Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debate. Show all posts

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It Was Never About Obama in the First Place—Why Barack is Merely Puppet o’ Hope

If the first debate between Barack and Mitt proved anything, besides this emperor having no clothes, it’s that the point of electing Obama was never about his “genius.” It was simply a convenient leftist power grab, obscured by a ridiculous cartoon of leadership. As has been richly illustrated, despite all his intellectual bluster—Barack is no Einstein. After exposure as a cocky, know-nothing parrot of others’ words, it became startlingly obvious Barack has a very limited pool of knowledge. Like a blind man searching for his cane all evening, was Barack Obama “debating.”

Now certainly those working with Obama the past 5-10 years knew of his inherent limitations, that he was essentially an unthinking figure head for their movement. Further, they wagered with his grandiose self-image, belief in his own inevitable rise, preposterously condescending manner, and photogenic style, he’d be a perfect Trojan-horse to ride to victory. But finally, Obama was revealed as a charlatan as silly as any from a rock-n-roll opera:

Ever since I was a young boy I played the silver ball
From Soho down to Brighton I must have played them all
But I ain’t seen nothing like him in any amusement hall
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball
So what has actually happened the last four years in the White House? Obviously, an elaborate fraud has been foisted upon a credulous, tired and intellectually inert American public. But why? Because liberalism is a movement so inherently illogical, unstable and anti-intuitive it needs leaders who are either dense blowhards, moral misfits, or literally insane to head the cause (see Sources of Madness—The Insane Thinkers of the Modern Age). Alarmingly, modern liberalism (socialism, Marxism, Fascism, etc) is a political religion intent upon converting the world, even by sword, if necessary. So the real star of Obama’s administration is this quasi-religious, atheistic world movement which finds a surprising ideological partner in classic Islam. This menacing, anti-liberty movement will not rest until it has enslaved the globe.

Via: Canada Free Press

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Saturday, October 6, 2012

Obama's Assertion That Companies Get Tax Breaks To Ship Jobs Overseas Is A Political Ploy He Never Does Anything About

THE CLAIM: Today, Obama Presented As Fact The Notion That There Are "Tax Breaks To Corporations That Move Jobs And Profits Overseas." OBAMA: "He says there's no way that he would close the loophole to give -- that gives oil companies billions each year in corporate welfare. Any tax breaks to corporations that move jobs and profits overseas, he had never heard of such a thing. Who knew? Who knew?" (President Barack Obama, Presidential Debate, Denver, CO, 10/5/12)
THE FACTS: " Under Present Law, There Are No Tax Credits Or Disallowance Of Deductions Specific To Locating Jobs In The United States Or Transferring Jobs Overseas." "Under present law, there are no tax credits or disallowance of deductions specific tolocating jobs in the United States or transferring jobs overseas. However, Congress has providedvarious credits to encourage certain activities or behavior and has disallowed deductions to curtail behavior deemed inappropriate or to discourage certain economic choices." ("Descriptions Of Revenue Provisions Contained In The President's Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Proposal," Joint Committee On Taxation, p.73, 6/12)
  • The Actual Tax Provision Obama References Would Raise Only $17 Million A Year, Or What You'd "Call A Rounding Error" With Obama's $1 Trillion Annual Budget Deficits. "Moreover, it is pretty small potatoes given the attention Democrats pay to it. The JCT estimated that ending the deduction for moving operations overseas would raise just $168 million over a decade. In the federal government with an annual budget deficit of more than $1 trillion, that's what you call a rounding error." (Glenn Kessler, "Factchecking The First Presidential Debate Of 2012," The Washington Post 's The Fact Checker , 10/4/12)
2004: Obama Said He Wanted To Ensure That "We Close Tax Loopholes To Companies Moving Jobs Overseas, And Making Them Invest Right Here In The United States." OBAMA: "The fact of the matter is, it's more fun being in the majority. You can get more stuff done. And to the extent that I can lend my assistance to these other candidates so that we can promote some of the policies that we've talked about: making sure that we close tax loopholes to companies moving jobs overseas, and making them invest right here in the United States. Then, I'm going to do everything I can to make that happen." (State Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks In Illinois Senate Debate, Chicago, IL, 10/21/04)
2007: Obama Said " That's Why We've Got To Stop Giving Tax Breaks To Companies That Send Jobs Overseas." OBAMA: "That's why we've got to give unions the power to do what they do best, which is organize workers to lift themselves up into the middle class. That's why we've got to stop giving tax breaks to companies that send jobs overseas. Save those tax breaks for companies that invest right here in the United States of America." (Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At Campaign Event, Columbus, OH, 10/26/07)
2008: Candidate Obama Again Presented His Economic Plan As One That Ends "Tax Breaks For Companies That Ship Our Jobs Overseas And Give Them To Companies That Create Jobs Here In America." OBAMA: "At this defining moment in our history, the question is not, 'Are you better off than you were four years ago' - we all know the answer to that. The real question is, 'will our country be better off four years from now?' How will we lift our economy and restore America's place in the world? Here's what I'll do as President. …I'll end the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas and give them to companies that create jobs here in America." (Obama For America Ad, "Barack Obama: Defining Moment," 10/24/08)
2009: Obama Said " We Need To Stop Giving Tax Breaks To Companies That Stash Profits Or Ship Jobs Overseas…" OBAMA: "We're also doing away with the unnecessary giveaways that have thrown our tax code out of balance. I said this during the campaign, I'm now saying it as President: We need to stop giving tax breaks to companies that stash profits or ship jobs overseas so we can invest in job creation here at home." (President Barack Obama, Remarks On Taxes, Washington, D.C., 4/15/09)
2010: Obama Said "That's Why We Want To End Tax Breaks Going To Companies That Are Shipping Jobs Overseas…" OBAMA: "And that means a future where we encourage American innovation and American ingenuity. That's why we want to end tax breaks going to companies that are shipping jobs overseas and start giving those tax breaks to companies that are investing in jobs and research and plants and equipment right here in the United States of America." (President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President At Finance Reception For Congressman Sestak , Washington, D.C., 9/20/10)

2011: Obama Said That Voters Have A Choice To " Go Back To The Ideas We Tried In The Last Decade -- Where Corporations Got To Write Their Own Rules And The Most Fortunate Among Us Got All Of Our Tax Breaks, And Jobs Got Shipped Overseas…" OBAMA: "We can go back to the ideas we tried in the last decade -- where corporations got to write their own rules and the most fortunate among us got all of our tax breaks, and jobs got shipped overseas, and incomes and wages flat-lined as the cost of everything went up, and this society became less equal, and opportunity was diminished for too many. (President Barack Obama, Remarks By The President And The First Lady At A DNC Event , New York, NY, 9/20/11)
TRUTH: "Obama's 'Jobs Overseas' Fantasy, Again" (Brooks Jackson, Lori Robertson, Joe Miller and Viveca Novak "Closing Arguments: Obama,", 11/3/08) The Tax Breaks That Obama Is Referring To Have Nothing To Do With Why Companies Ship Jobs Overseas. "Back in 2004 when we criticized John Kerry for using a similar iteration of this claim against President Bush, we pointed out that Christian Weller, a senior fellow at the Democratic-leaning Center for American Progress, had said taxes 'are a very small part' of companies' decisions to move jobs offshore. Those at a 2005 Brookings Institution summit on trade also said taxes had little to do with outsourcing. Joel Slemrod, a tax expert at the University of Michigan's business school, summed it up by saying: 'For those who see [offshoring] as a problem, this is not a solution.'" (Justin Bank, "Obama's Trade Trickery,", 9/26/08)
  • Factcheck.Org: "Eliminating This Incentive Would Have Very Little Effect On U.S. Employment ." "The claim that the tax code favors locating jobs overseas has been a Democratic mantra since at least 2004, when John Kerry brought it up constantly in his campaign against then-President George W. Bush. It has some truth to it - but not much. As we reported in 2004, eliminating this incentive would have very little effect on U.S. employment." (Brooks Jackson, "A False Tax Attack,", 4/9/10)
  • Factcheck.Org: "As We've Been Saying For More Than Four Years Now… Eliminating Them Won't Do Much To Keep Jobs In The U.S." "Obama's infomercial, and his closing TV ads, continue to harp on the theme of 'tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas,' which Obama proposes to eliminate. We can't say whether or not he can deliver on that promise, but as we've been saying for more than four years now, (and most recently on Sept. 26) eliminating them won't do much to keep jobs in the U.S. In a recent exchange of e-mails with us, Eric Toder of the Tax Policy Center concluded that eliminating such tax breaks 'is a nice political slogan, but will do little or nothing for U.S. employment or incomes.'" (Brooks Jackson, Lori Robertson, Joe Miller and Viveca Novak "Closing Arguments: Obama,", 11/3/08)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Was Obama Rattled By Looming Donor Scandal?…

President Obama's reelection campaign, rattled by his Wednesday night debate performance, could be in for even worse news. According to knowledgeable sources, a national magazine and a national web site are preparing a blockbuster donor scandal story.
Sources told Secrets that the Obama campaign has been trying to block the story. But a key source said it plans to publish the story Friday or, more likely, Monday.
According to the sources, a taxpayer watchdog group conducted a nine-month investigation into presidential and congressional fundraising and has uncovered thousands of cases of credit card solicitations and donations to Obama and Capitol Hill, allegedly from unsecure accounts, and many from overseas. That might be a violation of federal election laws.
The Obama campaign has received hundreds of millions in small dollar donations, many via credit card donations through their website. On Thursday, the campaign announced a record September donor haul of $150 million.
At the end of the 2008 presidential campaign, the Obama-Biden effort was hit with a similar scandal. At the time, the Washington Post reported that the Obama campaign let donors use "largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity."


This is a huge gaffe on Vice President Joe Biden's part. Instead of using the dishonest language of "letting the Bush tax cuts expire," Biden finally comes straight out and tells the truth:

-BIDEN: You know the phrase they always use? "Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars." Guess what? Yes we do, in one regard. We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bare the burden of all that money going to the super wealthy.
This is exactly what Mitt Romney was talking about during last night's debate with respect to "trickle-down government" and the promised Obama-tax increase that will will hit our biggest small businesses and cost the economy 700,000 jobs.
Regardless, after the last four years of failure, who in their right mind believes Obama and Biden have any idea what they're doing? And who in their right minds believe Obama and Biden will do a smarter job of spending this money than the private sector?
Taking a trillion dollars out of the economy, especially away from job creators, when our economy is slowing and has slowed to 1.2% is nothing more than economic suicide.
But now Slow Joe has finally said it outright; we are going to raise taxes by one trillion dollars.
I wouldn't be surprised if this long past due and gaffe-tastic admission from Team Obama is seen in Romney ads everywhere by Monday. 

Watch the Denver presidential debate [VIDEO]

President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney faced off for the first time Wednesday night.
Moderated by veteran broadcast journalist Jim Lehrer, the debate aired live from the University of Denver’s Magness Arena.
Watch every moment here as the two nominees trade verbal jabs and try to convince voters that they are best equipped to head the executive branch of the U.S. government.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Democratic National Committee predicts Romney will win first debate vs. Obama

It's a further lowering of expectations ahead of the first debate in Denver next week. Democratic National Committee spokesman Brad Woodhouse tells Fox News he thinks Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will win.
Woodhouse says the way the DNC sees it, challengers win the first debate when they are up against incumbents.
"Mitt Romney has had a lot more time to debate, the president has not debated in the past four years in terms, of a campaign debate. I think the president will hold his own, but he's not known for sound bites. And these are 60 second, 90 second responses."
AFP/Getty Images
Mitt Romney
Woodhouse says Democrats are "trying to be realistic about expectations" because the president is "lucky to be able to devote three consecutive hours to debate preparation."
Woodhouse also paints Romney as a good debater and gives him credit for "dispatching Newt Gingrich" who Woodhouse considers a pretty good debater.
Woodhouse said he wants to see Obama "talk from his heart about where the country was and where he wants to take the country."
He's looking to see the president connect with Americans during the debate, the way Woodhouse thinks Obama was able to do in Charlotte during the Democratic National Convention.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Weekly Standard: How to Make 2012 into 1980

When Republican strategists like Karl Rove cite 1980 as a model for this year’s election, they usually have in mind two main elements: Ronald Reagan’s question in the late October presidential debate about whether voters felt better off than four years earlier, when they elected Jimmy Carter, and Reagan’s ability in that debate to reassure swing voters about his ability to serve successfully if elected, converting a very close race into a ten-point blowout by “closing the deal.”
Reagan toasting 1981
The premise of most GOP analysts is that because of the bad economy, Carter was seen as presiding over a failed presidency, and that to throw him out four years after he had ousted the Republicans, all the voters needed was affirmation that Reagan was up to the challenge of turning the economy around. The application of this precedent to Mitt Romney’s race against Barack Obama is too obvious to need much elaboration: establish Romney as economically qualified and the election will be his.\

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