Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Watch the entire, powerful video, below:
It was recently announced that Louisiana State Senator Elbert Guillory will be serving as honorary chairman of the Free at Last PAC, which describes itself as being “formed by several leaders as an effort to support Black Republicans who run for federal office and also to educate Blacks about the values of the Republican Party.” Below is a summary of a 4:00 video he posted online:
“Liberalism has nearly destroyed black America, and now it’s time for black America to return the favor,” Guillory says with a smile in his new video.

Throughout the video, the state senator argues that the Republican Party is more in line with the values of the black community than the Democrat Party, asking: “After all, what was God’s plan for our people? Is this why God delivered us from the wilderness of slavery, so that able-bodied men could sit on the porch all day drinking  liquor? Was it God’s plan that we would trade one plantation for another?”

“Truth is undeniable,” he maintained.  “Evil may attack it. Ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. I promise you that one day it will be impossible for black Americans to deny the truth about this liberal nanny state…”

Guillory said it is his “sincere hope” that he and others can help people reach the conclusion before economic realities force them to the realization.  When a government is spending three dollars for every two it takes in, he said, eventually the grocery store will say “no thank you” to food stamps, Medicare cards won’t work, and the welfare checks won’t cash.

“Only capitalism can provide the upward mobility for the meekest among us to break the shackles of poverty and rise into the middle class,” he urged.

For too long, the Republican Party has cowered and acted “ashamed of the very values that made America the shining city on a hill,” Guillory said.

It’s time to “reach into the black community and articulate those values that fuel the American dream,” he added. “We will be silent no more.”

Via: Fox News

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