O’Donnell revealed on Saturday morning that the FEC is demanding payment of tribute (my words) to settle false accusations invented by a George Soros front group. Perhaps such shakedowns are an FEC money source like country speed traps.
For example, in 1996, in the U.S. Senate race in Illinois, the FEC demanded that Republican Al Salvi pay $200,000 in fines to settle Democrat complaints filed against him. The same, now-infamous Lois Lerner worked at the FEC before carrying her partisan witch hunt over to the IRS.
The FEC kept lowering its demands for money from Salvi, coupled with frightening threats. The FEC dropped its ransom demand to $100,000, then to $40,000. Finally, Lois Lerner offered to drop the case if Salvi pledged never to run for office again. Nearly four years and a hundred thousand dollars in legal fees later, Federal judge George Lindbergh threw the case out, shocking FEC attorney Lerner (who argued the case in court). “We never lose!” Lerner said to Salvi afterwards. But four years of scandal destroyed Salvi’s political career.
Now remember this is about you, dear reader. If government bureaucrats can do this to Christine O’Donnell, who can get on TV when she wants, are you safe? What protection do you have? We need to remember that these events impact and should concern all of us, not just one woman. Place yourself in this story.
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