Showing posts with label Communist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2013

HealthCare Dot Commie

Obamacare’s “insurance marketplace” works just as well as every other Soviet-style system.
The most surprising thing about the botched launch of Obamacare’s “online insurance marketplace” is that the failure surprised anyone. From the moment, during the 2008 presidential campaign, that Barack Obama began promising to reform our medical delivery system, conservatives have repeatedly warned the public that his view of the issue was distorted by tired statist shibboleths. We pointed out that Obama’s closest friends and most influential mentors were communists and that, for him, “reform” was a euphemism for “federal take-over.” Based on these realities, we predicted that Obama’s brave new health care system would be a government-dominated, command-and-control disaster.
Nonetheless, there was widespread shock and bewilderment when the government bureaucrats steering Obamacare’s flagship ran it aground on its October 1st maiden voyage. How can anyone be surprised? The story of PPACA’s online marketplace is just another cliché-filled scene in the tragicomedy of centrally planned, government-run systems. It doesn’t matter if they are conceived in Moscow or inside the Beltway. All such systems meet the same fate. Whether imposed by well-meaning but naïve zealots or foisted on the electorate by despots who simply lust after “command” and “control,” they are always holed below the water line by the sheer incompetence of government bureaucrats.
Yet Obamacare’s advocates thought their pet project would be different. And it’s not like we right-wing knuckle-draggers were the only doubters. The HHS bureaucrats themselves feared that the technology of would not be ready for prime time by October. A mere six months before go-live, the government apparatchik overseeing its software development had given up on the possibility that it would be efficient and was obviously clinging to the pathetic hope that he was headed for a little rough weather rather than an outright shipwreck. He told a national policy meeting of America’s Health Insurance Plans, “We are under 200 days from open enrollment, and I’m pretty nervous.”

Sunday, October 13, 2013

[MUST READ] The Threat We Face [OBAMA]

Below is a speech given by David Horowitz at the Kohler conference of the Bradley Foundation. It has been revised and edited for publication as an article.
I was born at the beginning of the Second World War into a family of high school teachers who were members of the Communist Party, and therefore were actually part of a vast conspiracy dedicated to the destruction of this country, although they would never have looked at it that way, and so-called liberals would be the first to deny it.
In those days, the schools were old fashioned enough that my parents did not use their classrooms to indoctrinate students as tens of thousands of university professors and even more K-12 teachers regularly do today. It is also an unhappy but hugely important fact that the conspiracy to which my parents belonged has steadily migrated into the heart of the Democratic Party until it now occupies the Oval Office in the person of our president, Barack Obama, and his closest advisors.
The president, his chief operative Valerie Jarrett and his chief political strategist David Axelrod all came out of the same Communist left and the same radical new left as I did, and all have remained heart and soul a part of it. As someone who turned his back on that destructive movement, I can say with confidence that they have not. If a person belongs to an organization or is the supporter of an idea that they come to see as destructive or evil, the first thing they will want to do when they leave is to warn others against it, to warn them of the dangers it represents. If a person does not do this – that tells me that he or she hasn’t left the destructive movement or abandoned the pernicious idea but has just put another face on them. Instead of calling themselves communists or socialists they call themselves liberals and progressives. This camouflage is very old. I never once heard my parents and their party friends refer to themselves as Communists. They were progressives – and registered Democrats.
Via:FrontPage Mag
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Friday, October 11, 2013

Ben Carson Warns: ‘Socialized Medicine Is Keystone to Establishment of a Socialist State'

( – Dr. Ben Carson, the former director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital,  drew a parallel between Obamacare and “socialized medicine” and cited Communist leader Vladimir Lenin’s support for government-run health care as the “keystone to the establishment of a socialist state.”
Speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C. on Friday, Dr. Carson said that Obamacare “was never about healthcare. It was about control,” and making all Americans “subservient to the government.”
He then commented on why the Democrat-dominant Congress in 2010 moved swiftly to pass the Affordable Care Act, a.k.a. Obamacare.
“And why did they want to pass it so badly?” said Dr. Carson. “Well, as I said the other night on television, Vladimir Lenin, one of the fathers of socialism and communism, said that socialized medicine is the keystone to the establishment of a socialist state.”
Via: CNS News
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Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Tip of the Communist Iceberg in the Oval Office

As Tuesday is Election Day, it is extremely important that we get as many voters as humanly possible to the polls to vote for Romney—or against Obama.

We Americans are far more insular than we like to admit.  We have, all along, felt more that this election is for—and about—America and the people of America.  But that is only half of the story.
You see, without a free America, the western world is F I N I S H E D ! 

Many of us have wondered and some even questioned openly Obama’s allegiance.  We’ve asked:  “WHO IS this guy?  WHERE did he come from?  For WHOM is he REALLY working?  To WHOM—or to WHAT—does Obama owe his loyalty?”

All of the above are legitimate questions the answers to which have been covered up for over four years now.

We have posited—often—that Obama is a socialist/communist.  I believe that.  The evidence is there in his background and in his policies as President of the United States. 

I have been bedeviled by the fact that I could not get a clear picture of the greater plan, the ultimate end game, if you will.  Eventually, it occurred to me that the reason was, actually, rather simple.  You see, Obama is only a piece of the puzzle—only a part of the picture. Integral? Yes, no question about it.

America’s enemies are dead set upon bringing America down, forcing her to give up her leadership role on the world stage.  When you investigate Obama’s early life as a child, and then as a student, a college student, a state senator, a US senator and finally, President of the USA, it becomes clear that he has been groomed for this exact purpose.  And he has been eagerly exercising all the anti-American lessons taught him by his communist mentors throughout his life.

“Leading from Behind” is only the tip of the communist iceberg in the US Oval Office.

Via: Canada Free Press

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

From 'hope' and 'change' to 'revenge'

Going off teleprompter yesterday, President Obama let the mask slip and revealed the ugliness at the heart of his political mission. Amie Parnes of the Hill:
President Obama called voting "the best revenge" on Friday at a rally in Ohio.

The line was a twist on Obama's usual "don't boo, vote" line that the president uses when crowds at this rallies boo Republican nominee Mitt Romney's name.
"No, no, no, Don't boo. Vote," Obama told a crowd in Springfield, Ohio. "Voting is the best revenge."
The media spinners will tell us that this is just a play on the old saying, "Living well is the best revenge," but in fact it reveals a disturbing consistency in the off-teleprompter comments of the president. Recall that he insisted a hike in the capital gains tax would be just, even if it resulted in less revenue. That is revenge against the successful.
Recall his Roanoke Doctrine: "You didn't build that!" The implication is that those who claim the credit (and reward) for building a business, do not deserve them, and that others deserve the fruits of their effort - a form of revenge.
Recall his comment four years ago to Joe the Plumber about spreading the money around. Once again, revenge against those who have earned more than others.
But what else would you expect from a man born to an anticolonialist, Marxist father and a mother who fled the United States to live overseas? What else from a man mentored by a communist, Frank Marshall Davis?  
What else from a man who passionately argued for violent revolution in college?

Via: American Thinker

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Socialist Liberal Democrats Will Destroy America and Sadly the Left Wing Media Will Gladly Help

Today is Halloween, a day of spooks, goblins and weirdos.  No it is not election day, that’s not for six more days on November 06, 2012; but it will have more than its fair share of Halloween type characters.  Both major political parties will present their versions of the trickery ogres among whom are downright dastardly persons who seek to destroy the United States and all the good things it has brought to the world in the 236 years of its existence.

But this year of 2012 has seen a period of divisiveness in our grand republic that borders on the great separation that occurred in 1861 when eleven southern states seceded from the Union.  This year the issue that is the divider is Socialism, and instead of a geographical set of states for and against the issue, two political parties encompassing citizens from all fifty states are the opponents.

The current President of the United States is engaged in a plan to abolish our tried and true Constitution and install a communist-like program of redistribution of the wealth.  In other words take from the “haves” and give it to the “have-nots” which files In the face of the standards of governance that has allowed America to climb to the highest level of civilized nations in just over 200 years of existence.

Obama is a student and follower of the Socialist - Communist theory and practices of punishing the productive while rewarding the unproductive and incapable.  What was once a dream of success and riches after applying oneself to an ethic of hard work and study is long gone and any just rewards for that hard work will be taken from them and given to those who show no attitudes to succeed.

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