Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Joe Biden declares war on 'Big Meat'

 Following in the footsteps of Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden has declared war on meat.  Democrats have this thing against meat, see, and it manifests itself in multiple ways.

Here's the addled old fool's declaration as of yesterday, as reported by Bloomberg and RedState:

So Big Meat's the bad guy in this inflation crisis, and Joe's here to solve the problem, calling it a matter of antitrust enforcement.  Never mind that the entire economy is shot through with inflation running out of control.  No, the problem here is Big Meat oligarchs conspiring to raise prices.  It's goofy stuff, given that Democrats want higher meat prices.  Bernie Sanders, for instance, was seen bruiting a meat tax back in 2019 to save the planet.

Apparently they like high meat prices only if they're done through naked taxes to beef up government coffers.  If it's done with stealth taxes (read: inflation), then meat-producers are somehow the bad guy, to be subject to Joe's federal regulators because they supposedly collude with each other to raise prices.

Via American Thinker

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