Showing posts with label Flight 93. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flight 93. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

Libtalker Malloy Uses 9/11 Anniversary to Accuse Dick Cheney of Having Flight 93 Shot Down

Liberal radio host Mike Malloy has made some truly asinine comments in his career, but what he said on the twelfth anniversary of 9/11 Wednesday truly takes the cake.
Discussing the tragic events of twelve years ago, Malloy said United Airlines Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania with “orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
MIKE MALLOY (11 September 2013): And that disappearing jetliner and all the disappearing bodies at the Pentagon, right? I'm sorry, I'm just no - and - in Pennsylvania? The conventional wisdom being that oh yeah, well the passengers tried to overtake or overcome the hijackers and everything crashed, when in fact I think even a cursory examination of that crash site, as spread out as it was, would indicate that that plane was shot down by a bloodthirsty, orders from a bloodthirsty son of a bitch named Dick Cheney!
So all of those phone calls from Flight 93 passengers to loved-ones - including from Todd Beamer! - were made up? They never happened?
Via: Newsbusters

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Where were you on Sept. 11, 2001 -- when America changed forever?

911.jpgAt 8:46 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, America was changed forever.

A passenger plane which had left Boston bound for Los Angeles crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York. As news crews showed the American Airlines plane sticking out of the iconic building, a stunned national audience initially thought it might be some sort of horrible accident. But when another plane struck the south tower just 17 minutes later, the awful truth could no longer be avoided. This had been an act of terrorism, conducted by terrorist hijackers on unthinkable suicide missions.

One of the darkest days in American history would get worse in the ensuing hours. Yet another plane would crash into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. and a fourth — believed bound for Washington — went down in a field in Shanksville, Pa., at 10:03 a.m., after brave passengers fought with hijackers and forced the plane to crash.

Meanwhile, at the World Trade Center, office workers poured down the smoky stairs of the burning buildings, passing New York firefighters and NYPD and Port Authority police on their way down. As burning jet fuel melted the buildings' steel skeletons, the awful realization sank in that the towers, which terrorists had tried to bring down in 1993, were not going to withstand the attack. Office workers trapped above the point of impact and unable to flee down the stairs jumped out of windows, some holding hands.

Via: Fox News

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