Showing posts with label Climate Control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Control. Show all posts

Thursday, August 6, 2015


Mr. Obama and His Klimate Kontrol Kommisars | The American Spectator
Tuesday, Beverly Hills

Now for a few words about current events....

American Airlines needs some work. They consistently mistreat us passengers on the flight from DCA to LAX. Why? I guess we are just considered dog food. But Saturday’s flight was a disaster. Almost three hours late leaving DCA. No apology. AC barely working. Dinner was literal dog food. When we got to LAX, very late at night, the terminal was a scene from hell. Mobs of immigrants and citizens, none speaking English, jostling each other, pushing, shoving, shouting, riding on skateboards through crowds of old people. It was the street scenes from Blade Runner. Neither more nor less. Yes, get Blade Runner and watch it. That’s LAX right now.

Why do we have the worst airport in the world? Why doesn’t anyone there speak English? In Spokane, everyone speaks English. What happened?

Anyway, Mr. Obama’s “clean energy” plan:

1. It has not been proved that the climate is changing by anything more than the most minute amounts, such as one degree in one century. There has been zero global warming since 1991. Even if there were climate change, no one has been able to explain why man’s activities caused it except as one hypothetical among many other hypotheticals.

2. There are plenty of scientists who do not believe in man-made climate change, and many more who don’t believe in climate change at all. They are never in the New York Times. Why? Because “science” is as political as the election for Prom King and Homecoming Queen. There is no climate science that is not political.

3. The USA produces roughly 15 percent of the carbon emissions on this earth. Obama wants to lower that by roughly 25 percent. That would mean a change by 2030 (I will be long dead…) of roughly 3.7 percent in global carbon emissions if the rest of the world stopped adding to coal fired energy creation. But China and India add roughly one new coal-fired energy plant per week. China has not promised any cuts in carbon emissions ever. They promised to stop adding to carbon output in about ten years but never to cut anything.

4. So we in the USA will suffer all of the dislocation, the poor coal miners (mostly white, of course, so who cares about them?) will lose their jobs, and the world’s carbon emissions won’t budge. All in the name of an unproved theory.

Of course the real goal is just to push people around and show how holy and sanctimonious Mr. Obama is. Who cares if the coal miner in Kentucky loses his home if Mr. Obama is worshiped by the Beautiful People who live near me?

Mr. Obama is not too smart, but he’s smart enough to do a lot towards destroying the economy and the rule of law and the livelihoods of hard-working people. I would just like you to know I saw it coming and so did you.

Mr. Obama is a very angry man. As Bob Dylan said, “Some people have knives and forks and they don’t have anything on their plate, so they have to cut something.”

Finally, Donald Trump. For the first time this week I saw why people like him. The New York Times ran a front pager on Saturday about how Mr. Trump was an old hand at racist campaigns. They then did not mention one single word or example or even gossip about his alleged racism or any racist campaigns. Not one word. It was pure unmixed smear. I am not a fan of Mr. Trump for some good reasons. But when the Pretty People just make up lies about a man, even a Donald Trump, I start to have some sympathy for the man.

That story was just pure libel. I hope Trump sues them. He likes to sue and this would be a good case. To libel a public figure you have to act with actual malice or such severe negligence that it’s the same as actual malice.

This, in the eyes of an old man who taught Libel Law for some years, is clear cut.
Well. It’s late. I have to go watch COPS: Reloaded and see my heroes, the cops.

Oh, wait. One final word: Mr. Obama’s Klimate Kontrol Komissars are meant to save the earth and save lives. But that's all totally hypothetical and conjectural. If we could stop abortion, we would save roughly 800,000 actual lives, in real life, every year. But Mr. Obama will go to the mat for keeping the ghastly artifact of abortion up and running like Eichmann’s trains. Why? What makes him hate Israel so much? Hate babies so much? What’s going on inside that head?

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