Showing posts with label Communist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communist. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


In a marketing move that will shock no one, Amazon removed the Confederate flag after a howling mob of both liberals and brown-nosing conservatives demanded the “symbol of hate” be stricken from its shelves.

But these comrades can rest easy, knowing that they’ll have plenty of opportunities to stock up on Communist merchandise after their latest purge.
Amazon sells a huge variety of shirts, posters, you-name-it featuring the hammer and sickleJoseph Stalin’s mustache, all things Che GuevaraVladimir Lenin and other colorful revolutionaries who fought to make the world a better place, man. Guevara’s book Guerilla Warfare is on sale in four different formats. In one of the worst genocides in modern times, Stalin forcibly starved Ukrainian peasants in what’s known as the Holodomor, a “terror-famine” that left anywhere from 2.4 million to 7.5 million Ukrainian peasants dead in 1933.
Communism is chic: Amazon’s senior vice president Jay Carney proudly features Soviet Union war propaganda in his lavish home, after all. “Have you enlisted in the army?” a poster featured by The Washingtonian Magazine photo splash asks.
Helpful reminder — Communism led to the deaths of 94 million people world-wide within a hundred years. That’s approximately 93,999,991 more murders than a drug-addled, fatherless loser committed in Charleston.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

I Still Blame the Communists

What explains the years of rage on campuses?

Maybe American higher education was never all that serious about, you know, the education portion of its name. After more than a decade of teaching in the Ivy League, the philosopher George Santayana dubbed Harvard and Yale the nation’s toy Athens and toy Sparta. He actually meant it as a compliment—as much a compliment, anyway, as he could muster. Santayana resigned his Harvard professorship in 1912 and moved to Europe.
TWS photo Illustration
But something especially odd does seem to be happening on American campuses these days. I confess to a little schadenfreude about the widely reported situation of Laura Kipnis, the Northwestern University professor whose feminist essay in praise of faculty-student dating prompted her school to investigate her for violations of the antidiscrimination provisions of Title IX. Kipnis is a widely published controversialist, and over the years she fanned the feminist flames that have now tried to burn her. The revolution, as the old story goes, devours its children.
Still, from symbolic mattresses and op-eds against Ovid at Columbia, to students interrogated about their Jewishness at UCLA and Stanford, to the stories of lawsuits filed by the undergraduates accused by their colleges of rape, to the reports of the Boston University teacher who used her Twitter account for anti-white-male messages, to the creation of “safe spaces” lest a public lecture trigger a bad memory in someone, to . . . On and on it seems to go, each fresh day bringing some fresh account of militant outrage at American colleges. “Only the dead have seen the end of war,” Santayana once warned us. Certainly only the dead have seen the end of campus upset.
It wasn’t always thus. I’m not thinking of some supposedly idyllic moment in the 1840s, or the 1910s, or the 1950s. I mean that 20 years ago, in the mid-1990s, at least a small sense of relief was felt by a number of people. Back in 1987, Allan Bloom had out-Santayana’d Santayana with his bestselling lament, The Closing of the American Mind. In the early 1990s Roger Kimball and Dinesh D’Souza added widely read books on the radicalism of college faculty—even as the collapse of Soviet communism from 1989 to 1991 deflated the hopes of the Marxist professors they wrote about. 
It all seemed to add up to a slow but real generational retreat from an academic world still dominated by its proud memories of 1960s student protests. I remember the Harvard Law professor Mary Ann Glendon explaining, around 1996, that she suspected the peak of political correctness had passed—since schools like Harvard and Princeton would feel embarrassed if they didn’t have one person on the faculty they could point to as a conservative. Not more than one, perhaps, but nonetheless, it seemed to mark a change that she imagined would soon filter from the Ivy League out into the rest of America’s schools. The poet Dana Gioia proposed something similar around that time, after he’d been approached by a major foundation for names of conservative authors it might support in order to blunt the charge of its being merely a subsidiary of liberalism.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

N.Y.’s New Mayor Active Supporter of Brutal Communist Regime

The new mayor of New York City (Bill de Blasio) was an active supporter of a brutal communist regime well known as one of the worst human rights abusers in Latin America, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch.

It’s not information likely to be featured in the mainstream media, which has largely focused on de Blasio’s community organizing and work on behalf of the less fortunate. After all, he says the middle class is in danger of disappearing and he’s vowed to increase taxes for the rich, create more affordable housing and end the police department’s stop-and-frisk policy because it disproportionately effects minorities.

This may all sound fantastic, but there’s a very dark side to New York’s mayor-elect who will be sworn in with a galaxy of stars on New Year’s Day, according to a local newspaper. The shindig will include a Pulitzer-Prize winning novelist, a hip-hop mogul, several 0scar-winning actresses and a leftwing activist (Harry Belafonte) who is the self-professed leader of the American socialist revolution.

De Blasio was an active supporter of the communist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua in the 1980s, according to information uncovered by Judicial Watch. He was so enamored with Soviet-backed revolutionaries that he traveled to the capital city of the war-torn country, Managua, to aid their cause by participating in a relief mission. Upon de Blasio’s return to the United States, he joined the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York (NSN).

JW examined the records of the NSN at the Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, located on the campus of New York University (NYU) in the Greenwich Village section of New York City.  The archive is also the NYU “Reference Center for Marxist Studies.” According to the archive record guide: “The Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York (1985-2002), and its member organizations worked to support the Sandinista Revolution and to protest U.S. support of the counter-revolutionary military movement, aka the Contras, who also killed civilian supporters of the revolution, targeting medical and educational personnel in particular.”

Friday, November 29, 2013

New York: City Council seeks ban on e-cigarettes in public places as high-tech successor to smoking ban

The City Council will hold a hearing Wednesday on a bill to prohibit the use of batty-operated, tobacco-free vaporizers in places where people can't smoke tobacco cigarettes, including restaurants, offices, parks and beaches.


The City Council may push the e-cigarettes ban through before the year's end. Mayor Bloomberg supports it.

First the city banned smoking in most public places. Now it’s moving to snuff out the use of smokeless electronic cigarettes as well.
The City Council announced Wednesday that it will hold a hearing Wednesday on a bill prohibiting the use of the battery-operated, tobacco-free vaporizers in restaurants, offices, parks, beaches and other places where smoking regular cigarettes is not allowed.
Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens) is a sponsor of the bill to ban e-cigs and calls it a "high-tech successor" to 2002 tobacco cigarette ban.

Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens) is a sponsor of the bill to ban e-cigs and calls it a "high-tech successor" to 2002 tobacco cigarette ban.

The goal is to enact the new law by the end of the year, before the Council’s current session ends.
E-cigarettes have emerged as a trendy alternative to tobacco cigarettes, their popularity fueled by a perception that they are healthier and that they can help people kick conventional cigarette habits.
Via: New York Daily News
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

“I Can’t Believe” This is Happening in America

My “I Can’t Believe This is Happening to America” list is growing larger by the day. It is so vast now, I can write a book. Would my book have an audience? Judging by the eagerness with which most Americans have embraced the transformational hope and change of our country to communist utopia, the answer is no.

I can’t believe New Yorkers have elected a blatant Marxist as their mayor. I can’t believe Terry McAuliffe is the governor of Virginia. The American men who fought in the Revolutionary War must be turning in their graves knowing that the hallowed ground in Virginia they defended against the British tyranny is now run by Marxist Democrats.

I voted last Tuesday, I took with me to the precinct a piece of toilet paper I found on my last trip to Romania, a “former” communist country where the apparatchiks went underground for a while and are now resurfacing with a vengeance. Twenty-four years later, the commies have not perfected the intricate art of making toilet paper – it was covered with splinters within the layers. On the bright side, this time toilet paper was available and I did not have to fight hundreds of people in line for three hours in order to purchase one roll. I showed my strip of toilet paper to the people who were checking I.D.s asking them if this was the kind of country they wanted. Most laughed, did not realize that I carried this over 7,000 miles with me, and turned back to their duties to make sure all the low information and illegal citizens voted. Why bother? It won’t happen here, we have everything, and we live in the land of abundance – for now.

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