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Thursday, June 11, 2015
Thanks, Obamacare: Rates Set to Skyrocket Across the Country
[VIDEO] On NBC, Seinfeld Slams 'Creepy PC Thing' 'Moving the Lines In' on Comedy
The comedian's remarks came days after he contended that political correctness, especially on college campuses, is ruining comedy. Just before Seinfeld targeted this form of left-wing censorship, host Seth Meyers brought up the controversy surrounding the July 2008 cover of The Atlantic that depicted Michelle Obama as a Black Panther and Barack Obama as a Muslim with the magazine's editor, David Remnick. Remnick explained that "comedy should often...test the limits. Louie C.K. did it on Saturday Night Live just recently – and press the boundaries of taste and decorum." He also asserted that the cover "came at a time when a sizeable percentage of the country thought that Barack Obama was a Muslim, and Michelle Obama was a gun-toting Black Panther!"
Meyers then expressed his agreement with his guest's "test the limits" thought about comedy, and added that "there are more people now who will let you know if they think you went over the line than ever before." He turned to Seinfeld for his take on the issue. The stand-up comedian replied by launching his attack on political correctness.
This isn't the first time that Seinfeld has attacked the over-sensitivity of the left. Back in February 2014, the TV star targeted the "anti-comedy" of "PC nonsense" during an interview on CBS This Morning.
The transcript of the relevant portion of the Jerry Seinfeld/David Remnick segment from NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers on early Wednesday morning:
Via: NewsbustersSETH MEYERS: Your covers, obviously, are cartoons as well. You've had some controversy. This, of course, was a famous – Barack/Michelle [Obama] one. You had some controversy this year with Lena Dunham – wrote a piece that was controversial.DAVID REMNICK: Lena Dunham wrote a piece called 'Quiz: Dog or Jewish Boyfriend?'MEYERS: Right – very funny piece-JERRY SEINFELD: That was really funny-MEYERS: It was great-REMNICK: Yeah. The ADL – the Anti-Defamation League – appreciated it less.MEYERS: Yes. (audience laughs)REMNICK So I had a little bit of a fight with Abe Foxman at the ADL. But, you know, it worked out. It's okay.MEYERS: Are you, with your magazine, when you, sort of, court these sort of-
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This is unbelievable. Alberto Iber, a high school principal at North Miami Senior High School, was FIRED for leaving a comment on a Miami Herald comment board supporting the McKinney officer, saying the officer did nothing wrong, he was in fear of his life, and that he commended the officer’s actions.
I bet he does regret the comment now because of the LOONS that run his school system. What kind of garbage statement was that from the superintendent anyway? It was his personal opinion that in no way affected his job as principal and was about something in a completely different state, not affecting any of the children he works with in his school system.
Geez, what ever happened to freedom in this country? I hope he sues the heck out of these leftist thugs and wins his job back.
Via: The Right ScoopContinue Reading.....
Teachers union ad contains one of the worst English errors --- literally!
The second-largest teachers union in the country committed an embarrassing language mistake in an early 2016 presidential primary ad airing in New Hampshire.
"I love when I teach something and they get it...and they literally light up," a teacher says in the American Federation of Teachers commercial. It was unclear what subject or grade the teacher is supposed to be teaching.
It's also unclear whether the teacher is using the new, second meaning of the word, which makes "literally" a synonym for "virtually" or "figuratively," or the traditional — or literal — definition of the word. If it's the latter, then I have to ask: When the teacher's students learn something new, do they light up a cigarette? Do they start glowing as if a lightbulb inside them has just starting shining? Either would be cause for concern.
It seems likely that AFT meant "literally" in the slang sense of the term. If so, it would be taking a bold stance in favor of the new meaning. So many people find that use of the word annoying that Time Magazine included it on its list of words that should be banned in 2015.
It remains to be seen how many English teachers, if any, will literally decide to give up their union membership over this issue. If we can't trust the AFT to use the correct definition of "literally," how can we trust it to shape our nation's education policy?
Merriam-Webster added the informal definition of "literally" to its pages in 2013.
The American Federation of Teachers represents 1.6 million members across the country.
(Hat tip to Alexander Russo at Washington Monthly for catching the mistake.)
Poll: Sen. Rob Portman Holds Lead In Competitive Ohio Senate Race
Republican Sen. Rob Portman holds a 10-point lead over his likely Democratic opponent, former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland, according to a new Vox Populi Polling survey shared exclusively with The Daily Caller.
The Ohio Senate race is shaping up to be a competitive contest, with Democrats arguing Portman is one of the most vulnerable Republican incumbents in the 2016 cycle.
But according to the poll of 474 active voters taken on June 6 and 7, voters prefer Portman over Strickland 47 percent to 37 percent, with 16 percent unsure.
The margin of error in the poll is plus or minus 4.5 percent.
Portman, who has been vetted in recent presidential cycles as a possible Republican running mate, was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010. He is a former member of Congress, U.S. Trade representative and director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Strickland is a former congressman who served one term as governor of Ohio. In recent years, he has worked for the liberal Center for American Progress.
Mark Steyn Reveals Hillary Clinton Limo Incident That Shames NYT's Coverage of Rubio's Driving Record
Mocking the NY Times for all the attention they’ve given Marco Rubio’s driving record, Mark Steyn revealed something today from Hillary Clinton’s past that should put the NY Times to shame for focusing so much on Marco Rubio’s speeding tickets.
He explains how Clinton’s limo driver, back in 2001, in what he calls a ‘driving Miss Hillary’ situation, crashed through an airport security fence at 35mph with her in the back, injuring a police officer and only stopping because the police officer needed medical treatment.
Via: The Right ScoopContinue Reading....
Ryan Belching O’s Kool-Aid in America’s face
RYNO’ Paul Ryan is swilling President Barack Obama’s Free Trade Kool-Aid. In fact the second act on Mitt Romney’s failed 2012 presidential ticket is not only swilling the O-flavoured Kool-Aid, he’s belching it in America’s face.
“Before they were allies, they were campaign-trail foes,” writes Lauren Fox of Obama and Ryan on her National Journal story yesterday.
But were Obama and Ryan ever really campaign foes as much as they were deceivers under the skin?
Makes you wonder when Ryan jumped so quickly into the sack with the man who has so radically “fundamentally transformed” America.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership secret negotiations have been going on behind the backs of We the People for six long years—or not long after Obama came into power.
We all know how long Obama has been working behind the backs of main-street Americans to render the U.S. into a Marxist state. The question Ryan’s voters should be asking is: “How long has Paul Ryan been working in the dark to sell out America?”
“President Obama’s GOP salesmen are telling fellow House members that fast-track trade promotion authority (TPA) will “constrain the president” to do what Congress wants when he negotiates the Trans-Pacific Partnership. (National Journal, June 9, 2015)
“Sounds reassuring, but there’s one problem: It’s just not true.
“Pointing to the negotiating objectives the Senate-approved bill lays out, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) says that “TPA makes the president follow dozens of strict objectives in his negotiations so that your priorities come first — not his.”
“First, let’s be clear: The Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations have been underway for six years. According to the U.S. trade representative, they are in the “end game” and will be wrapped up once TPA is approved. Scalise and company are a little late setting objectives for negotiations that have already taken place.”
In the bitter disappointment about the Republicans throwing in with Obama and the Democrats straight after being handed a majority mandate by voters in the last election, it is easy to see House Speaker John Boehner. He’s goofy, weak and weeps in public, giving in to feelings rather than commonsense.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
California: Retiree with $183,690 Annual Pension Attacks Pension Critics
“Critics of public employee retirement benefits are engaging in hyperbole and pointing to potholes as evidence that millions of elderly Californians should be stripped of their retirement savings.”
Brian Rice, president, Sacramento Area Fire Fighters, Sacramento Bee, June 2, 2015
Brian Rice, president, Sacramento Area Fire Fighters, Sacramento Bee, June 2, 2015
Notwithstanding the possibility that saying pension reformers want to see “millions of elderly Californians stripped of their retirement savings” is itself “hyperbole,” Brian Rice’s recent Sacramento Bee submission requires a detailed rebuttal. Rice’s piece, entitled “Pensions aren’t being paid at expense of filling potholes,” was in response to a study written by Stephen Eide and released by the Manhattan Institute entitled “California Crowd-Out, How Rising Retirement Benefit Costs Threaten Municipal Services,” published in April 2015.
Rice leads off by attempting to link the Manhattan Institute to the supposedly infamous Koch Bros., despite offering zero evidence that the Koch Brothers contribute to that organization. And, of course, he is relying on this unsubstantiated link to discredit Eide’s work, apparently because if the Koch’s funded the work, then the author had to come up with data and conclusions that fit their agenda, instead of the facts and logic.
We’ll get to facts and logic in a moment, but first it is necessary to consider Brian Rice’s agenda. Because there is virtually no comparison between California’s urban firefighters and the “working class,” “minority, low-income and rural communities,” to whom Rice makes reference in his article, and for whom unions are more legitimately challenged to represent. Brian Rice, who retired in 2011 after 28 years of service, collected a pension in 2013 of $183,690, NOT including other benefits which probably add at least another $10,000 to his total retirement package.
Here’s pension data for Brian Rice. Notice how during retirement his pension still increases each year.
Conservatives and the Marriage Debate
The same-sex “marriage” vote in Ireland marks the largest victory for the LGBT movement thus far. It’s quite a feather in the gay boa – an apparent success in yanking one of the most heterosexual cultures on Earth out of the closet.
In truth, the vote was very likely a rebuke to the Catholic Church, which in Ireland, as everywhere else in the industrialized West, hired a lot of gays to act as priests, who exploited numberless teenage boys for sexual purposes, and then did nothing about it. The Irish Church tried to coast through the crisis, and this is its reward – a fitting one.
We can add the fact the Irish Church did nothing to defend marriage from the current assault. I know that without even researching it, because the American Church is effectively an extension of the Irish Church, and the American Church has done nothing to protect marriage during the current debate. A serious, well-organized, and well-funded response to the gay campaign among Catholics simply has not occurred in any meaningful sense.
This is also true of the rest of this country’s institutions, conservatism prominent among them.
We’re told that when the matter came up, establishment conservatives effectively laughed the whole thing off with the line, “Does this mean I can marry my cat?” Conservatives did not take the matter seriously, and they are now caught with little to say. Some did worse, such as the odious Robert Gates, whose speech to the Boy Scouts reveals his historical role to be a kind of Jack Ketch who handles the dirty work that liberals don’t want to touch.
Via: American Thinker
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In truth, the vote was very likely a rebuke to the Catholic Church, which in Ireland, as everywhere else in the industrialized West, hired a lot of gays to act as priests, who exploited numberless teenage boys for sexual purposes, and then did nothing about it. The Irish Church tried to coast through the crisis, and this is its reward – a fitting one.
We can add the fact the Irish Church did nothing to defend marriage from the current assault. I know that without even researching it, because the American Church is effectively an extension of the Irish Church, and the American Church has done nothing to protect marriage during the current debate. A serious, well-organized, and well-funded response to the gay campaign among Catholics simply has not occurred in any meaningful sense.
This is also true of the rest of this country’s institutions, conservatism prominent among them.
We’re told that when the matter came up, establishment conservatives effectively laughed the whole thing off with the line, “Does this mean I can marry my cat?” Conservatives did not take the matter seriously, and they are now caught with little to say. Some did worse, such as the odious Robert Gates, whose speech to the Boy Scouts reveals his historical role to be a kind of Jack Ketch who handles the dirty work that liberals don’t want to touch.
Via: American Thinker
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Greta: My Prediction for How the Supreme Court Will Rule on ObamaCare
Greta's 'Off the Record,' 6/9/15: Neither Pres. Obama nor Congress have a viable Plan B for the American people if the Supreme Court strikes down a key provision in ObamaCare.
Discovered inside the huge tranche of secretive Obamatrade documents released by Wikileaks are key details on how technically any Republican voting for Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) that would fast-track trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal would technically also be voting to massively expand President Obama’s executive authority when it comes to immigration matters.
The mainstream media covered the Wikileaks document dump extensively, but did not mention the immigration chapter contained within it, so Breitbart News took the documents to immigration experts to get their take on it. Nobody has figured how big a deal the documents uncovered by Wikileaks are until now. (See below)
The president’s Trade in Services Act (TiSA) documents, which is one of the three different close-to-completely-negotiated deals that would be fast-tracked making up the president’s trade agreement, show Obamatrade in fact unilaterally alters current U.S. immigration law. TiSA, like TPP or the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) deals, are international trade agreements that President Obama is trying to force through to final approval. The way he can do so is by getting Congress to give him fast-track authority through TPA.
TiSA is even more secretive than TPP. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill can review the text of TPP in a secret, secured room inside the Capitol—and in some cases can bring staffers who have high enough security clearances—but with TiSA, no such draft text is available.
Via: Breitbart
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