Showing posts with label Jerry Seinfeld. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerry Seinfeld. Show all posts

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Awash In Feelings, PC Thought Police Spend Week Proving Seinfeld Right

Jerry Seinfeld is one of the most successful comedians in the history of stand-up. He is also one of the least offensive. His act is filled with sharp, quirky observations that have found a wide audience for nigh on four decades without really upsetting anyone.
Until the “Me!”-stained, perpetually aggrieved participation trophy progressives got to town.
Or to college, as it were.
In days past, America’s collegiate youth were an easygoing demographic who crammed occasional bits of seriousness into lives that were mostly characterized by a relentless pursuit of fun and on-sale ramen. Now, the vast majority of them are pinched creepers who wrap themselves in Social Justice Warrior hemp ponchos and wander around muttering, “I see privileged people.” Retirement communities in Florida aren’t as badly in need of Metamucil.
It is in that context that after a few throwaway comments by Jerry Seinfeld some of these grumptastic twenty-somethings hit the Internet to express offense at being told they are easily offended.
Had I not been reading the responses to Seinfeld online my first thought about the people writing them would have been, “Maybe they’ve never heard of the Internet.” After all, it’s patently absurd to claim that things aren’t getting a bit too sensitive on college campuses, even to casual observers of the news.

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