Sunday, August 18, 2013

[VIDEO] Krauthammer: The Idea That Climate Change Is A Closed Issue Is "Arrogant And Anti-Scientific"

Charles Krauthammer on Interior Secretary Sally Jewell saying "I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior."

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: No, it's not totalitarian, but it is shockingly arrogant and anti-scientific. The idea that science is closed, that science is settled and that anybody who brings evidence or questions is somehow a flat-earther is appalling.

Freeman Dyson, who is one of the great physicists of our time, he's a climate skeptic, he has more IQ in his pinky than the entire political echelon of the EPA put together, and they are saying this man is a scientific illiterate? The entire idea of science is that you are open to contrary evidence, it is the definition of a scientific theory. And particularly, climate science which is young, it's new, built on all kinds of assumptions, and data which contradicts each other -- the idea that it is a closed issue is incredibly unscientific and arrogant and that these bureaucrats and political hacks are decreeing this, I think is scandalous. (Special Report, August 16, 2013)


gk68 said...

You nailed it, Nick! Good eye! Th structure of scientific methodology is the necessity for replicable/repeatable findings and not ruling out any hypothesis until it is subjected to the rigors of reality-based inquiry.
Having administered IQ tests for over 35 years, I can validate the observation about the combined EPA IQ!!!!!!!! Dr. Gary Katz

jzf said...

The rare physician who denies the Germ Theory of Disease should be your doctor, not mine.

At what point would you say the consensus was "in". 98% 99.99999% ?

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