Showing posts with label Headlines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Headlines. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Actual CNN Headline: ‘Hillary Clinton revived America’s reputation in world’

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Weird how CNN can devote space to such nonsense from someone who served as ambassador to Hungary during Grandma’s reign of error at state and who’s reportedly a Clinton mega-donor.
In a recent opinion piece posted on CNN, Carly Fiorina launched a deeply unfair and profoundly inaccurate attack on Hillary Clinton’s record as secretary of state. Fiorina went so far as to insinuate that Hillary Clinton did not have even one single accomplishment in that role. She could not be more wrong. I should know; I served with her as U.S. ambassador to Hungary and watched her fight for the American people every day.
Her record of achievement is as diverse as it is historic. Clinton pushed hard for the United States to “pivot” to Asia. She established the tough sanctions against Iran that led to the recently signed nuclear agreement. Sheshined a light on the plight of Burmesepolitical prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi, helping to orchestrate her release.
These are all historic achievements. But to name any one, single event of Clinton’s tenure is to overlook her most important contribution: rebuilding America’s relationships with friends, allies and partners around the world.
Weird, could’ve sworn we’ve had sanction of some kind against Iran dating back decades. But Hillary did it all by herself! And tell us, where in the world is our standing improved since 2009? How can anyone possibly write this with a straight face?
As a diplomat, she wielded the star power of one of the world’s most well-known female leaders. And finally, she had the right kind of work ethic, the right brand of wonkiness, to be embraced quickly by her 70,000 new employees at the State Department.
Now she’s in a world of trouble and under FBI criminal investigation. But she’s got star power! Weird how she totally ignores the Benghazi disaster that Mrs. Clinton still has not been held accountable for.
For three and a half years at my post in Budapest, I started my mornings reading Clinton’s daily schedule. Hillary Clinton traveled to more countries than any other secretary in the history of the department, logging nearly a million miles and visiting 112 nations.
We’ve heard this all before. You can fly a gazillion miles and still be an abject failure, like Mrs. Clinton. Sigh:

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