Showing posts with label Gun Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gun Control. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Piers Morgan Tears Into Pro-Gun Panel in Epic Shouting Match Over Navy Yard Shooting

Piers Morgan is getting sick and tired of having the same “ridiculous debate” every time there is a mass shooting, and made that abundantly clear when he unloaded on conservative radio host Ben Ferguson and gun rights activist John Lott during a heated argument over gun control Monday night.
Ferguson told Morgan the Navy Yard was a gun-free zone, so gun control was “a failure in this base with all the best security in the world.” Morgan complained that the bigger failure is the “failure to do anything” in the wake of countless tragic shootings. After Richard Feldman brought up the lack of a real conversation on mental health, Morgan cried, “You guys just never accept that the gun itself can never be part of the problem!”
Lott argued that gun-free zones are “magnets” for tragedies like this to occur, and fought with Morgan over the accuracy of gun massacre statistics. Morgan also shouted down the idea that a military installation was a “gun-free zone,” pointing out the armed security the NRA wanted after Sandy Hook was present at the base “and it made absolutely no difference!”
Ferguson shot back that if someone is in the Navy and being trusted with hi-tech equipment and classified information, “why the hell wouldn’t we trust you to bring your weapon to work with you?” Morgan sighed and scolded the panel for being so intransigent in their views about guns. He shouted, “Think about your position! Think about how it helps save American lives! Because it doesn’t! More guns is not the answer!”

Monday, September 16, 2013

[VIDEO] Obama: ‘Gun Control—We Had 80, 90% of the Country That Agreed With It’

( - Appearing on ABC News’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” on Sunday, President Barack Obama said he had 80 to 90 percent of the country agreeing with him in favor of gun control, but the he could not get gun-control legislation enacted because of a “faction of the Republican Party.”
Obama made the observation about the supermajority of Americans he believes favor “gun control” when Stephanopoulos asked him why the issues he had chosen to focus on at the beginning of his second term seem to have stalled.
“You put gun control at the top of the agenda, immigration reform, climate change--all of it's stalled or reversing,” said Stephanopoulos. “How do you answer the argument that beyond the deficit, this has been a lost year, and how do you save it?”
First, Obama said the Senate-passed immigration bill, which creates a “pathway to citizenship” for illegal aliens, would win in the House if Speaker John Boehner brought it up for a vote.
Via: CNS News

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Friday, September 13, 2013

The Colorado recall was about more than gun control

There was much more going on in Tuesday's recall elections Colorado than an up and down vote on Second Amendment Issues. We may be looking at a bipartisan rebellion against a problem that afflicts both parties: lawmakers passing laws that make them feel virtuous but which are either ineffectual or actually make life worse for the voters. It was arrogance and overreaching that deposed the leader of the Colorado State Senate and a female Hispanic Democrat from a district where registered Democrats outnumber Republicans by 24 percent.

As Glenn Reynolds noted after the Newtown mass shooting, what we really need is a waiting period for laws.
After every tragedy, legislation gets rushed through that's typically just a bunch of stuff that various folks had long wanted all along, but couldn't pass before. Then it's hustled through as a "solution" to the tragedy, even though close inspection usually reveals that the changes wouldn't have prevented the tragedy, and don't even have much to do with it.
Legislators like news stories that praise them for responding to the media's cry to Do Something! They also know there are seldom stories about how the media' preferred solution had unintended consequences because the media shares the political class's bias that all problems need a government solution-preferably the federal government, but state governments will do. Perhaps on Tuesday in two Democrat leaning districts voters rejected this approach. 
Could this be possible?  Consider how Public Policy Polling got burned in this recall election. 

Via: American Thinker

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013


DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement in response to yesterday's recall election of Colorado Senators Angela Giron and John Morse:

”The recall elections in Colorado were defined by the vast array of obstacles that special interests threw in the way of voters for the purpose of reversing the will of the legislature and the people. This was voter suppression, pure and simple.
“Colorado voters are used to casting their ballots by mail, but because of lawsuits filed by opponents of common sense gun reform, voters were not mailed their ballots in this election. Those who intended to vote in person did not learn their polling locations until less than two weeks before Election Day. Tuesday’s low turnout was a result of efforts by the NRA, the Koch brothers and other right wing groups who know that when more people vote, Democrats win.
"But any electoral victory that hinges on impeding access to democracy is a hollow one, and ultimately, the NRA did not get what it wanted. The recall results will do nothing to change the Democratic control of the Colorado House, Senate and Governor’s office. And the commonsense gun laws that were passed by popular vote in Colorado will remain intact, including provisions like universal background checks and restrictions on the size of ammunition magazines. This will make residents safer from acts of violence.
“The Democratic Party has already bolstered its effort to expand voting rights through the National Voter Registration Project, an outgrowth of our belief that when more citizens are involved in the political process, the better it is for the country. I have faith that the outrageous events in Colorado will bring more activists to join our cause, because the American people understand that the right to vote is a fundamental feature of citizenship that must be protected against assault.”

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Colorado Challengers

They oppose arrogance as much as they oppose gun control. 

Of such general interest is next Tuesday’s recall election in Colorado — and so ubiquitously has the event been characterized as a national “litmus test” or “referendum” — that it is easy to forget that there are real candidates involved in the process. Invariably, it is the more powerful political forces that garner the attention of the media: the NRA, Michael Bloomberg, “the gun lobby,” and the “advocates of stricter gun control” are typically the proxies of choice. But on the ground it is a different story. There, in Districts 3 and 11, the fights are personal, and the larger forces at work are distilled into the candidates representing them. Thus, while Americans fixate on the undercurrent, in Pueblo talk is of “Giron vs. Rivera” and in Colorado Springs the question is whether voters are “for Morse or for Herpin?” It is the answers to these questions, not the national debate, that will ultimately determine the outcome.

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