Dyson first mocked the lack of GOP “rebranding” after 2012, and noticed how whenever Republicans don’t like a law, “they say it’s akin to slavery.” He showed a montage of everyone from Dr. Ben Carson to George Will making the comparison, even linking Obamacare to the Fugitive Slave Law. What do they have in common? Well, other than the fact that they’re both laws, nothing.
Dyson gave a history lesson on racism and “poisonous bigotry” in the United States, and even said of people like Carson and Allen West that “Black mouths are opening, white supremacist ideals are speaking. There’s a ventriloquist act going on here.”
Dyson then made a plea to the GOP to stop with the insane comparisons.
“The only thing that is comparable to slavery is slavery itself! Stop all the stuff! Ix-nay on the comparative analysis of and the parallels to slavery! Affordable Care Act has freed millions of people from their indentured existence in a system that denied them opportunity!”
Watch the video below, via MSNBC:
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