Showing posts with label House Majority Leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House Majority Leader. Show all posts

Friday, September 21, 2012

Rangel umbrage at Cantor: Higher taxes are 'paying your fair share!'

Censured Tax Cheat Charlie Rangel

New York Rep. Charles Rangel, censured by the House for ethics violations over squirrely financial dealings like failing to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in assets and failing to pay income taxes, today called President Obama's goal of killing some Bush tax cuts "paying your fair share!"
The 82-year-old's umbrage came in a tweet while he was in the Cannon Rotunda interview area. According to a picture he also tweeted, he was near House Majority Leader Eric Cantor who was in a discussion over the Bush tax cuts.
"My ears perking up to hear RepCantor saying taxes will go up under Pres Obama. It's called 'paying your fair share!'" Rangel tweeted just after noon.
His picture shows Rangel waiting to be interviewed with Cantor off to the right, TV light shining off his face as he is being interviewed.
It's the second time this week Rangel has ranted on proper ethics and tax paying. Earlier this week he rapped Mitt Romney for accurately saying that some 47 percent of Americans don't pay taxes. Rangel said in a statement that was just federal taxes, and that the 47 percent actually do pay some taxes, presumably local taxes.
When the tweet made its way around Capitol Hill today, many Rangel critics choked, mocking his long list of ethical challenges. His reputation and career were damaged when he was charged with ethical violations, forced to step down as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, and eventually censured.
Via: Washington Times
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