Showing posts with label Census. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Census. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2012

States That Spent Most Per-Pupil Get Labor Dept. Grants; States That Spent Least Get None

( - The U.S. Labor Department announced last week that it will distribute $75.7 million in taxpayer-funded YouthBuild grants to provide instruction and occupational training for high school dropouts, ages 16 to 24.
With some 5,000 individuals expected to benefit, the grants average $15,140 for each “out of school” individual. Meanwhile, the nation's elementary-secondary public school systems spent an average $10,615 per pupil in fiscal year 2010, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau.
According to a  June 2012 Census Bureau’s report, the District of Columbia spent the most on education in 2010 – $18,667 per student. The Labor Department just awarded a $1,099,932 YouthBuild grant to the city’s Sasha Bruce Youthwork Inc., which helps young people “transform their lives.”
New York spent the second highest amount on each pupil – $18,618. Six recipients in that state will receive a combined total of $5,209,046 from taxpayers through the YouthBuild grants.
New Jersey ranks third, spending $16,841 per pupil in fiscal year 2010. The Labor Department is awarding five grants to that state for a combined total of $4,323,900.
Census figures show that states spending the least per pupil were Utah ($6,064), Idaho ($7,106), Arizona ($7,848) and Oklahoma ($7,896). And none of those states received grant funding from the Labor Department.

Friday, November 25, 2011


When my Dad retired in the 80’s he was 65 years old.  He enjoyed his retirement years by volunteering at the local Senior Citizens Center, ran in elections for local offices and was as active as anyone I knew. He loved playing golf and puttering around his yard taking care of the landscaping and even shoveling snow during the winter.   He also worked part time consulting for a number of his long term clients during tax season.  He had as sharp of mind at 85 when he passed away as he did when he was a younger man.  I would always go to him for advice and he never wavered from the messages he gave me as a child and in my adult life.  All the while his health was declining, but this did not stop or slow him down at all.  He would say that he was just like an automobile and when you get older things start breaking down and it is no different for people.  If he were alive today he would be incensed at the thought of someone other than his doctor deciding whether he lives or dies.

When we hear the term “Death Panels” that has been bantered about since the passing of ObamaCare we can only think of one thing, Socialism at its best.  Recently a caller on the Mark Levin Show revealed a very disturbing part of ObamaCare.  It is an inside look at what ObamaCare will do. A panel of government administrators at Health and Human Services (HHS) under the direction of Secretary Kathleen Sebelious, will decide whether it is economically viable to allow advanced neurosurgical care to be performed on a person over 70 which they now refer to as “units” and not patients.  The patients will now receive comfort care. These are not yet published regulations from (HHS). They are talking about our grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, neighbors and friends.  This is the United States of America and if you take away people’s right to live with dignity what is left of our valuable freedoms?

At the time ObamaCare was being debated in congress, Sarah Palin said that ‘Death Panels” consisting of bureaucrats, not doctors would be created to decide if we live or die.  She was ridiculed, mocked, and scorned by the main stream media and everyone else that wanted this bill passed.  They all denied that this was the case and that it was just another example of the republicans trying to scare people.  It was done to hide what ObamaCare was really all about.  So if you are 70 years-old or older and your name is Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Maxine Water, Charlie Rangel or soon to be Joe Biden, chances are that you will not be subjected to the “Death Panels” unlike we of us in the general population.

I often get the chance to talk to seniors in this wonderful country and I see a group of people that are still a very important part of society.  They are active with schools, churches, community groups and countless other organizations.  People over 65 make up almost 20% of our population (2010 U.S Census).  They are working longer than ever before to provide for themselves and their families.  They are an invaluable part of our population and they deserve better than this.  They do not deserve to be treated this way by the “government of the people, by the people, for the people”. (Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, 1865)

This is just a tip of the iceberg when referring to the changes in our life that will occur as ObamaCare becomes fully operational by 2014.  Whether we chose to believe this or not, it is not the time to sit back and wait for the inevitable.  It is time to fight this injustice and get it repealed and the people responsible for this disaster voted out of office.  We are at the precipice of our freedoms and they are being taken away from us one regulation at a time.  It’s now or never.

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