Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Obama-Clinton's New War On Wages

Obama-Clinton's New War On Wages | GOP

Obama And Clinton's New Clean Power Plan Threatens Wages, Jobs, And States' Electric Grids


Clinton Called Obama's Flawed Clean Power Plan (CPP) A "Significant Step Forward"

Clinton Has Vowed To Defend And "Build On" Obama's New Clean Power Plan If Elected President, Calling It A "Significant Step Forward." "Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton pledged Sunday that if elected she will build on a new White House clean energy program and defend it against those she called 'Republican doubters and defeatists.' Clinton was the first 2016 candidate to respond to the ambitious plan that President Obama will debut on Monday. Details of the program, which aims to cut greenhouse-gas pollution, were released over the weekend. The new regulation will require every state to reduce emissions from coal-burning power plants. In a statement Sunday, Clinton called the plan 'a significant step forward in meeting the urgent threat of climate change.'" (Anne Gearan, "Hillary Clinton Promises To Build On Obama Climate Plan As President," The Washington Post , 8/2/15)


The United Mine Workers Of America Predict Job Losses Of 75,000

United Mine Workers Of America's President Cecil Roberts: "The proposed rule issued today by the Environmental Protection Agency will lead to long-term and irreversible job losses for thousands of coal miners, electrical workers, utility workers, boilermakers, railroad workers and others without achieving any significant reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions." ( Press Release, "EPA Existing Source Emissions Rule Puts American Jobs At Risk, Does Nothing To Address Climate Change," United Mine Workers Of America, 6/2/14)
Analysis From The UMWA Show A Direct Loss Of 75,000 Jobs In Coal Generation By 2020, Because Of CPP. "'Our initial analysis indicates that there will be a loss of 75,000 direct coal generation jobs in the United States by 2020. Those are jobs primarily in coal mines, power plants, and railroads.'" Press Release, "EPA Existing Source Emissions Rule Puts American Jobs At Risk, Does Nothing To Address Climate Change," United Mine Workers Of America, 6/2/14)
"By 2035, Those Job Losses Will More Than Double To 152,000," A 50 Percent Cut In "Well-Paying, Highly Skilled Jobs. "'By 2035, those job losses will more than double to 152,000. That amounts to about a 50 percent cut in these well-paying, highly skilled jobs. When a U.S. government economic multiplier used to calculate the impact of job losses is applied to the entire economy, we estimate that the total impact will be about 485,000 permanent jobs lost.'" ( Press Release, "EPA Existing Source Emissions Rule Puts American Jobs At Risk, Does Nothing To Address Climate Change," United Mine Workers Of America, 6/2/14)

The Left-Leaning Economic Policy Institute's Review Of The CPP Show That Job Losses Will Be "Geographically Concentrated"

Economic Policy Institute's Josh Bivens Authored A Report That Showed How Jobs Losses From Obama's Climate Plan Would Be "Geographically Concentrated." "Gross job losses are likely to be geographically concentrated, raising the challenge of ensuring a fair transition for workers in sectors likely to contract due to the CPP." (Josh Bivens, "A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Employment Impacts Of The EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan," Economic Policy Institute, 6/9/15)
This Movement Away From Coal-Fired Power Will Lead To "Significant Declines" In Coal Mining Jobs. "The switch from coal-fired generation will lead to a reduction in demand for coal, and subsequent significant declines in both the short and long term for coal mining jobs." (Josh Bivens, "A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Employment Impacts Of The EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan," Economic Policy Institute, 6/9/15)
  • By 2025, Coal Mining Jobs Will Be Reduced By Over 15,000. "In 2020, coal extraction employment is down 12,600 jobs relative to the non-CPP baseline. This means that employment in coal mining is lower by 12,600 jobs than would otherwise be expected in that year because of the CPP. In 2025, coal extraction employment is down 15,300 jobs relative to the baseline." (Josh Bivens, "A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Employment Impacts Of The EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan," Economic Policy Institute, 6/9/15)
Wages Will Decline In Reaction To Rising Energy Prices. "There will also be supply-side reductions as the (slight) decline in real wages spurred by rising energy prices affects labor supply decisions." (Josh Bivens, "A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Employment Impacts Of The EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan," Economic Policy Institute, 6/9/15)
The Report Also Shows How Electricity Rates Will Be Raised, Affecting Employment. "Another channel through which the CPP could affect employment that is missing from EPA estimates concerns the effect of electricity price increases. The CPP is estimated to raise electricity prices by 5 percent in 2020, and by smaller amounts in 2025 and 2030." (Josh Bivens, "A Comprehensive Analysis Of The Employment Impacts Of The EPA's Proposed Clean Power Plan," Economic Policy Institute, 6/9/15)


Hispanics Believe "Creating More Jobs" Should Be The Nation's Top Priority

41% Hispanic Voters Chose "Creating More Jobs," As The Top Priority For The Obama Administration, "Improving Air Quality" Came In Last With 4%. "More than four in 10 Hispanic voters (41%) chose 'creating more jobs' as the top priority for the Obama administration out of a list of six popular political issues, with 'improving air quality' coming in last with only 4 percent of Hispanic voters having chosen it." (Morning Consult Polling, 1,094 Hispanic Voters, MoE 3%, 6/15-6/16/15)
  • "In Fact, Nearly Seven In 10 Hispanic Voters (69%) Are Satisfied With The Air Quality In Their City Or Local Area." Morning Consult Polling, 1,094 Hispanic Voters, MoE 3%, 6/15-6/16/15)
  • "When Asked Directly, A Majority Of Hispanic Voters (63%) Said That The United States Should Focus On Creating Jobs And Growing The Economy Over Adding More Air Standards." Morning Consult Polling, 1,094 Hispanic Voters, MoE 3%, 6/15-6/16/15)

Hispanic Voters Also Feel That Costs Associated With The New Regulations Will Impact The Average American More Than Businesses

[VIDEO] Clinton’s Dark Money Hypocrisy


Clinton: "[W]e've Got To Get All This Dark, Unaccountable Money Out Of Our Political System." CLINTON: "And we've got to get all this dark, unaccountable money out of our political system. This is really a problem with the Supreme Court because they've made two very bad decisions-The Buckley decision and The Citizens United Decision, so people say, what can you do about it? Well, first of all, we have to see everything we can possibly get done by law, we have to appoint Supreme Court Justices who will begin to reverse the pernicious effects of these decisions and, if necessary, we have to have a constitutional amendment because if we let this go too long, the corruption will be worse than the Robber Barons. Because, as it is right now, we have no enforcement of our election-our finance laws in Washington because the Federal Elections Commission is divided 3 Republicans 3 Democrats and so they can't make a decision. The Republicans are pushing up against the line, if not going over the line. Basically using their so-called Super PACs to be part of their campaign. And then you've got these phony non-profits, that are advocating for candidates and they don't even have to tell you where the money's from." (Hillary Clinton, Speech At House Party, Ottumwa, IA, 7/7/15)

However, Clinton's Super PAC Accepted A "Seven-Figure Check" From A "Pair Of Dark Money Groups"

A Super PAC, "Financed By A Pair Of Dark Money Groups Wrote A Seven-Figure Check To Hillary Clinton's Super PAC In June, Infusing A Key Pro-Clinton Outfit With Money Whose Sources Are Virtually Untraceable." "A Democrat-aligned super PAC financed by a pair of dark money groups wrote a seven-figure check to Hillary Clinton's super PAC in June, infusing a key pro-Clinton outfit with money whose sources are virtually untraceable." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
  • The Washington Free Beacon Headline: "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC"(Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
The Democratic Super PAC, "Fair Share Action (FSA) Donated $1 Million To Pro-Clinton Super PAC Priorities USA Action In Late June…" "Fair Share Action (FSA) donated $1 million to pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA Action in late June, one of eight million-dollar contributions the pro-Clinton group has received so far this year from various sources." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC,"The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
  • "FSA Also Gave $5,000 To Another Pro-Clinton Super PAC In April." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
"The Source Of FSA's Money Is Nearly Impossible To Trace." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
FSA Has Only Received Two Contributions This Year, Both From Dark Money Groups, Including Fair Share, Inc. And Environment America. "It's received just two contributions this year: $300,000 from Fair Share Inc., its 501(c)(4) dark money affiliate, and $800,000 from another dark money group called Environment America." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
  • "Neither Environment America Nor Fair Share Disclose Their Individual Donors, Making It Difficult To Know Who Exactly Is Bankrolling Their Large Contributions To Priorities." (Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)
  • "Neither Organization Returned A Request For Information On Their Finances."(Lachlan Markay, "Dark Money Floods Into Hillary Super PAC," The Washington Free Beacon, 8/4/15)

NPR Anchor Can't Say the Words 'Selling Fetal Tissue'

NPR Anchor Can't Say the Words 'Selling Fetal Tissue'
The Planned Parenthood scandal surprisingly came up in the Friday “Week in Politics” segment on NPR’s All Things Considered. (We can't say the same for the PBS NewsHour.) Both the liberal and the pseudo-conservative spoke up a bit for the humanity of the unborn. But anchor Audie Cornish developed a bad case of the euphemisms.

 “I want to turn to another issue that's been very much in the news the last few weeks,” she began. “That's Planned Parenthood. The group is in crisis mode after a video sting operation by a group opposed to abortion has put Planned Parenthood in the spotlight for the practice of fetal tissue in medical research.” What does that mean, “the practice of fetal tissue”? Shouldn’t it have been “the practice of selling fetal tissue for medical research”?  NPR was never this nervous when it described Abu Ghraib photos or the American treatment of terrorists at Guantanamo. But with abortion clinic practices, it speaks in tortured phrasing. It has a bad case of "Planned Parenthood patriotism." 

She added “Now, elsewhere in the program, we're going to hear more details about the fetal tissue research industry.” But that one-sided Jennifer Ludden story underlined the claims that no one anywhere is making a profit, and no pro-lifers were interviewed to say “So why were they joking about Lamborghinis?” - 

Here’s how liberal columnist E.J. Dionne and pseudo-conservative columnist David Brooks at least expressed some horror at the videos:
DIONNE: Well, the response that that they haven't broken laws is very important. But the fact is, if you look at that video, I think whether you are for or against abortion, it was deeply disturbing to have what looks like a casual discussion of fetal parts over lunch is just going to bother a lot of people, and understandably so.
The irony is that if Planned Parenthood were put out of business -- and a pro-life congressman made this point some years back [?] -- you might well have more abortions because Planned Parenthood dedicates a lot of its work, much more of its work to contraceptive and to preventing unintended pregnancies. So this is -- I wish we could come to a time where we had a less inflamed and more sober discussion of abortion because it's an issue, I think, at least, where it shouldn't be hard to understand why there's such passion on both sides.
CORNISH: E.J., David, I want to give you a chance to answer this. I don't know if you've seen the videos, but what does this moment say to you about this discussion?
BROOKS: Oh, I've seen the videos, and I guess, to me, they are a sign of a sort of a gradual moral degradation that occurred. Whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, to talk in this way, suggests to me just a hardening of the heart that happens when you, I guess, deal with this on a daily basis and are not - don't remain morally sensitive to the issues involved. One of the oddities now is we may have a government shutdown over this as Republicans seek to defund federal funding for Planned Parenthood, and Democrats fight to preserve it. This unexpected showdown may actually lead to a real budget crisis because of these videos.

[VIDEO] New Nuclear Power Seen as Big Winner in Obama’s Clean Power Plan

The Obama administration gave the struggling U.S. nuclear industry a glimmer of hope this week by allowing new reactors to count more toward meeting federal emissions limits.
States can take more credit for carbon-free electricity to be generated by nuclear power plants that are still under construction as they work to comply with emissions-reduction targets set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The boost for new nuclear was outlined in the Obama administration’s final Clean Power Plan released Monday.
Under last year’s draft of the plan, the yet-to-be completed reactors were counted as existing units that wouldn’t be fully credited for carbon reductions generated in the future after they had started operating. The nuclear power industry complained that amounted to a penalty on the plants and made state targets harder to achieve.
“We tend to view new rules as potentially the first bit of good news for the struggling nuclear industry,” Julien Dumoulin-Smith, an analyst for UBS, wrote on Monday in a research note.
Nuclear operators are facing high maintenance and clean-up costs, as well as competition from cheap natural-gas fueled power plants and low-cost wind and solar generation. About 10 percent of the nation’s nuclear output may retire early because of low energy prices, according to Moody’s Investors Service.
The question of waste disposal also hangs over the industry as efforts to establish a federal repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada have stalled.

Existing Reactors

The Nuclear Energy Institute, a Washington-based trade group, said it was “pleased” that the EPA recognized that nuclear plants under construction “should count toward compliance when they are operating.”
Marvin Fertel, president of the nuclear trade group, said by e-mail that the industry was disappointed that existing reactors won’t get credit for their carbon-reduction value, given that some are at risk of early retirement.
New reactor projects, the first in decades, have been plagued by delays and cost increases.
Beneficiaries of the rule changes would include Southern Co. and Scana Corp., which are building new reactors in Georgia and South Carolina, respectively. The Tennessee Valley Authority, which is building a reactor at its Watts Bar facility near Spring City, Tennessee, would also get a boost.
“Nuclear facilities will be credited because it’s new, zero-carbon generation that will be credited as part of a compliance strategy,” said U.S. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “That’s entirely consistent and appropriate.”

[VIDEO] Donald Trump: ‘I Pay as Little as Possible’ Because ‘I Hate the Way Our Government Spends Our Taxes’

(CNSNews.com) - GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he tries to pay as little taxes as possible, not just because he’s a businessman, but because he doesn’t like what the U.S. does with the taxpayers’ money.

“I have said this many times, so it is not exactly breaking news. I pay as little as possible. I fight like hell to pay as little as possible, for two reasons. Number one, I am a businessman, and that's the way you are supposed to do it, and you put the money back in your company and employees and all of that, but the other reason is that I hate the way our government spends our taxes,” said Trump when asked what percentage of income he pays in taxes.

“I hate the way they waste our money, trillions and trillions of dollars of waste and abuse, and I hate it,” said Trump.

According to Trump’s campaign, his personal fortune is set at $10 billion, and his annual income is estimated to be $362 million.

“I will be probably the first candidate in the history of politics within this country to say, I try and -- like every -- by the way, like every single taxpayer out there, I try to pay as little tax as possible, and, again, one of the big reasons is, I hate what our country does with the money that we pay,” he added.

Trump told “Face the Nation” host John Dickerson that he might release his tax returns around the time that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton releases her e-mails.

“I may tie it to a release of Hillary's e-mails. I may very well do that,” Trump said. “Now, I have a very big company. They all said I wouldn't release my financials, and then I released them, and they were far bigger than anybody thought. They said I wouldn't release them because his company may be or his success may be -- isn't as big.

“Well, it turned out that it is far bigger, and I released them, and we will see what I am going to do with tax returns. I have no major problem with it, but I may tie them to a release of Hillary's e- mails,” he added.


From Free Fall to Free Markets: How Wisconsin Turned Itself Around | The American Spectator

Just four years ago, if you asked me what word best described the economic outlook in Wisconsin, “bleak” would have been the first to come to mind. The state faced a $3.6 billion deficit, high unemployment, and a future that was far brighter for big labor and special interests than it was for Wisconsin taxpayers.

But now, Wisconsin is back on a path to prosperity. Businesses are growing, families are going back to work, and by almost every measure of success, Wisconsin’s economy is thriving.

What caused such a dramatic turnaround?

One thing: Governor Scott Walker and the state legislature embarked on an ambitious and bold agenda to bring free market reforms to every corner of the state. Together, legislators worked to reform the state’s broken tax code, free workers from union mandates, repeal the state’s outdated prevailing wage law, and make Wisconsin a better place to live, work and raise a family.

No longer will Badger State employees be compelled to join a labor union and pay dues as a condition of employment. No longer will school districts and local governments be forced to pay up to 45 percent more for labor on taxpayer-financed construction projects. And no longer will the state’s taxpayers be required to carry the burden of out-of-control government benefits.

Plain and simple, Wisconsin is finally on the right track.

New state borrowing has been reduced to the lowest levels in 20 years. Property taxes have been reduced to the lowest levels since 1946, and taxes have been cut by more than $2 billion.

Most importantly, these reforms aren’t just making a difference for lawmakers required to balance the budget. They’re also making a difference in the lives of everyday Wisconsinites and the hard-working families who, for years, had struggled to make ends meet.

Take for example our state’s unemployment rate which, at 4.6 percent, is at a six-year low and almost a full point lower than the national average. Employment is at an all-time highand Wisconsin has literally never had more jobs than it has today.

In 2014, Wisconsin businesses exported more goods than ever before — more than $23.4 billion worth, no doubt helped by the many new businesses flooding into the state.
Families are earning more too. Wisconsin’s median family income is up more than six percent since 2011 to $55,258 a year, rising almost twice as fast as the rest of the country.

The turnaround has been so great that Wisconsin is now ranked the fourth best state in the nation for finding a job — after North Dakota, Texas, and Nebraska. And, if Wisconsin, once weighed down by onerous regulations and costly mandates, can now count itself among the likes of these stunning examples of economic freedom, then clearly the state is doing something right.

Wisconsin is indeed open for business.

Carjacker Tries To Steal Unmarked Cop Car

AUGUST 1--A knife-wielding Florida man who attempted a carjacking Thursday night quickly discovered that the vehicle he targeted was an 
undercover cop car occupied by a pair of armed plainclothes detectives, according to an arrest affidavit.
Dominique Albert, 27, allegedly approached the car on a St. Petersburg street around 9:45 PM and yanked open the passenger door. Albert, pictured at right, leaned into the auto while holding a steak knife in his right hand.
While Albert’s would-be victims were initially startled by the interloper, they quickly rallied.
“Police!,” shouted Detective Daniel Torok from the driver’s seat as he drew his handgun and leveled it at Albert, who “turned and fled on foot.”
Torok and his partner then chased after Albert, who dropped his knife during the pursuit. When the cops caught up with Albert, he “fought Police with violence, but was finally taken into custody after a lengthy fight.” Albert, who allegedly continued to struggle after being handcuffed, stopped resisting after a backup officer “deployed his Taser.”
A search of Albert turned up two other “large, fixed blade knives,” police reported.
Charged with carjacking, resisting arrest, and aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer, all felonies, Albert is locked up on $170,000 bond.
At the time of the alleged carjacking, the hapless Albert was free on bond in connection with an arrest last month for shoplifting at a Walmart store. 

Gruesome: Fifth Video Of Planned Parenthood Video Released, Offers To Sell “Intact Fetuses”…

StemExpress Gets “Fully Intact” Babies

HOUSTON, Aug. 4–The fifth undercover video in the controversy over Planned Parenthood’s sale of aborted baby parts shows the Director of Research for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, Melissa Farrell, advertising the Texas Planned Parenthood branch’s track record of fetal tissue sales, including its ability to deliver fully intact fetuses.
In the video, actors posing as representatives from a human biologics company meet with Farrell at the abortion-clinic headquarters of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Houston to discuss a potential partnership to harvest fetal organs.
“Where we probably have an edge over other organizations, our organization has been doing research for many many years,” explains Farrell. When researchers need a specific part from the aborted fetus, Farrell says, “We bake that into our contract, and our protocol, that we follow this, so we deviate from our standard in order to do that.”
Asked specifically if this means Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast can change abortion procedures to supply intact fetal specimens, Farrell affirms, “Some of our doctors in the past have projects and they’re collecting the specimens, so they do it in a way that they get the best specimens, so I know it can happen.”
The investigators ask Farrell how she will frame a contract in which they pay a higher price for higher quality fetal body parts, and she replies, “We can work it out in the context of–obviously, the procedure itself is more complicated,” suggesting that “without having you cover the procedural cost” and paying for the abortion, the higher specimen price could be framed as “additional time, cost, administrative burden.”
Farrell finally summarizes her affiliate’s approach to fetal tissue payments: “If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.”
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).

[VIDEO] Baltimore calls in federal agents to help homicide cops deal with spike in violence

Baltimore's police and civic leaders launched a two-month partnership Monday that will see ten federal agents embed with the city's homicide detectives in the latest bid to curb a surge in violent crime that has not been seen in decades.
Under the program, two special agents from each of the federal government's five crime-fighting agencies (the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, U.S. Marshals Service and the ATF) will help investigate cases for the next 60 days. The city's acting police commissioner, Kevin Davis, told reporters that the agents met with officers Monday to discuss cases where officers have identified suspects, but need additional evidence to file charges.
The homicide rate in Baltimore began to skyrocket in May, when the city saw 42 homicides in a single month. There was a brief dip in June, with 29 killings, however the number shot up to 45 in July, breaking a record set in 1972. The uptick comes after rioting in the spring over the death of Freddie Gray, a black man who was critically injured while in police custody.
In total, the city has recorded 192 homicides so far this year, according to The Baltimore Sun. By contrast, 208 murders were committed in all of 2014. The three-month total of 116 homicides for May, June, and July is the highest since at least 1970.
Adding to the urgency of Baltimore's violence is the relatively low "clearance rate" of closed homicide cases. Last week, Davis said the city police department's "clearance rate" was at 36.6 percent, down from the department's mid-40s average.
For several years "American cities have not seen an uptick in homicides we're seeing in 2015," Davis said Monday. "Now we're back at the table, and our cities are looking at Baltimore. They want to know what Baltimore's going to do about it."
Davis had said Sunday that more people are arming themselves on the streets, and that the department has seized 20 percent more guns than it had by this time last year. Davis also said the influx of prescription pills — 32 pharmacies were looted during the April 27 riot and nearly 300,000 doses of prescription medication stolen — has contributed to Baltimore's spiking violence.
Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby attributed to the spiking violence to violent repeat offenders, whom she called "a small number of individuals responsible for the majority of the crimes." Mosby warned those inclined to reach for a weapon that "we are going to go after you with everything that we have. Collaboratively, we will get the job done and convict you."
ATF spokesman Special Agent David Cheplak told the Sun that his agents were assisting Baltimore police with controlled drug buys and surveillance. Officials from the DEA and FBI told the paper that their agents would provide a supporting role for officers.
"We've got to take a different look at things," DEA spokesman Todd Edwards said, "whether it's fresh eyes or just looking at it in a different way."
At Monday's press conference announcing the program, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md. made a plea to the residents of his home city.
"The only people making good now are the morticians," Cummings said. "And I say our city is better than that. It's not just the murders and the shootings. I'm begging you, put your guns down."
Referencing the riots after Gray's death, Cummings said, "I hear over and over and over again, 'Black Lives Matter'. And they do matter. But black lives also have to matter to black people."
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Obama Administration Refuses To Identify Troubled Healthcare Co-Ops

A man looks over the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare) signup page on the HealthCare.gov website in New York in this October 2, 2013 photo illustration. REUTERS/Mike Segar

Federal officials refuse to identify the troubled Obamacare health co-ops that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has placed in a special risk category requiring “enhanced oversight” due to low profitability or low enrollment.
Last week the inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services revealed that 22 of the 23 non-profit co-ops suffered net operating losses last year and that six were so distressed CMS said they were the subject to extra “enhanced oversight.”
CMS spokesman Aaron Albright, however, refused to divulge the names of the struggling taxpayer-supported co-ops.
He suggested The Daily Caller News Foundation file a Freedom of Information Act request. It’s not uncommon for responses to FOIA requests to take months or even years to be processed by federal departments and agencies.
The secrecy surrounding the identity of the six ailing co-ops is not sitting well with government watchdog groups.
“Taxpayers deserve to know when any sort of taxpayer-funded entity is failing,” said David Williams, president of the Taxpayer Protection Alliance. “Taxpayers need to know the success or failure of those co-ops. We have to name names.”
“Certainly, the government should be identifying co-ops that are at risk,” noted Scott Amey, the general counsel for the non-partisan Project on Government Oversight. “The government seems to be just trying to bury its head in the sand.”
Department of Health and Human Services IG Daniel Levinson was the first to report that six co-ops were in a special risk category within CMS.
“CMS recently placed four CO-OPs on enhanced oversight or corrective action plans and two CO-OPs on low-enrollment warning notifications,” he revealed in his July 30 report.
Levinson further criticized CMS officials, noting that the Obamacare program was now in its third year of existence, yet, “CMS had not established guidelines or criteria to assess whether a CO-OP was viable or sustainable.”
Levinson painted a dismal national picture of the Obamacare health co-ops, noting they were suffering from cash shortages and that their enrollment numbers were “considerably lower than the CO-OPs’ initial annual projections.”
Sparse enrollments could imperil most of the non-profit co-ops that were originally designed to compete with traditional health insurance companies.
“The low enrollments and net losses might limit the ability of some CO-OPs to repay startup and solvency loans and to remain viable and sustainable,” Levinson said.
About $2 billion have been issued in start-up and solvency loans under Obamacare.
Rating agency Standard and Poor’s last February identified 10 co-ops that failed to enroll 6,000 or fewer customers through the third quarter of last year.
Those low enrollment co-ops are operating in Illinois, Massachusetts, Ohio, Connecticut, Arizona, Tennessee, Michigan, Maryland and two in Oregon.
In that report, S&P optimistically claimed that one co-op, operating in Iowa and Nebraska, called Co-Opportunity Health, had enrolled 91,000 customers.
But Co-Opportunity abruptly closed its doors last December and by February the state had liquidated it.
At the time, the Iowa co-op suffered $163 million in operating losses, according to the Iowa insurance commissioner. CMS originally awarded $145 million under Obamacare.
Likewise, S&P also reported that the Louisiana Health CO-OP had successfully enrolled 11,771 customers.
But last month the co-op announced it was shuttering its doors by the end of the year. CMS had loaned that co-op $66 million.
Similar to the experiences reported in Iowa and Louisiana, most of the non-profit health co-ops have been burning through their federal loans at an alarming rate, according to financial reporting agencies.
Insurance ratings firm A.M. Best warned in January that as of Sept. 30, 2014, “the ratio of surplus notes outstanding to capital and surplus exceeded 100% for all of the co-ops.”
Standard & Poor’s Report on the co-ops reported that the worst performing co-ops that were burning through their existing capital were in Illinois, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada and Maryland.
Thomas Miller of the American Enterprise Institute and Grace-Marie Turner, the president of the free market Galen Institute reported that net losses for all the co-ops amounted to $614 million in 2014.
Last year CMS announced that it was replenishing some co-op cash with emergency “solvency loans.”
Five Obamacare health insurance co-ops in Connecticut, Kentucky, Maine, New York and Wisconsin received solvency loans in 2014 amounting to $322 million.

[VIDEOS] Hillary Clinton's $2 Million Television Ads: All About Her Mom

There's one person Hillary Clinton really wants the voters of America to get to know more than anybody else. And her name is Dorothy Rodham.
Dorothy is Clinton’s late mother. She died in 2011. But she's playing a starring role in her daughter’s presidential campaign, and is the focus of Clinton’s first television ads.
On Tuesday, Clinton’s campaign will begin broadcasting two TV ads in Iowa and New Hampshire. The one-minute spots, which will air over the course of five weeks, emphasize Clinton’s mother’s story over her own.
The first ad, titled “Dorothy,” is almost completely devoid of any discussion of Clinton’s credentials. Instead, it's focused on recounting her mother’s trauma-filled childhood.
Clinton, who narrates the story over old photos of her mom, describes how her mother is the person who most influenced her desire to fight for families and to run for president.
“I think about all the Dorothy’s all over America who fight for their families, who never give up,” Clinton says while video of a mother tucking her daughter in to bed plays. “That’s why I’m doing this. That’s why I’ve always done this. For all the Dorothy’s.”
The second ad, titled “Family Strong,” opens with Dorothy’s story, but then transitions to lay out more of Clinton’s resume -- beginning with her first job out of law school at the Children’s Defense Fund to her new role as grandmother.
At one point the narrator bluntly refers to President Obama as “the man who defeated her" when saying Clinton served in the president's cabinet as Secretary of State.

The "Family Strong" ad also includes a photo of Hillary and Bill Clinton with their new granddaughter, Charlotte. Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, however, is not mentioned or pictured in either spot.
The strategy for Clinton to talk about her mom is one that her campaign has been pushing since its launch. The hope is that telling personal stories will soften Clinton's image and re-introduce her to voters.
"We’re going to make sure everyone knows who Hillary Clinton really is -– who she fights for and what has motivated her lifelong commitment to children and families,” Clinton's Campaign Manager Robby Mook said in a statement. “Since Day One, we’ve planned for a competitive primary with Hillary herself working to earn every vote and, ultimately, the nomination. This is the natural next step.”
The two ads, released online Sunday, are part of an initial five-week buy costing the campaign a total of roughly $2 million -- about $1 million in each state.

Hillary Clinton's Scandal Deepens

Hillary Clinton’s scandal deepens - The Washington Post

The Clinton e-mail scandal reached a new level of seriousness when the intelligence community inspector general found classified information from five intelligence agencies in e-mails housed on Clinton’s private server. It is against the law to remove classified information from government facilities and retain it after you have left office and have no official reason to possess it.
Just ask Sandy Berger.
Marc Thiessen writes a weekly column for The Post on foreign and domestic policy and contributes to the PostPartisan blog. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. View Archive
In 2003, Bill Clinton’s former national security adviser was caught removing five classified documents from a secure reading room at the National Archives, as he prepared to testify before the 9/11 commission.
A Justice Department investigation ensued and in 2005 Berger reached a plea agreement in which he was allowed to plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material instead of a felony. He was sentenced to two years of probation and 100 hours of community service and was stripped of his security clearance for three years. Prosecutors and defense lawyers agreed on a $10,000 fine, but the judge raised it to $50,000. In 2007, in order to shut down a disbarment investigation by the District of Columbia bar, he relinquished his license to practice law.
That was for unlawfully removing and retaining just five classified documents.
Clinton has apparently been caught removing at least five e-mails containing what we now know to be classified information and retaining them on her personal server in her home in Chappaqua, N.Y., after she left office. And in the weeks ahead, that number will probably grow to the hundreds, if not thousands.
The inspector general reviewed only a small sample of 40 e-mails Clinton turned over to the State Department. Yet in that tiny sample, he found that five e-mails contained classified information. Five classified e-mails in a sample of just 40 is a rate of one out of eight e-mails that contained classified information. Clinton has handed over some 30,000 official e-mails to the State Department that she had been keeping on her private server. That means there could be some 3,750 classified e-mails that she removed and retained.

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