Showing posts with label Presidnet Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Presidnet Obama. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

San Francisco 'Sanctuary' Killing: Why Is Our Political Class Letting Illegals Harm Americans?

Is reality about to intrude on America’s political class?  For at least the last two decades, that clerisy has assured us that immigration, legal or otherwise, is a virtue.  We’ve also been told that our lawless southern border is coming under control.

In his first year in office, President Bill Clinton said, “I believe we should stiffen our efforts to control the southern border.” He added “I think we should have more Border Patrol agents and I think we should do more to restrict illegal immigration.”

In a 2006 address from the Oval Office, President George W. Bush proclaimed that “the United States must secure its borders,” and said that “we are launching the most technologically advanced border security initiative in American history.”

President Obama said “When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system, and I began by doing what I could to secure our borders.”  The White House boasts that his subsequent efforts “represent the most serious and sustained effort to secure our border in our nation’s history.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Obamacare Cancels Coverage for 66,000 Tennesseans

With the botched Obamacare rollout going down in flames, headlines like this one have become the new normal. As with most promises liberals make, the very opposite comes true. Unfortunately for millions of Americans—66,000 in Tennessee—this means they cannot keep their health insurance plan, even if they like it.

Of course the insurance company is avoiding the word “cancelled,” and simply telling policy holders they must choose a new plan. But this wasn’t the President’s promise. 66,000 policy holders in Tennessee did not expect to be forced to change plans. They were told they could keep their plans, period. And what makes this recent phenomenon of Obamacare induced massed cancellation even worse, is that the White House knew it was coming.

Why is this happening? Obamacare mandates that insurance plans provide minimum standards of coverage for ten different categories. Among these is maternity care; that means that every policy—even those held by men—must cover maternity care. Put differently, it is illegal for an insurance company to offer a plan to a single adult male that does not provide maternity care. Only Big Government bureaucrats could devise such a ridiculous plan. Kathleen Sebelius was pressed on this issue during a hearing, but had little to say. 

Website failuresembarrassingly low enrollment figures, and cancelled plans are only the tip of the iceberg of Obamacare’s wave of destruction. Just wait until all the 20 new or higher taxes kick-in, and the employer mandate takes effect. Layoffs will increase, and the economy will suffer; to top it all off, premiums will increases for families all across America.

Maybe now, Americans will finally realize, once and for all, that big government doesn’t work. Bureaucrats don’t know best, healthcare cannot be centrally planned from Washington. It’s time for real health care reform. Reform that focuses on restoring and strengthening the doctor-patient relationship; real reform requires less bureaucrats, not more. Let’s get government out of the healthcare business.

Via: Americans for Tax Reform

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

U.S. Immigration Officers Give Frightening Warning

Bruce Chambers/ZUMApress/Newscom
Chris Crane, president of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council, which represents immigration enforcement officers, recently called on Congress to resist immigration reforms that harm his officers’ ability to do their jobs:
ICE officers are being ordered by [Administration] political appointees to ignore the law. Violent criminal aliens are released every day from jails back into American communities. ICE Officers face disciplinary action for engaging in routine law enforcement actions. We are barred from enforcing large sections of the Immigration and Nationality Act, even when public safety is at risk. Officer morale is devastated.
If this were the U.S. Capitol Police, the Secret Service, or the military, Congress would be outraged, the President would react firmly and swiftly, and pundits and groups from across the country would be demanding this problem be fixed. Sadly, though, nothing is being done to fix this broken and dangerous state of affairs.
In fact, the situation is even scarier. As the ICE letter points out, President Obama continues to order ICE officers to ignore ever-growing sections of immigration law and undertake actions that create a risk to public safety. The Senate has passed a gargantuan immigration bill that includes mass amnesty, tons of handouts to special interests, and enough waivers and exemptions to make Obamacare officials jealous.
Notably, the Senate bill does little to actually support the hard-working men and women of ICE and other immigration enforcement agencies. Even worse, amnesty would make the work of ICE even more difficult by encouraging more illegal immigration and adding new classes of provisional immigrants who have special rules that apply to them.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

[VIDEO] Glenn Greenwald: NY Times Has 'Helped to Kill Journalism as a Potent Force for Checking Power'

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says Y2K could have landed him in a similar situation to President Barack Obama's predicament with the disastrous Obamacare website rollout, but he averted it.

"I had to face Y2K when I was the mayor," Giuliani said Monday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity." 

"Everybody was afraid the computers were going to go down, people were going to be let out of jails, trains wouldn't run. We spent a couple hundred million to make sure that that worked."

Giuliani said he began getting regular briefings 16 months before the big day. There were a few breakdowns, but they were fixed months in advance, he said. 

"I knew if this failed I would look like a fool," Giuliani said. "And it wasn't my signature achievement. I guess reducing crime or welfare was. This was his [Obama's] signature achievement."

Via: Newsmax

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ted Nugent Will Be Co-Chairing Texas Election GOP Campaign

Ted Nugent, the celebrity right-wing rocker who infamously said he’d be dead or in jail if President Obama was re-elected, has reportedly become the treasurer and co-chairman of a Texas political campaign.
Nugent spoke to The Texas Tribute as he was in the middle of “hanging up a freshly mounted ram on the wall of his home,” and revealed he’ll be getting more politically engaged soon enough.
Ted Nugent has agreed to be the treasurer and co-chairman of former state Rep. Sid Miller’s campaign for agriculture commissioner, the rock star, vocal conservative and fierce critic of President Obama said Tuesday night…
“I believe in guys who stand by the Constitution,” Nugent said in a phone interview late Tuesday while hanging up a freshly mounted ram on the wall of his home. “I believe in guys who represent ‘we the people’ and common sense.”
Nugent also said, “I do media every day, and I’ll raise as much hell as I can.”
Nugent has already made his mark in the hell-raising department during Obama’s presidency with some very provocative comments, including calling himself a “black Jew at a Nazi-Klan rally” and saying anti-gun liberals want to “rape the constitution.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Congressional Republicans: Hail Ceaser!

UscapitolindaylightOne of American conservatism's leading thinkers, James Ceaser of the University of Virginia, weighs inon "To authorize or not to authorize:" 
Republicans should support some version of the authorization of force resolution. They should do so even if they think that the President’s policy will prove ineffective, do no good, waste money, or entail unforeseen risks; they should do so even if they think he has gotten the nation into this situation by blunders, fecklessness, arrogance, or naiveté; and they should so even if, and especially, if they have no confidence in his judgment. The simple fact is that the nation and our allies will be at further risk if the world sees a presidency that is weakened and that has no credibility to act. Partisans may be tempted to see such a result as condign punishment for the President’s misjudgments; they may feel that he deserves to pay the price for his hypocrisy and cheap and demagogic attacks on his predecessor. But at the end of the day, Republicans need to rise above such temptations; the stakes are too high. The weaker the president’s credibility on the world scene, the more the need to swallow and do what will not weaken it further. President Obama is the only president we have. That remains the overriding fact.
And there is the important matter of the future–a future that may one day have a Republican in the presidency. The precedent of setting too low a threshold for blocking presidential initiative in foreign affairs is unwise. Of course Congress has the right, even the obligation, to stop action that member of the legislature believe would be disastrous. But short of that, it is wiser to maintain a good deal of discretion in the presidency. In the case at hand, all of the hyperbole about war aside, the real objection is that the President’s policy will prove to be ineffective or humiliating, not disastrous. That is not sufficient reason to weaken the discretion of the president or open the door next time to more gratuitous partisanship by the Democrats....
Republican who vote for an authorization of force resolution do not have to endorse the wisdom of the President’s policy. They can make clear their doubts and state their objections. They can make known that they are supporting the presidency and presidential credibility, not necessarily the wisdom of the policy. They can say that they are acting in a constitutional spirit, exercising the kind of judgment that is appropriate to the legislature in foreign policy, and no more. They can sign on to the president’s discretion to act without signing on to his actions. 

Via: The Weekly Standard

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