Showing posts with label Dummies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dummies. Show all posts

Monday, July 27, 2015

Trump Book:‘Dealing with the Media for Dummies’

The latest cacophony making its way through the sound of crickets:

Since business whiz Donald Trump has got them on the run, spilling their cafe lattes all over their Brooks Brother shirts while they’re at it, mainstream media shills are yelling, “Don’t Trump me, Bro!”

It’s gotta be the first time in,  lo, the last seven long years that a one-man stampede has gone after what used to be the Fourth Estate.

Following closely in the footsteps of the current administration making life miserable for the masses, the media see a racist behind every tree.

Some people blow whistles.  Donald Trump blows a loud trumpet and what a donnybrook he’s creating just by stating the truth.

While out there making real history on the campaign hustings, Donald Trump is writing the definitive how-to book called ‘Dealing with the Media for Dummies’.

Not backing off from the media/political blowback,  that refreshing rascal The Donald will have coaxed conservatives to come back out of hiding from poison-pen media sharks before the Presidential 2016 campaign is over.

It starts by being on guard for the key words the mainstream media always uses to bring conservatives down: “racist”, “homophobe”, “bigot” and “bible thumper” are the main ones.

Trump, is his own ‘Thumper’ and proved it when he revealed Lindsey Graham’s private phone number to a South Carolina campaign audience.  (Bet the media were the last to make use of it!)

The media has made chump feed of conservatives ever since Obama came to power and now The Donald is making a sport of turning the tables on them.

Some dummies, like Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley, who apologized for saying that “all lives matter”  can’t be saved from dummy-hood—even by ‘DDT’ (Donald Trumps Them’).

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