Friday, October 5, 2012

Head Scratching: Unemployment Ticks Down, Harry Reid Blames Republicans for Obstructionist Tactics

This morning’s release of the recent jobs report numbers report this morning shows the lowest unemployment in 44 months and predictably, the Left is celebrating the news. But even though unemployment has dipped below eight percent, one prominent Democrat is slamming Republicans for obstructionist tactics that he claims contributed to this still high number.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) issued a series of tweets this morning reacting to the latest jobs report and most of his comments were positive. But amidst hiscelebratory tweets about the economy being “on the right track,” he said, “We could move faster if Republicans dropped obstruction, yet Sen. McConnell said his ‘single most important’ goal was defeating Pres. Obama.”
Shortly after that statement, he tweeted, “It’s time for Republicans to put politics aside, and put the middle class first.”
It’s curious that in the midst of this seemingly good news, Reid would throw Republicans under the bus for getting in the way and not allowing them to “move faster.” Reid must have forgotten that for ¾ of Obama’s first term in office, Democrats had control of Congress: translation, Obama and the Democrats possessed the ability to pass, i.e. ram through, legislation to help with the dismal unemployment number, which, for the majority of Obama’s administration, was above eight percent.
Also, while Reid has cause to celebrate more Americans in the workforce, he also fails to realize or is simply ignoring that a 7.8 percent unemployment rate is still way above the less than six percent unemployment that President Obama promised we would see in 2012.

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