Wednesday, August 21, 2013


'There is no aspect of state government operations that is 


The former majority leader of the California State Senate, who describes herself as a “longtime liberal Democrat” who “still pay(s) union due,” is complaining about the influence of unions in her state.
A Democrat?

Yes. It appears organized labor is getting some negative attention these days even from longtime supporters.
The growth of union influence has been all over the news during Barack Obama’s tenure, since he’s worked with labor groups on a number of issues, such as the bailout of the auto industry, when they received preferential treatment to other creditors.
In California, right now the dispute is over a plan to discontinue an audit service that makes sure taxpayers and workers are getting a fair deal when public construction projects are developed, sometimes costing tens of millions of dollars.
Union interests want the audits dropped.
It got the attention of a former state lawmaker, a Democrat.
“There is no aspect of state government operations or public policy that is untouched by the power of the public-sector unions and their allies in Sacramento,” wrote Gloria Romero in a recent commentary.
She blames labor unions and Democrat politicians for most of California’s woes, saying she “more so felt the influence of public-sector unions on my party.”
“I hope to illustrate how powerful special-interest public-sector unions took control of government and what it will take for Californians to wrestle back control,” she said.
Romero details how a threat of retribution by the Service Employee International Union publicly was met with silence. She also details how highly compensated teacher unions and prison guards wield power and prevent reform.

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