Showing posts with label Bankrupting America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bankrupting America. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The unspoken success of ObamaCare

Despite what you are being told, the Affordable Health Care Act (ACA), commonly known as ObamaCare, is already proving to be a resounding success. The problem, however, is that the majority of Americans don’t fully understand the objectives of this plan, or the roles of its architects and its defenders. Even the vast majority of conservative pundits in all venues don’t seem to ‘get it’ and consequently, are leading their readers and listeners astray by focusing on the wrong issues.

First, it is vital to understand that the ACA is not now, nor never was, about providing affordable health care. It is merely disguised as such. Rather, it is thevehicle that is being covertly used to conduct the most massive transfer of power to the Executive Branch of government that this nation has ever experienced. It is being done methodically and for a specific purpose. It is the vehiclethat will ultimately disassemble and destroy significant parts of the United States Constitution and further enslave United States citizens.

Presently, all eyes are on the ostensible failures of the internet gateway or ACA website. This is precisely where the Obama regime and globalist handlers want our focus to be. The reason is that they want us to get caught up in the minutia and not see the bigger picture. But it’s a failure, you might say, and ascribe the failure to incompetence, graft, and so on. While generally true, we are being forced to examine only one tentacle of the octopus, while the rest of the creature is being hidden from view.

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