Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pope Francis: Church too focused on gays and abortion

Pope Francis says the Catholic Church must strive to heal wounds.Pope Francis has said the Catholic Church is too focused on preaching about abortion, gay people and contraception and needs to become more merciful.
He warned that the Church's moral structure could "fall like a house of cards" unless it changed.
The Pope used the first major interview of his papacy to explain comments he made in July about homosexuality.
He told a Jesuit magazine the Church must show balance and "heal wounds".
The pontiff used the 12,000-word interview with La Civilta Cattolicato to set out his priorities as Pope, acknowledge his own shortcomings and open up about his cultural interests.
'Freshness and fragrance'
His vision for relegating the Catholic Church's reliance on rules marks a contrast to the priorities of his predecessors, John Paul II and Benedict XVI, who saw doctrine as the paramount guide for clergy
"The church's pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently," Francis said.
"We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards, losing the freshness and fragrance of the Gospel."
Instead, he said, the Catholic Church must work to heal the wounds of its faithful and seek out those who have been excluded or have fallen away.

Start Quote

We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the Church is likely to fall like a house of cards”
Pope Francis
"It is useless to ask a seriously injured person if he has high cholesterol and about the level of his blood sugars," he said. "You have to heal his wounds. Then we can talk about everything else."
Via: BBC
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Is This the Creepiest Anti-Obamacare Ad Ever?

Generation Opportunity unleashes creepy Uncle Sam in new video

A new ad from Generation Opportunity urges Americans to “opt out” of Obamacare by showing the consequences of government-controlled health care: Uncle Sam in your gynecologist’s office.

STARNES: Fourth Graders Taught About ‘Pimps’ and ‘Mobstaz’ in Louisiana


Fourth grade students in Vermilion Parish, La. were given a homework assignment that included words like “Po Pimp” and “mobstaz,” but school officials said the worksheet was age appropriate based on an education website affiliated with Common Core education standards.

“I try to instill values in my son,” parent Brittney Badeaux told Fox News. “My goal is for him to ultimately to become a great man, a family man, a well-rounded man. And now my son wants to know what a pimp is.”
Badeaux was helping her 9-year-old son with his homework when she heard him say the words “Po Pimp” and “mobstaz.”

“I couldn’t believe it at first – hearing him read it to me,” she told Fox News. “So I looked at the paper and read the entire article. It was filled with Ebonics.”

The worksheet, obtained by Fox Radio affiliate KPEL provided contextual examples of the word “twist.” It included references to tornadoes and the 1950’s dance craze – the “Twist.”

But it also included a paragraph about “Twista” – a rapper with the group Speedknot Mobstaz who performs a single titled, “Po-Pimp.”

“It was really inappropriate for my child,” Badeaux said. “He doesn’t’ know what a pimp or mobster is.”
She also took issue with the school sending home a worksheet that intentionally misspelled words.

“I try to teach him morals and respect and to speak correctly,” she said. “It’s hard for a fourth grader to understand Ebonics when you’re trying to teach him how to spell and write correctly.”

Via: Fox News

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Karl Rove: GOP's 'Ill-Conceived' Defunding Strategy Won't Work

The GOP's defunding strategy on Obamacare won't work — and could even backfire, strengthening President Obama and alienating independents, warns former Bush administration deputy chief of staff Karl Rove.

"The desire to strike at Obamacare is praiseworthy," he writes in an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.

"But any strategy to repeal, delay, or replace the law must have a credible chance of succeeding or affecting broad public opinion positively."

Special: Should Obama's Health Plan Be Defunded? Vote Here Now!

Rove, who helped organize the political action committee, American Crossroads, noted the "epic gains" Republicans made in 2010, when they had control of more legislative chambers than at any time since 1928 — and won more than half of the gubernatorial races in both 2009 and 2010. He said those successes were the result of independents voting Republican.

And independents remain key, he said.

"Today, independents look more like Republicans than Democrats, especially when it comes to healthcare," Rove wrote, pointing out that a new Crossroads GPS healthcare policy survey in 10 key states showed that 60 percent of independents oppose President Obama's Affordable Care Act.

"If this holds through 2014, then Republicans should receive another big boost in the midterms," he said.

But there is one issue on which independents part ways with the GOP.

Some 58 percent oppose defunding the Affordable Care Act if that risks even a temporary government shutdown compared to just 30 percent who don't oppose defunding the unpopular law, according to the poll.

Via: Newsmax

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Scott Walker opposes government shutdown over Obamacare

In this June 28, 2013 file photo, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker speaks in his Capitol office in Madison, Wis.  (AP Photo/Scott Bauer, File)Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has been an outspoken opponent of Obamacare, challenging its constitutionality in court and rejecting federal funds to expand Medicaid under the program. But that doesn't mean he backs the current House GOP strategy to risk shutting down the government over the issue.
In an interview Friday, Walker said he has proven his commitment to standing in the way of the Affordable Care Act's implementation, having "done just about anything possible to alter that course."
"I believe the Affordable Care Act is anything but affordable, and will have a negative impact on the economy of my state," he said, adding that he would have preferred for it to have been blocked by the Supreme Court. "But I don’t extend that to the point that we should shut down the government over it."
"I support limited government," he added. "But I want the government left to work."
There is a straightforward solution to address the current predicament, Walker suggested: put the question before the voters next year.
"The way to resolve this is through candidates making the case in the 2014 election," he said. "They can make a case they’re going to come on in and put the power back in the hands of the people, not in the government."
Will congressional Republicans heed Walker's advice, or will they continue to pursue their collision course with President Obama and Senate Democrats? Only the next couple of weeks will answer that question.

Mark Levin’s EPIC Monologue on Republicans Being Forced to Defund ObamaCare

Mark Levin delivered a fantastic monologue coming out of the gate today on Obamacare and the fact that Republicans have finally been forced by the American people to try and defund it.

Via: Fox News

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What You Need to Know About the Debt Limit

Debt_TJ_450The Congressional Budget Office just dropped a budget update on Washington, and it’s not good. The U.S. government is spending recklessly—and Obamacare is adding fuel to the fire.
The new report comes at a crucial time, as negotiations over the debt limit are starting up again. Here are some basics to help you cut through all the political spin.
What is the debt limit?
Yes, it’s the legal limit on federal government borrowing—but the debt limit is a wake-up call. It’s a chance for Congress and the President to stop the spending insanity.
Why does it matter?
Government spending is accelerating with no end in sight as long as entitlement programs keep expanding.

California: Driver’s Licenses and the Jobs Argument

One major argument supporters of granting specially marked driver’s licenses to immigrants living in California unlawfully is the need for these individuals to use cars to get to jobs. However, there is a disconnect between this rationale for the driver’s license bill and the reality of federal law.
Assembly speaker John Perez supported AB 60, the driver’s license bill, “so they can drive to work.” Governor Jerry Brown threw his weight behind the bill saying in a statement that it would “enable millions of people to get to work safely and legally.”
Yet, Friday’s Wall Street Journal reported that the federal government is conducting a “New Hunt for Illegal Workers,” according to the headline of the story.
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) is conducting so-called “silent raids” by auditing businesses in the restaurant, food processing, high-tech manufacturing, agriculture and other industries.  They review employees’ documents to determine if workers are lawfully in the country.
While California’s new driver’s license law may allow workers to drive, the feds are more interested in documents such as social security numbers. If they find fake IDs workers must quit if they cannot produce legitimate papers and employers are fined.
This can wreck havoc with many companies not to mention the workers who are out of jobs. Merely having a California driver’s license will not change the immigration status of workers as far as the federal government is concerned. If the feds enforce the reported audits there will be no jobs for the workers so the argument that people need the licenses to get to work has a huge hole in it.
But, that’s the point of the legislation, says Gov. Brown.
He accuses the federal government of “foot-dragging” on immigration reform and suggests California’s move to issue driver’s licenses will help move Congress toward adopting reforms.


(AP) Washington Navy Yard opening 3 days after massacre
Associated Press

The Washington Navy Yard began returning to nearly normal operations three days after it was the scene of a mass shooting in which a gunman killed 12 people.

The Navy installation re-opened at 6 a.m. Thursday. Traffic was blocked from reaching the main gate for a time because a tractor-trailer tried to make a U-turn, and its load shifted.

Navy spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Sarah Flaherty said Thursday will be a regular work day, except for Building 197, where the shootings occurred, and the base gym. She says the gym is being used as a staging area for the FBI to investigate Monday's rampage in which former Navy reservist Aaron Alexis gunned down 12 people before being killed by police.

Employees retuning to work Thursday said they still felt unsettled about what happened.

"It's a little surreal I guess," said Brooke Roberts, an engineer who works across the street from the building where the shooting happened.

"You don't think this sort of thing can happen to you at your workplace, so you're just not prepared for it, regardless," he said as he walked by a blocked off gate he is accustomed to using to enter the Navy Yard. He described himself as feeling "still unsettled," noting the blocked off entrance.

"It's still not quite normal, and it probably won't be for some time," Roberts said.

Via: Breitbart

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TED CRUZ: Barbara Boxer, you're a disgrace.

Syria's Assad: Removing chemicals a sensitive operation

Syrian President Bashar Assad wants to cooperate with diplomatic agreements that would compel his country to be rid of chemical weapons within a year, but there are technical issues to consider about such a sensitive operation, he said Wednesday night during an interview on Fox News.
Facing questions at the presidential palace in Damascus, from former U.S. representative Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, and Fox News senior foreign affairs correspondent Greg Palkot, Assad said during the hour-long conversation that his government is committed to the agreement hammered out in talks with Russia.
"It's a very complicated operation technically and it takes a lot of money," Assad said, later elaborating that the price tag would be about $1 billion because the chemicals would be detrimental to the environment.
"It's not about will; it's about techniques," he said.
Assad also said if the United States wanted to pick up the $1 billion, that would help.
Of the year timeline, he said the operation would take "maybe a little bit less, maybe a little bit more."
The Syrian leader expressed skepticism about a United Nations report that says there is evidence that chemical weapons were used and that evidence also appeared to show aggression appeared to originate from Qasioun Mountain, where the Syrian Republican Guard is known to operate.
Assad said that sarin is known as a "kitchen gas."
"You know why?" he continued. "Because anyone can make sarin in his house."
He said there is evidence that "terrorists" in his country have used sarin.
Assad said he has "never" spoken with President Obama and said he was not sure if he would want to have a conversation with him.
"That depends on the content," he said.

Why a Defund-ObamaCare Strategy Would Succeed

We are less than one and a half weeks from the Showdown at the CR (Continuing Resolution) Corral, and establishment politicians, of both parties, are panicking.  The latest turn of the screw came last week, when opposition from 43 apparently non-establishment Republicans forced Speaker Boehner to cancel a vote on a CR because that CR would have continued to fund Obamacare.
Fox News Senior Political Analyst Brit Hume concisely captured one source of GOP panic over the weekend, on Fox News Sunday:
[T]he axiom in Washington that when the government shuts down, it doesn't matter who causes it, Republicans get blamed, is still in effect.  This is a very risky proposition.
So it would seem, as pundits -- again, of both parties -- agree that President Obama and the Democrats not only would accept, but actually would welcome a so-called government shutdown -- hoping to ride the public's anticipated anger all the way to a takeover of the House in 2014:
I think [President Obama's] gamble is to take back the House in 2014, which is why I think he may want a shutdown, [Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul] Gigot said on ABC's This Week panel.  Because that's the way he can blame it on the Republicans, blame any economic fallout on the House Republicans, and say, 'You've got to give me the majority for the next two years.'
Via: American Thinker

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Move over food cartoon characters, here come the Obamas

Coming soon to a supermarket near you, jars of tofu and packaged bean sprouts plastered with pictures of Michelle and Barack Obama.

In Michelle Obama’s resurrected Let’s Move Campaign, a private session, organized by both the first lady’s office—and the president’s policy advisors—now positions Michelle Obama as the facilitator of debate urging food industry executives to increase their advertising of healthful products for kids. (Los Angeles Times).

With zero credentials as a schooled Nutritionist, Michelle Obama wants to drive cartoon characters promoting children’s’ food straight out of the public marketplace.

“You all know that our kids are like little sponges.  They absorb whatever is around them,” she said.  “But they don’t yet have the ability to question and analyze what they’re told.” (LA Times, Sept. 18, 2013).

Given the slaughter of innocents at the Navy Yard on Monday, perhaps Michelle Obama should be using more of her time to ban violent video games.

Perhaps it would be a good idea, too, for her to acknowledge that her husband Barack says it’s time to give sex education to children in kindergarten.

Neither Obama gives children of the womb a chance at life, surely making their credibility in childhood obesity highly questionable.

Obama: Obamacare is ‘starting to bear real fruit’

President Obama on Friday defended his signature health-care law, saying it has "started to bear real fruit" by slowing the growth of health-care costs.
Obama noted that Republicans argued when the bill was passed -- and ever since -- that it would increase costs for consumers and businesses.
"Well, turns out actually a lot of what we've done is starting to bear real fruit, and it has an impact on the bottom lines of American business, as well as the American people," Obama said in a speech to his Export Council.
Obama praised the unprecedented amount of U.S. exports and said Obamacare will continue to allow businesses to prosper on the national stage.
"One of the reasons our businesses are so competitive is that health-care costs have actually stabilized relative to what we've seen in recent years," Obama said. He added that it is "thanks in part to the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare."

Treasury: We’ve Kept Debt Exactly $16,699,396,000,000 For 4 Months

Jack Lew, Barack Obama
Thanks for making me look good!!!
( - At 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the U.S. Treasury released its daily statement revealing how the accounts of the federal government stood as of the close of business on Tuesday, Sept. 17.
According to this official accounting,  the federal government's debt that is subject to a legal limit set by Congress stood at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 at that hour yesterday.
That marked the fourth straight month that the U.S. government’s debt has ended up at exactly $16,699,396,000,000 at the close of each business day.
Coincidentally, $16,699,396,000,000 is about $25 million below the legal limit on the debt—which is currently set by law at $16,699,421,095,673.60.
If at the close of any business day, the debt were to slip just $26 million higher, it would exceed the legal limit.
Instead, at the close of every business day since May 17, the debt has remained just $25 million below the limit.
This is despite the fact that the Treasury has continued to sell more Treasury securities than it is redeeming and to run massive deficits.
In May, the month the Treasury froze the debt subject to the legal limit at $16,699,396,000,000, the federal government ran a deficit of $138.732 billion for the month, according to the Treasury’s monthly statement.  In June, the Treasury said the government ran a one-month surplus of $116.501. But then it ran a deficit of $97.597 billion in July and $147.923 billion in August.
Via: CNS News

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House Oversight memo: Washington Post’s tea party coverage inspired IRS to target conservatives

The Washington Post’s anti-tea party coverage inspired IRS officials to improperly target conservative groups, according to a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee memo.
“The IRS first identified and elevated the Tea Party applications due to media attention surrounding the Tea Party…Media attention caused the IRS to treat conservative-oriented tax-exempt applications differently,” according to a September 17 House Oversight memo entitled “Interim update on the Committee’s investigation of the Internal Revenue Service’s inappropriate treatment of tax-exempt applications.”
While the memo acknowledged that President Obama’s and the White House’s anti-Citizens United, campaign finance reform-related rhetoric in early 2010 was not lost on IRS officials, the memo makes clear that the Washington Post’s heavy anti-tea party coverage directly inspired improper IRS targeting.
“When other Tea Party applications were discovered, the cases were classified as ‘sensitive’ due to media attention and two more were transferred to Washington to be processed,” according to the memo, which explains that in February 2010 a Cincinnati-based IRS screener alerted a tea party group’s tax-exempt application to his superior, who brought the concerns to the agency’s Washington office, because “Recent media attention to this type of organization indicates to me that this is a ‘high profile’ case.”
“As the application continued to be elevated, another IRS employee called the application a ‘potentially politically embarrassing case’ and also pointed out the ‘[r]ecent media attention to this type of organization.’ On this basis – ‘the potential for media attention’ – the Washington office accepted the case,” according to the memo.
Washington-based IRS officials were wary of the Washington Post, which was aggressively hammering away at the young tea party in early 2010 over “perceptions of racism” and other liberal complaints.
In the memo, congressional investigators emphasized the role that the Post’s coverage played in spawning anti-tea party sentiment.
“Washington Post columnists accused Tea Party groups of ‘smoldering with anger’ and practicing a brand of patriotism reminiscent of the Ku Klux Klan,” according to the memo. “Another Post columnist opined in late March 2010 that Tea Party rhetoric ‘is calibrated not to inform but to incite.’” The memo was referring to columns by Post op-ed columnists Colbert I. King and Eugene Robinson, the latter of which discussed the subject of Christian militia groups and lumped tea party rallies in with the terrorism work of Timothy McVeigh.


On Monday evening, the Fairfield County GOP in South Carolina formally censured Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for his activities in the U.S. Senate. The official GOP body in the state passed its own version of a 29-point resolution shredding Graham’s record in Washington as “in contravention of” principles of the Republican Party as contained in the South Carolina GOP platform.

“While entrusted with the office of Senator by the voters of South Carolina, Lindsey Graham has committed a long series of actions that we strongly disapprove of and hold to be fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party,” the resolution reads in part, before delving into a devastating breakdown of Graham’s record in the U.S. Senate.
Items highlighted in the resolution include: 
  • Graham’s support of providing weapons to “Al Quaeda / Muslim Brotherhood Revolutionaries in Syria” 
  • How Graham “[s]upported amnesty but not border control” 
  • How he supported “NSA spying on private American citizens” 
  • “abridging the First Amendment for those who criticize the government” 
  • “restrictions on the Second Amendment” 
  • “Obama's drone program against American citizens” 
  • “subordinating American sovereignty to the United Nations” 
  • “giving foreign aid to terrorist governments in the Middle East” 
  • “granting members of the Muslim Brotherhood high level positions in the US government” 
  • “giving taxpayer money to international organizations” 
  • “giving taxpayer money for excessive foreign aid generally, not just to terrorist governments in the Middle East” 
  • “restricting the First Amendment rights to criticize Islamic radicalism” 
  • “Obama's radical appointments to the Supreme Court” 
  • “liberal proposal to nationalize banks” 
  • “Obama's energy taxes and Cap and Trade” 
  • “bailouts for financial institutions (TARP)” 
  • “bailouts for independent mortgage institutions (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)”
Other points include how Graham opposed: “principled application of free trade policies”; “making Bush tax cuts permanent”; “President Bush's conservative nominee from South Carolina to the Court of Appeals”; and “medical malpractice tort reform.” 

Harry Reid Loves Grocery Shopping

Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nevada) used part of his time on the floor Thursday to tell the world he loves to go grocery shopping. It’s such a diversion, he said, to “buy the things.”
REID: Now, Mr. President, one of my favorite things I really like to do in Nevada, and here in Washington, is go grocery shopping. It’s such a diversion for me. I love going grocery shopping to look around, buy the things. Landra and I are without our children and our grandchildren. We live alone, but we still buy food, and I enjoy that so very, very much.
Reid’s remarks were in the context of defending the U.S. government’s food stamps program.
Via: WFB
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[CARTOON] New iPhone

Via: California Political Review

Obama: 'Raising the Debt Ceiling...Does Not Increase Our Debt,' Though It Has 'Over 100 Times'

Raising the debt ceiling doesn't increase the nation's debt, Pres. Obama declared in a speech today.
In a speech at the Business Roundtable headquarters in Washington, D.C., Obama dismissed concerns about raising the debt ceiling by noting that it'd been done so many times in the past:
"Now, this debt ceiling -- I just want to remind people in case you haven't been keeping up -- raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not increase our debt; it does not somehow promote profligacy.  All it does is it says you got to pay the bills that you've already racked up, Congress.  It's a basic function of making sure that the full faith and credit of the United States is preserved."
Obama went on to suggest that "the average person" mistakenly thinks that raising the debt ceiling means the U.S. is racking up more debt:
Via: CNS News

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Syria To Miss First Deadline In U.S.-Russia Chemical Arms Deal

featured-imgWASHINGTON — The ambitious U.S.-Russian deal to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons, hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough just days ago, hit its first delay Wednesday with indications that the Syrian government will not submit an inventory of its toxic stockpiles and facilities to international inspectors by this weekend's deadline.

The State Department signaled that it would not insist that Syrian President Bashar Assad produce the list Saturday, the end of a seven-day period spelled out in the framework deal that Washington and Moscow announced last weekend in Geneva.

Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said Wednesday that "our goal is to see forward momentum" by Saturday, not the full list. "We've never said it was a hard and fast deadline."

Via: LA Times

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Defining 'journalist'is a slippery slope. Journalism is an act defined by the doing, not place of employment

State government should not get involved in the very tricky business of trying to determine who is and is not a journalist, Miller writes.A number of years ago, my wife found herself in a fender-bender. Nobody was hurt, thank goodness, but the accident was serious enough to require the filing of a police report. Over the next day or two, our phone rang nonstop: Personal-injury lawyers had grabbed hold of the information and pounced.

Brrring! Hello. Wanna sue? No. Click.

It was an obnoxious and annoying ordeal.

So I understand why Michigan legislators are trying to prevent the ambulance chasers from enjoying easy access to similar data. These are the lawyers who give the rest a bad name: I picture them as vultures, circling document centers, swooping down and carrying away information in their grasping talons.

But Lansing is going about it the wrong way.

Last week, a bipartisan majority on the House Judiciary Committee approved House Bill 4770, which seeks to define the word “journalist.” The goal is to distinguish between those who should see accident records immediately (vehicle owners, prosecutors, journalists, etc.) and those who shouldn’t (the vulture-lawyers).

Journalists, of course, ought to have access to public documents. The proposed legislation, sponsored by Ellen Cogen Lipton, D-Huntington Woods, recognizes this. Unfortunately, it also comes dangerously close to the licensing of reporters.

This is a rotten idea, and liberal societies like our own abandoned it long ago.

Via: Detroit News

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House Republicans accuse Senate colleagues of caving on push to de-fund ObamaCare

House Republicans, in an unusually caustic intra-party squabble, are ripping their conservative colleagues in the Senate for what they see as an abrupt cave-in on the push to de-fund ObamaCare.

“They're waving the white flag already,"one House GOP lawmaker said Wednesday.

The squabble started after House Speaker John Boehner earlier in the day announced he would agree to the demands of Tea Party-aligned lawmakers to tie a vote on de-funding the health care law to a vote on a must-pass budget bill.

The move would effectively condition the approval of the spending bill on ObamaCare being de-funded, or else risk a government shutdown when funding runs out at the end of the month.

But Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, one of the most vocal supporters of the “de-fund ObamaCare” push, startled his House colleagues when he released a written statement Wednesday afternoon that appeared to acknowledge the bill will probably fail in the Senate.

“Today's announcement that the House will vote to defund ObamaCare is terrific news,” Cruz said, in a press release from him, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

Via: Fox News

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Seattle: No speeding tickets for lawmakers during legislative session

No speeding tickets for lawmakers during legislative sessionSEATTLE - Telling a police officer that you were speeding because you are running late for work will likely not let you get out of a ticket. But if you're a state representative trying to get to work during the legislative session, the officer will have to let you go. 

It all comes down to language in the State Constitution that's a throwback to centuries ago, when politicians in England would try to arrest opponents to prevent them from voting in parliament. 

Washington's earliest lawmakers didn't want that happening to them, so it was written into the State Constitution and remains today.

"We interpret the Constitution to say that they can't be impeded on their way to legislative session, and so we'll follow that policy," said Washington State Patrol's spokesman Bob Calkins.

Troopers say they can't know the face of every state senator or representative, but they do let one go about five or six times a year. 

"If the trooper were to learn during the course of a traffic stop that the person is a legislator, that they're on their way to legislative session, the trooper would simply get them on their way as soon as possible," Calkins said.

State Representative David Sawyer, only one year into his term, remembers hearing about the speeding privilege rule in ethics training.

"I don't think anyone would do that, because I think people would be outraged," Sawyer says. "You're not above the law, that's ridiculous."

Via: KONO News

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