Showing posts with label Brianna Keilar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brianna Keilar. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Although it’s clear that Brianna Keilar was a big Hillary fangirl, even she had to say that it was surprising how unwilling Hillary was to take responsibility for anything that had gone wrong during her road to the coronation.
Watch below:
Yeah, expect candidate “Hard Choices” to dodge responsibility – that’s all Clintons know how to do!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Three questions for Hillary Clinton

After months of refusing to answer questions, avoiding situations in which she might be questioned, and literally roping off the press, Hillary Clinton has granted an interview to a news organization. CNN's Brianna Keilar, who will do the interview, has asked for suggestions on what she might ask. Here are three questions for the former secretary of state:
1) In March, you said, 'I … provided all my emails that could possibly be work-related' to the State Department. Now, State says there are some emails you didn't turn over. Did you tell the truth in March?
2) After turning over some of your emails to the State Department, you destroyed everything: all emails, all backups. Why?
3) On Aug. 16, 2012, Ambassador Chris Stevens warned State of dangerous security problems in Benghazi, Libya, saying U.S. facilities there could not survive a 'coordinated attack.' Top administration officials Leon Panetta and Martin Dempsey testified that they knew about the Stevens warning. You said you were too busy to see it. Why?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ben Carson Dodges CNN’s LGBT Question: Can’t We Talk About Something ‘More Important?’

In an interview on Fox News Wednesday night,Ben Carson said he doesn’t equate gay rights with civil rights because he’s never seen a “straight only” water fountain. So, when he joined CNN’s Brianna Keilar by phone Thursday afternoon, she had a very simple question for the Republican presidential candidate: “Do you think that gay Americans are discriminated against, that they face discrimination?”
Over the next two minutes, Keilar asked him some variation of that question at least six more times. At first Carson said he didn’t want to talk about the “gay issue” except to repeat the question he posed to Fox News’ Bret Baier: “What position can a person take who has no animosity toward gay people, but believes in the traditional definition of marriage that would be acceptable?”
Keilar decided not to take a stab at that one but instead told Carson she felt it was “fair” to ask him her original question because as a candidate for president part of his job was to explain his positions. When she repeated her question, he would only say that the Constitution “protects every single American” and “everybody has equal rights, nobody has extra rights.”
“Can we move on to something more important?” Carson asked, as Keilar attempted to elicit a yes or no answer. “Is there anything more important to talk about?”
After she asked him two more times, Carson admitted that “every group faces some type of discrimination,” including Christians. “I wish we would talk more about that.”
When Carson insisted he had answered her question, Keilar stated, for the record, “I think you gave me part of an answer, but not a complete one.”

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