Tuesday, July 21, 2015

The President is ‘The Other’

Obama’s actions have been designed to turn America into a one-party state, much like the People’s Republic of China or Cuba or even Iran

For those who drank the hope and change Kool-Aid, here’s some bad news: the ‘fundamental transformation of America’ is in full swing and as they used to say in show biz, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

That’s because the last 18 months of this corrupt narcissist’s rule will make the first six-and-a-half years look like a high school civics lesson in good governance. I have always found it ironic that the son of a Kenyan Muslim Marxist and disaffected white liberal woman should grow up to become President of the United States. What’s more, the way in which he arrived at the presidency is shall we say, unusual.

Here’s a guy who was elected on the basis of being a good-looking black man who could speak well. We’ve never read anything that he wrote during his law school years, don’t know what his grades were, in fact, that entire chapter of his life is securely under seal. Why would that be?

And for those of us who believed that Constitutional Government entailed a series of checks and balances between the three branches of government, the Obama years have permanently disabused us of that notion.

Considering the shenanigans that brought about some of Obama’s ‘signature’ legislative achievements, there are Third World dictatorships with more transparent government than what’s the norm in America today. Think about the misnamed Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act, better known as ‘ObamaCare’ and how it was passed in the dead of night with no one having read its contents and with some of the crucial votes for passage having to be purchased through shady deals. Years later came the biting revelations by Jonathan Gruber, one of the Act’s authors that basically called voters ‘stupid’ for having accepted passage.

Then there is the use of the IRS to punish the enemies of the President. I recall a slight whiff of this from the Nixon White House when the impeachment knives began to be sharpened. Yet Obama uses this sinister and powerful agency to steal elections with impunity.

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