marriages, after the state refused to acknowledge his marriage to John Arthur on Arthur's death certificate. They were married in Maryland, a state that allows gay marriages, just months before Arthur died in 2013.

EPA’s New Fuel Regulations Will Avert 0.0026 Degrees Of Warming

The EPA’s new carbon dioxide regulations for heavy trucks is meant to help the U.S. meet its goal of reducing emissions to fight global warming.
What do you think?

There’s just one problem: CO2 regulations on heavy trucks will have little to no impact on global warming over the next 85 years, according to the EPA’s own analysis.
What do you think?

The EPA says limiting carbon dioxide from heavy trucks will reduce emissions by more than 1 billion metric tons by 2050. Cutting CO2, the agency says, will create up to $34 billion in “climate benefits” along with up to $40 billion from reducing traditional pollutants. Regulating heavy trucks are part of the Obama administration’s goal of reducing U.S. CO2 emissions 80 percent by 2050.
What do you think?

Sounds like Obama administration regulations will accomplish a lot. Well, not really. The EPA’s own analysis found that by 2100 “the global mean temperature is projected to be reduced by approximately 0.0026 to 0.0065°C, and global mean sea level rise is projected to be reduced by approximately 0.023 to 0.057 cm.”
What do you think?

Source: U.S. EPA
Source: U.S. EPA
What do you think?
To put that into context, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts temperature rises of between 1.8 and 4.8 degrees Celsius and expects sea levels to rise 23 to 56 centimeters from 1990 to 2100. That means CO2 regulations for heavy trucks would only reduce warming by a fraction of what it’s projected to be — and that’s assuming EPA’s models are correct.
What do you think?

Via: Daily Caller

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That Time Rachel Dolezal Said A White Scholar Had No Business Speaking About Racism

Have we found Time’s Person Of The Year? As a colleague of mine said concerning the whole Rachel Dolezal fiasco, “she's the gift that keeps on giving.” In this case, she didn’t want Tim Wise, an antiracism scholar, to come to Eastern Washington University, where she was an adjunct professor teaching Africana Studies. Regardless, he delivered his lecture on February 24. Wise recounted what has become a bizarre incident concerning Dolezal to the International Business Times [emphasis mine]:
There's a professor in the Africana Studies department who doesn't think you should come and speak because, as a white person, you have no authority to speak about racism or issues that affect black people," Wise told International Business Times he was informed by the department head. He learned who that professor was the day the Dolezal story broke when he got a text from the department head revealing that it was Dolezal who had objected to his visit.
"For a real black person to have that perspective, although I disagree, I understand it," Wise told IBTimes. "But for this woman to say I don't have the authority as a white person [to talk about racism], it's like, well, I guess if I put on a spray tan and pretend to be black, she would say, OK, please come on down."
Wise went on to give his talk on February 24, entitled "Combating Racism: From Ferguson to the voting booth to the border," and prefaced his remarks by making clear -- joking that it was already visible -- that he was speaking as a white man.
Oh wait; there’s more:
Dolezal was quoted in the Gonzaga Bulletin as saying that her primary reason for disliking the film "The Help" was all the profit its white author Kathryn Stockett was making. "Follow the money trail," Dolezal said. "A white woman makes millions off of a black woman's story."
In January, Rosa Clemente, a black Puerto Rican community organizer, activist, and journalist, who was vice presidential running mate of Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney in 2008, was invited to speak at EWU. The night before Clemente's talk, at a dinner with EWU faculty that included Dolezal, the conversation turned to the Black Lives Matter movement and police brutality. In a Facebook post, Clemente wrote of Dolezal, "She was very clear that BLM movement should only be for Black i.e. African Americans only. I disagreed."
"It was so twisted because Rosa Clemente, yes, she's Latina, but she's also black," Wise told IBTimes. "There are black Latinas, which apparently Rachel Dolezal doesn't get. They're not mutually exclusive categories. This is someone who seeks to police the boundaries of blackness -- and she makes sure that she's within the circle."
 Via: Townhall

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Confederate Flag Sets off Debate in GOP 2016 Class

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney called for the immediate removal of the Confederate battle flag from outside the South Carolina Statehouse, scrambling the 2016 Republican presidential contenders into staking a position on a contentious cultural issue.
Some still steered clear from the sensitive debate, even after the shooting deaths of nine people in a historic African-American church in Charleston further exposed the raw emotions about the flying the flag.

Many see the Confederate flag as "a symbol of racial hatred," the GOP's 2012 presidential nominee tweeted on Saturday. "Remove it now to honor #Charleston victims."
Romney joins President Barack Obama and civil rights leaders in calling for the flag to come down as the nation grapples with Wednesday's murders. The man charged with the crimes, Dylann Storm Roof, held the Confederate flag in a photograph on a website and displayed the flags of defeated white-supremacist governments in Africa on his Facebook page.
So far, most of the Republican Party's leading 2016 presidential contenders have been silent on flying the Stars and Bars.

South Carolina was the last state to fly the Confederate battle flag from its Capitol dome. A compromise in 2000 moved the flag to a 30-foot flagpole elsewhere on Statehouse grounds, where it has been flying at full staff.

The debate holds political risks for Republicans eager to win over South Carolina conservatives who support the display of the battle flag on public grounds. The state will host the nation's third presidential primary contest in February, a critical step in the 2016 race.
Via: Newsmax

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Nevada’s Common Core Tests Turn Into Costly Fiasco

A new, online standardized test designed to test Nevada schoolchildren on Common Core standards has been a huge fiasco in its first year, with the vast majority of students unable to event complete the test. The failure could expose the state to federal sanctions.
Under No Child Left Behind, states are supposed to test children in grades 3-8 each year in mathematics and reading. At least 95 percent of students must take the tests, or else a state can face federal sanctions such as a loss of millions of dollars in funds.
Nevada, on the other hand, was only able to test 37 percent of the 213,000 students it was supposed to, thanks to a cascade of glitches and computer problems that left students unable to complete their exams. In Clark County, which contains the Las Vegas metro area and over half the state’s students, only 5 percent were successfully tested.
Because so few were tested, Nevada’s department of education says it will be unable to issue grades for individual schools based on performance, like it is supposed to. The failure means Nevada is at risk of losing millions in federal funding, but such sanctions are unlikely in this case because the state made an honest effort that simply undone by technical shortfalls.
Blame for the fiasco is being placed squarely with the groups chosen to produce Nevada’s tests: the Smarter Balanced testing consortium, which is supposed to organize similar Common Core tests for member states, and the company it hired, Measured Progress. Measured Progress attempted to administer its test entirely via computer, but its servers were not up to the task of handling thousands of test-takers at once. Despite providing schools a testing window of nearly three months to avoid overloading, there were still repeated crashes that left students unable to make any progress. In response, Nevada has accused Measured Progress of breaching its $4 million contract with the state.
Even though it designed the tests, Measured Progress has tried to deflect the blame, pointing a finger back at Smarter Balanced instead. They claim the consortium provided an online testing platform which proved to be inadequate and unpredictable.
Via: Daily Caller

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

Hillary Finally Breaks Her Silence On A Huge Issue By Stabbing Obama In The Back


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said she would “probably not” vote for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) if she was still in the Senate today. TPA is legislation championed by both the Republican leadership and President Obama.
In an interview on KNPB with Nevada political reporter Jon Ralston Thursday, Clinton reiterated her history in the upper chamber of having voted for and against free trade agreements. “I try to make a judgment based on the merits and when I was in the Senate there were a number of trade agreements that I thought were good, I said okay I’ll vote for them, and others not,” Clinton said.
TPA passed for the second time in the House Thursday, making its way to the Senate. The bill has a few procedural mountains to climb before it can get to Obama’s desk. When Ralston asked the former first lady point blank if she would vote yes or no on TPA when it comes to the Senate, Clinton answered in the negative:
At this point, probably not because it’s a process vote and I don’t want to say it’s the same as TPP.  Right now I’m focused on making sure we get trade adjustment assistance and I certainly would not vote for it unless I were absolutely confident we would get trade adjustment assistance.
TPP refers to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country trade agreement between the United States and Asian and Central American countries which would surely be presented to Congress if TPA is renewed. Earlier in the interview, Clinton expressed some concerns with TPP:
It’s only available to people who go to a certain room in the Capitol Hill Complex and they can’t show it to their aides and they can’t even take notes on it, so all I can judge is what people are coming out and telling me and even in my book, Hard Choices, last summer, I said I have real doubt about this so called investor state dispute settlement agreement, which basically means you run a big company, pick a big Asian company of some sort from one of the countries in the agreement and you want to import some kind of food and the local officials, say in Nevada, say, you know what?
That doesn’t meet our standards.
“Or the FDA says it, somebody says it, and so you then say wait a minute, under this trade agreement I should be able to do that, so I demand one of these dispute settlement determinations,” continued Clinton. “Who’s in the room?  Maybe I’m an expert on health and running a hygiene program in Nevada.  Maybe I’m the person who oversees the big casinos’ health standards.”

Hispanic lawmakers call on Trump to apologize

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus called on Donald Trump to apologize for incendiary comments he made toward Mexicans during his presidential campaign announcement speech earlier this week.
In a blistering statement Friday afternoon, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) said she and fellow lawmakers were “outraged” by his comments that she said “perpetuate hateful stereotypes toward the Latino community.”
“Donald Trump owes an apology to the millions of Mexicans in this country who have contributed their talents towards making the United States the envy of the world,” Sanchez said.
During his presidential campaign announcement speech at the Trump Tower in New York City, Trump suggested that Mexicans immigrating illegally to the U.S. were dangerous.
“The U.S. has become the dumping ground for everybody else’s problems,” Trump said.
“They’re sending people who have lots of problems,” he said. “They bring in drugs, they bring in crime, they’re rapists. I assume some are good people.”
“It’s got to stop, and it has got to stop fast,” Trump added. 
Sanchez warned that comments like Trump’s could cause extreme attitudes that lead to violence like the mass shooting in Charleston, S.C., this week. A gunman allegedly opened fire during a Bible study at a historic black church in what federal authorities are calling a hate crime.
“It's this kind of incendiary rhetoric which can lead to acts of violence. The most recent shooting in Charleston, South Carolina and the fatal stabbing of an Ecuadorian immigrant in Suffolk County, New York are examples of the incendiary acts that can result from hateful speech,” Sanchez said.
“True leaders find ways to unite the community and bring people together. Anyone seeking the highest office should denounce such bigoted and erroneous views,” she added.
Capitol Hill Republicans indicated this week they’re largely fine with Trump’s entry into the race, even though he may qualify for the first presidential primary debate and force other candidates off the stage.

Are Obamacare’s 22 Health Insurance Co-ops Near Financial Collapse?

Ominous signs are proliferating among 22 Obamacare health insurance co-ops of imminent financial collapses that could leave more than a million Americans without coverage, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group analysis.

All but one of the federally funded co-ops are experiencing accelerating net losses. President Obama’s signature health care reform program established the co-ops to provide non-profit competition to private sector health insurance providers.

Many of the 22 co-ops could soon follow an Obamacare co-op that defaulted earlier this year, suffering $163 million in operating losses in a single year.  That collapse left 120,000 customers without coverage on Christmas Eve.

“We’re certainly going to have fewer co-op’s by the end of the year,” Thomas Miller, a resident health care fellow at the American Enterprise Institute think tank, told DCNF.
New figures compiled by Miller and Marie-Grace Turner, president of the Galen Institute, show that net losses for the co-ops reached a record $614 million in 2014. Both AEI and Galen are Obamacare critics.

The figure is nearly three times the $234 million in losses suffered through the first three quarters of 2014 as reported by Standards & Poor’s in a February 2015  report.  It means that the burn rate for the experimental Obamacare co-ops is quickening.

“All but one of the co-ops,” S&P noted, “reported negative net income through the first three quarters of 2014.”

Insurance ratings firm A.M. Best also warned in January that as of September 30, 2014, “the ratio of surplus notes outstanding to capital and surplus exceeded 100% for all of the co-ops.”

Arizona’s Meritus Mutual Health Partners co-op has long-term loans that are nearly 1,000 percent of the value of its capital and surplus, according to A.M. Best.

S&P identified the co-ops suffering the worst capital ratios as those in Illinois, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Maryland.

The Community Health Alliance co-op in Tennessee reported that it’s net losses were 314% of its federal funding, according to the S&P report.

Via: Spectacle Blog

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