Showing posts with label HillaryCare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HillaryCare. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013


Mental health laws are trouble for DemocratsInstead of always taking incoming fire, how about Republicans start sending some back? It’s great that they stopped HillaryCare, but if they had actually fixed health care by forcing health insurance plans to be sold in a competitive free market, there would have been no opportunity for shyster Democrats to foist Obamacare on us.
It’s fantastic that we caught the Boston Marathon bombers, but why don’t Republicans fix an immigration system that brings foreign terrorists and mass murderers to our country? Let the Democrats explain why we couldn’t make room for a Danish surgeon because we needed another Chechnyan terrorist.
And it’s terrific that Republicans have managed to block sweeping gun bans after every mass shooting over the past few years — opposition to new gun restrictions has more than doubled since Newtown — but how about they actually do something to stop the next mass murder?
All these shootings are united by one clear thread: They all were committed by visibly crazy people, known to be nuts but not institutionalized.
Mental illness was blindingly clear in the cases of Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), Maj. Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood), Jared Loughner (Arizona shopping mall), James Holmes (Colorado movie theater), and a dozen other mass shootings in the past few decades.
But in every instance, Democrats’ response was: Let’s ban high-capacity magazines! Let’s limit private gun sales! Let’s publish the names of everyone who owns a registered gun!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Eeewww: AmyCare for U.S. Senate?

Here’s some free market advice to GOP legislators at all levels thinking about introducing bills supporting the state health exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): Be prepared to wear the “Care” moniker around your name. You know? As in HillaryCare, RomneyCare or ObamaCare.
Colorado’s Amy Stephens, a Republican state representative from El Paso County, was once considered a future Lt. Governor, or member of Congress. Instead, she may have flamed out her career by sponsoring a bill that would opt Colorado out of ObamaCare by implementing a so-called “health exchange” under PPACA.
Yet that didn’t stop the GOP establishment under Chairman Ryan Call in Colorado from recruiting Amy to run for United States Senate.
“In a Web ad announcing her candidacy,” reports the Denver Post, “Stephens calls Udall "out-of-touch" with the struggles of Colorado families and vows to ‘fight against Obamacare's negative impact on seniors, doctors, families and job creators until the day we're finally able to repeal it.’ But Stephens is certain to be lambasted by her Republican challengers for her sponsorship of a 2011 measure that set up the state's health insurance exchange — a key provision of President Barack Obama's signature federal health care law, upheld by the Supreme Court, that on Oct. 1 allowed participants to begin shopping for insurance plans.”
Because that’s what the U.S. Senate really needs: another sell-out GOP Senator who can’t contrast the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

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