Showing posts with label Free World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free World. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

President Obama's loose tether to reality

President Obama has made so many statements a variance with reality that it is time to question whether he is delusional or merely lying. My hope is on the latter. If he really believes his spin (as he once told a reporter – "You know, I actually believe my own bull----"), then we are in serious trouble as a nation. Investor’s Business Daily lists a number of counterfactual statements from the Leader of the Free World:
President Obama was in Germany the last few days, but too many of his recent remarks sound like he's been in high orbit — around another planet.
America has never been held in greater esteem than under Obama's leadership. Counterterrorism worked well in Yemen until the emergency evacuation of embassy and Special Ops forces — and the loss of millions in arms.
The president's half-hearted "war" on the Islamic State is also a "success." As is ObamaCare, never been working better. Just as he promised.
Jobs are finally humming along with unemployment numbers down (because so many gave up looking). The economy actually shriveled in the first quarter, but that's because of some unexpected phenomenon called winter.
The Mexican border is secure now because the president says so. Since Bill Clinton was already named the first black president, the actual first black president claims he's given such staunch support to Israel that he's in reality the first Jewish president. (snip)

Via: American Thinker

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

No longer ‘Fundamental Transformation of America’ but the Free World

Obama hates America and capitalist society; doesn’t loathe Putin as much as he envies him. Totalitarianism is where Obama plans to take the US and the Free World

He’s no longer solely America’s biggest headache.

It’s now Obama’s ‘Fundamental Transformation of the 
Free World’,  and for anyone awake, it can be watched being played out day by day.

The unquenchable ego of President Barack Hussein Obama is rebuilding the Russian bear and destabilizing the entire Free World.

With 13 questionable US government YouTubes showing that chemical attacks did take place on August 21 in Syria—with no proof who was responsible for them—Obama, who was trying to advance World War III—merely stumbled back into his own trap.  And that’s only if he’s not part of the Putin act.
Last night’s address to the nation proved a walk back on the ‘Highly propagandized America Attack on Syria’. Russian president Vladimir Putin came out of this one like a John Wayne movie hero.  But unfortunately it won’t end there.

One day after Obama’s putting-Syria-attack-on-ice televised address to a captive nation,  we get to hear how Putin is now arming Iran.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin will offer to supply Iran S-300 air defence missile systems as well as build a second reactor at the Bushehr nuclear plant, the Kommersant business daily reported Wednesday. (AFP, Sept. 11, 2013)

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