Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Obama, Staff Still Don't Know Why Rollout Failed

Facing what some believe is its toughest week, the Obama administration is now in reflection and reorganization mode, assessing at a troubling crossroads the disastrous and ongoing fallout of its signature healthcare plan amid other notable errors in foreign and domestic policy.

The "what went wrong" posture on the Obamacare healthcare rollout comes as the president has issued multiple apologies and as media and consumers point a tougher finger at his administration's execution of key policies that some fear will taint his legacy, the Wall Street Journal reported.

The lack of credible responsibility continues to stagger as Democrats in Congress, which the president has repeatedly misread, pull away from him in fear of hot constituent backlash and looming 2014 midterm elections. 

But many inside the Beltway and elsewhere seem shocked as Americans must deal with the ramifications of a health policy that its own government created, but now can't manage. It's no longer Republicans who are using the word "lied" when referring to the president's healthcare debacle.

"Had I been informed (about the website), I wouldn't be going out saying, 'Boy, this is going to be great,'" Obama told reporters, sparking a ripple among news outlets who diplomatically were forced to concur: if he didn't know, as president, who did and why didn't they tell him? Most notable, some allow, is that no key administration official charged with the healthcare rollout has been fired.

Those dealing with Obama on the issue didn't mute their anger. "I'm sure he has all sorts of reasons he made the decision he made,'' said Monica Lindeen, vice president of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners told the Journal. "But from a practical standpoint, for commissioners all across this country, it really did turn our lives upside down."

Via: Newsmax

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Obamacare Architect: President’s Administrative Fix Could Be ‘Death Spiral’ for Law

A key architect of the Affordable Care Act Harvard economist David Cutler warned President Obama’s administrative extension of individual health insurance policiescould be the beginning of a “death spiral” for Obamacare Thursday on The Kelly File.
Last week, appearing on the same program, Cutler said if there is a dearth of enrollees in the new healthcare exchanges consumers shopping for individual policies could see premiums spike significantly:
Tonight, given President Obama’s announced administrative extension of cancelled individual policies, Cutler cautioned the exchanges could become unbalanced in the next year.
If this is a temporary condition, Cutler said, it is not problematic in the long term. However, according to the Harvard economist, if healthier people ultimately stay away from the exchanges completely today’s presidential waiver could precipitate a “death spiral” for Obamacare:
MEGYN KELLY: When you were on last week I asked if they don’t get enough people in the exchanges, then what happens? You said then the premiums go up very, very high. Now was that ball put in motion today?
DAVID CUTLER: We don’t know yet. What the president is trying to do is to say the website isn’t working. The exchanges are not working. Let’s slow down the process and delay it by a year. If it turns out to be a delay of a year then we can work through that. It will be uncomfortable as it has been for the last month, but it will turn out okay. If it becomes a permanent situation that people who are healthier stay away and people who are sicker go into the exchanges that becomes a very big problem.
KELLY: Is that the beginning of the so-called death spiral?
CUTLER: That could be the beginning of a death spiral. That is, you could have a situation where people in the exchanges are very unhealthy people with high premiums. There are a number of provisions in the law to reduce the probability of that, but that’s the scare scenario that people really want to avoid.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Obama Says No More Healthcare…No More Choice

It has been an out in the open “secret” for years. Except for the now-reported disclosures of the inveigling lies issuing forth from the deceitful mouth of Barack Hussein Obama, it might never have been apparent to those who have worshiped this patent usurper. But, now more and more who believed in and voted for Dictator-in-Chief Obama are finally experiencing a harsh awakening to truth.

He has lied to them, all along, and continues his lies today. Along with the destruction of the USA, lies are perhaps the only other things Obama actually does well. Americans have now lost and are—every day—continuing to lose their health care entirely. Despite the smiling and persuasive visage of the man who has assumed the role of president of the United States telling us all “If you like your healthcare program you can keep it…period! If you like your doctoryou can keep him or her…period!“ nothing was further from the truth. Tragically, all too many missed another part of his anatomy while he continued to spread his falsehoods…his cold dead eyes.

ObamaCare NOT about Healthcare

ObamaCare is not and never has been about health care. Many of us have been warning about this for years. It is, instead, about control of humans, their bodies, their property, their ability to come and go as they please, the diminishing or end of their religious practices (if they do not subscribe to Islam), their liberty in general (including the Bill of Rights which has been summarily stripped and destroyed by the Obama regime), the ability to keep their homes and their earned money.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obama’s 16 words

Remember George W. Bush’s “16 words” in his 2003 State of the Union address making the case for military action in Iraq? Sen. John Kerry charged that Bush “hoodwinked the American people.” Sen. Hillary Clinton said Bush “misled” the country. And Sen. Barack Obama accused the White House of “shading intelligence reports to support its case.”
Well, now it seems President Obama has his own 16 words to answer for: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.” (Actually, it was a little more than 16 words if you include what the president said next: “Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”)
Obama attempted to move the goal posts i nhis speech in Boston’s Faneuil Hall Wednesday, declaring that if you like your current health plan, “For the vast majority. . . you can keep it.” Sorry, he didn’t say “the vast majority” back in 2009. He said you can keep your plan. Period. No matter what.
Indeed, Obama repeated this promise on at least 24 separate occasions — before and after the law went into effect. It was critical to his case. Without his 16-word pledge that no one would lose his or her health plans, Obamacare might never have become law.
But Obama’s 16 words were untrue. Across the country, Americans are now seeing their health plans discontinued — and experts say the cancellations could eventually reach 16 millionAs one woman in California who got a cancellation letter from her insurer told the Los Angeles Times, “All we’ve been hearing the last three years is if you like your policy you can keep it . . . I’m infuriated because I was lied to.”

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