Showing posts with label Jew Jersey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jew Jersey. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Voting Irregularities Reported in Booker Lonegan U.S. Senate Race

The Lonegan campaign is reporting that they’re hearing from voters in Conservative districts of New Jersey that voting locations are closing down, opening late, and that voters who weren’t sent a “write-in” ballot 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Murdoch Warns Gov. Christie ‘Must Re-Declare For Romney Or Take Blame For Next Four Dire Years’

Murdoch opened his tweet giving credit to New York mayor Michael Bloomberg for doing what many New Yorkers were practically screaming about for the entire day and canceling the marathonscheduled to take place on Sunday.
But Murdoch also had some harsh words for Christie, who toured the damage with Obama earlier this week and had nothing but kind words for the president.
Meanwhile, Christie has ordered gas rationing in twelve New Jersey counties owing to a shortage. Vehicles with license plates that end in odd numbers will get to refuel on odd-numbered days (like tomorrow, November 3rd), and the same for even-numbered license plates.

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