Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DC. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

[VIDEO] Greta: 'Knockout Game' No Laughing Matter ... Where Are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Others?

Let's all go "Off the Record" for a minute. Look at this. Take a close look. Do you know what is going on? That is young African-American teenagers viciously and gratuitously attacking a random victim, a teacher, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Now, this violent act is what the teens where this is happening laughingly call "The Knockout Game."

This is no game. It's a mean, dangerous and a deadly crime. Already, one man hit has died from the so-called "Knockout Game." That's murder.

It's hard to think it could be worse, even more degrading, but it might be because lots of other teens know about this "Knockout Game." They have even been interviewed laughing about it, laughing like they don't get that this is wrong. Instead, acting like it's funny. Funny, really? They think it's funny?

Watch the videos on Gretawire. It's posted there. There is even more. This "Knockout Game" crime is a trend. It's growing. Don't believe me? We've had two incidents in the last few days right here in D.C. I know this is a very touchy topic because the game is regrettably popular amongst unsupervised African-American teens. No one wants to get near the topic of race. We also can't run from this one.

People are getting her hurt and murdered, and even those who live in these communities where this is happening. They have a right to be safe, and they don't have to live in fear of having their children hurt or even poisoned by ugly peer pressure, right? This game has to be condemned. And in order for the condemnation to have any impact whatsoever it has to come from important role models to these young teens.

I beg of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton and even President Obama to step up right now and speak out. Your silence will speak volumes, but your voice could make a big difference. Don't wait. Be leaders, they need you. We need you.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Think NSA Snooping Is Bad? Check Out MPAA Theater Security

Hollywood studios are urging theater operators to crack down on in-theater camcording with the deployment of night-vision goggles, low-light binoculars and security cameras.
The latest version of the Motion Picture Association of America’s “Best Practices to Prevent Film Theft” (.pdf) also suggests old-school surveillance, like “random bag and jacket checks for prohibited items” and to “observe patrons” when entering the theater.
“Look for the unusual, such as someone wearing a long or unseasonably heavy coat in warm weather, odd shapes outlined in pockets or patrons carrying shopping bags. If any of these are observed, please take a closer look,” the 12-page memo advises.
Camcording and industry leaks are the top methods of choice for movies to find their way to file-sharing sites like The Pirate Bay and on unauthorized DVDs. Camcording is a federal felony carrying a maximum 3 year penalty. The District of Columbia and 41 states also have their own laws against it.
The MPAA guidance urges theater employees, who are eligible for $500 rewards, to call the police immediately if they think illegal filming is occurring. “Let the proper authorities determine what laws may have been violated and what enforcement action should be taken,” according to the memo.
The document also asserts a top rule practiced by all the world’s spy agencies: Trust no one.
“Be aware of ‘friends’ of staff,” the protocol warns. “Does one member of your staff frequently have ‘friends’ joining them at the theater at odd times? Look for non-employees coming or going out of the projectionist’s booth or those arriving at odd hours claiming to be ‘friends’ of an employee or manager.”

Friday, November 1, 2013

2010: Chuck Grassley accurately predicts mass insurance cancellations under #obamacare.

As I said on Twitter: CNN. CN Freaking N.
Senate Democrats voted unanimously three years ago to support the Obamacare rule that is largely responsible for some of the health insurance cancellation letters that are going out.
In September 2010, Senate Republicans brought a resolution to the floor to block implementation of the grandfather rule, warning that it would result in canceled policies and violate President Barack Obama’s promise that people could keep their insurance if they liked it.
“The District of Columbia is an island surrounded by reality. Only in the District of Columbia could you get away with telling the people if you like what you have you can keep it, and then pass regulations six months later that do just the opposite and figure that people are going to ignore it. But common sense is eventually going to prevail in this town and common sense is going to have to prevail on this piece of legislation as well,” Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said at the time.
“The administration’s own regulations prove this is not the case. Under the grandfathering regulation, according to the White House’s own economic impact analysis, as many as 69 percent of businesses will lose their grandfathered status by 2013 and be forced to buy government-approved plans,” the Iowa Republican said.
(Bolding mine) There’s more. There’s so much, much more – but I can’t excerpt the whole thing. So read it: and start bugging your Senators to do something about it. Even if you have Democratic Senators. Especially if you have Democratic Senators; they pretty much deserve to have an exquisitely bad day, or series of days, over this.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The War between Texas and DC

George P. Mitchell died this past summer. Though not widely noted, his American ingenuity has laid siege to the fundamental injustices of the world and promised a now inevitable American economic renaissance. In the 1980s, industry experts thought his idea was "stupid." Today, Mitchell's invention is completely reversing global fortunes. His invention: Fracking.
Because of the ingenuity of this Texan, global oil and gas markets are in complete upheaval. His home state of Texas is experiencing skyrocketing production of oil and natural gas. Texas is the thirteenth largest producer of oil in the world today and production continues to rise dramatically in places like the Eagle Ford and Barnett Shale oil plays. Mitchell's invention insures that Vladimir Putin's claims to increased Russian hegemony are largely vain. The abundance of fossil fuels yielded by the Texan's genius threatens the cornerstone of Russian economic prowess: natural gas. With oil at over $100 a barrel, money is pouring into the Texas treasury and the state, already in surplus, finds itself with an improbable exponential windfall. The United Statessurpassed Saudi Arabia this past year to become the largest producer of fossil fuels. The United States is easily on track to become a fossil fuel exporter -- especially in natural gas.
European leaders recently issued warnings that European industry is at risk of an 'industrial massacre' due to industry departing the region for America because of high energy costs. The plummeting prices of oil and gas poise the United States for an unprecedented industrial renaissance. The driving cost of industrial production is energy and America is drowning in it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

D.C. Considering Restricting Sizes Of Sodas

Some on D.C. Council favor restricting sugary drinks
Mark Segraves
WASHINGTON - Several members of the D.C. Council have come out in favor of restricting the sizes of sugary sodas sold in the District - a ban similar to one in New York City.

At a recent debate between candidates for the at-large council seats, current Councilmembers Michael Brown and Vincent Orange said without hesitation they would vote to ban the sale of large drinks.

That news was music to Councilmember Mary Cheh's ears.

"I'm very excited by that," said Cheh (D-Ward 3), who fell one vote short of passing a tax on sodas and other sugary drinks.

Cheh authored the Healthy Schools Act and says she thinks the New York City ban is a good idea she'd like to bring to the nation's capital.

"If I could get the votes to do it I would certainly try to put that in place," Cheh tells WTOP.
"I would consider legislation to do that, I would like to see that done," she added.

While Cheh, Orange and Brown are the only three elected officials to come out in support of the ban, several others say they are open to a ban, including Mayor Vincent Gray.

"I think there probably are some good health reasons to support something like that," Gray said. "We'll be happy to look at it, we haven't taken a position on that one way or another."
Council Chairman Phil Mendelson agreed it's an idea worthy of consideration.

"The issue of nutrition is of critical importance to public health. We need to look at different strategies so people understand what the effect is of the large volume of soft drinks they're drinking," Mendelson said.

Councilmember Tommy Wells (D-Ward 6) also was open to considering a ban.
"I am open to anything that will help young people be healthier," Wells said.

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Darrell Issa to Sue Eric Holder Monday

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa plans to sue Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday for refusing to provide documents related to the "Fast and Furious" gun-smuggling operation.
"The committee expects to file the civil contempt suit against the attorney general Monday," a Republican source said. The suit will be filed in the federal district court for the District of Columbia.
The action is the latest escalation in the dispute between House Republicans and the Justice Department over the documents, which relate to a botched gun-smuggling operation.
On June 28, the House voted to hold Holder in contempt of Congress and authorized the Oversight panel to bring suit to enforce its rights.
In Fast and Furious, agents for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed assault guns to "walk," which meant ending surveillance on weapons suspected to be en route to Mexican drug cartels.
The tactic, which was intended to allow agents to track criminal networks by finding the guns at crime scenes, was condemned after two guns that were part of the operation were found at Border Patrol agent Brian Terry's murder scene.
In the most recent conflict between Congress and the president over a Congressional subpoena, Democrats' and Republicans' roles were reversed.

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