Showing posts with label John Boehner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Boehner. Show all posts

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Harry Reid Offers 2017 Effective Date for Immigration, Sets August Deadline

Harry Reid Offers 2017 Effective Date for Immigration, Sets August DeadlineSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered to make 2017 the effective date for an immigration overhaul Thursday so Republicans no longer can use President Barack Obama as an excuse not to pass a bill — and set an August deadline for the House to act.
“Let’s pass immigration reform today. Make it take effect in 2017. Republicans don’t trust President Obama,” Reid said. “Let’s give them a chance to approve the bill under President Rand Paul or President Theodore Cruz. To be clear, delaying implementation of immigration reform is not my preference. But I feel so strongly that this bill needs to get done, I’m willing to show flexibility.”
House Speaker John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, has repeatedly said that most Republicans want to act on immigration but don’t trust the president to enforce the law — a view he repeated again Thursday.
Reid warned that if Republicans don’t take the offer and pass a bill by August, President Barack Obama would go as far as he could to act on his own.
“If they don’t take our offer, then we’re going to have to go to the second step, which is not my preference,” Reid said. “Administrative rules cannot trump legislation but we’re going to have to do what we have to do as we proved with DACA,” he said, referring to Obama’s program to grant deportation relief and work permits to young illegal immigrants who came to the United States as children.
Reid’s offer of a 2017 effective date mirrors a suggestion that had been made by Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y.
In the press conference with Reid, Schumer, Majority Whip Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., and Budget Chairwoman Patty Murray, D-Wash., Schumer suggested there was a six-week window for action after Republican primaries on June 10 and before the August break.
Schumer was asked about Republican response to 2017 compromise after the press conference and he said, “We haven’t gotten yes and we haven’t gotten a no.”
Schumer also put the kibosh on smaller immigration patches, like the ENLIST Act that would allow young illegal immigrants to get legal status by signing up for the military.
“We are not going to go along with minor fixes that fail to address the huge systematic problems in our immigration system today,” Schumer said. “If the oil is leaking in your car, your muffler has a whole in it and you have a flat tire, you don’t change the windshield wipers. But that’s what they want to do with this ENLIST Act. Republicans are barely even considering that but it doesn’t even scratch the surface of our immigration system. We support giving those that serve in the military the opportunity to earn citizenship, but we also want to fix our agriculture worker programs, secure our borders … and provide a pathway for the 11 million that live in the shadows.”
The senators’ threats come as House Republicans continued Thursday to demand a public display of trust-building from the president before they take up any changes to the immigration system.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Obama’s Praetorian Guards!

Our puppet dictator is not destroying our republic all by his lonesome.  He is executing the game plan designed by his puppeteers, and promoted and protected by the puppeteer-controlled media, but isn’t there more to this saga, than meets the eye?  Are you familiar with the term, ‘Praetorian Guard’?

The definition of ‘Praetorian’ is, ‘Venal; Corruptible’.  The definition of ‘Venal’ is, ‘Willing to sell one’s influence, especially in return for a bribe; open to bribery; mercenary’.  Combine ‘Praetorian’ with ‘Guard’, and we have a situation in which guards can be corrupted?  Are they corrupted for, or against, the people who elected them to office?

Who, pray tell, could be Praetorian Guards of our puppet dictator?  Could it be that Boehner and McConnell have sold their souls, and our rights and freedoms, to partner with other entrenched establishment elites atop both major political parties, to protect our puppet dictator?  Could Boehner and McConnell have been clandestinely and strategically placed into their positions of leadership, to advance the global elite puppeteers’ agenda against the United States of America, and freedom throughout the world?

Acting as a criminal profiler, one can connect the dots to see why certain things occur and other things don’t occur, to craft an understanding of what is truly happening beyond what we are allowed to see by the global elite puppeteers and their puppeteer-controlled media.  We have, what appears to be, a gutless GOP leadership that has become increasingly docile towards a renegade regime that has grown increasingly hostile against the U. S. citizen/taxpayer, our rights and freedoms, and our constitutional republic.  From a political perspective, this does not make sense, so don’t we need to think outside of the boxes in which the puppeteer-controlled media have confined our thinking?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Obama adviser sorry for comparing GOP to Jonestown cult

AP Obama Podesta_001John Podesta was just named as a new senior-level adviser to President Obama last week, but he's already ruffling Republican feathers.
In a profile published late Tuesday by Politico Magazine, Podesta is quoted comparing Republicans to the infamous cult led by Jim Jones, who was responsible for the 1978 cyanide poisoning of more than 900 of his followers in Guyana.
"They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress," said Podesta of what Obama's White House team faces. Jonestown was the informal name of the settlement founded by Jones and his American followers.
On Wednesday, Podesta apologized for his impolitic comment.
"In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment. I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected," Podesta posted on his Twitter account.
The Jonestown incident marked one of the most horrific mass killings in American history.
Rep. Leo Ryan, D-Calif., who had traveled to the settlement after receiving alarming reports of conditions there from constituents, was shot dead by cult members as the congressman's delegation readied to fly out of Guyana with some members of the cult who wanted to leave. Current Rep. Jackie Speier, who was then an aide to Ryan, was wounded in the incident.
The author of the profile, Glenn Thrush, writes Podesta made the comment in an interview in the fall before Obama recruited the former Clinton administration chief of staff to join his team.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Merry Christmas at the Capitol

The 2013 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree was officially lit Monday evening.
The 88-foot tall Engelmann spruce from Colville National Forest in Colville, Washington, was the star of the West Front show. House Speaker John Boehner was aided by Giovanni Gaynor, a first grader from Colville.
Gaynor, who someday wants to be a police officer, was named a junior officer for the day by Boehner and Capitol Police Chief Kim Dine.
Boehner offered these remarks at the ceremony:
“You look up at this awe-inspiring Dome and you look up at the night sky, you get overwhelmed.  Perhaps just as those humble shepherds were when the angel appeared before them.

“Out in the middle of nowhere, they must have wondered what on Earth was going on.  ‘Fear not,’ the angel said, ‘For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy… For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.’

“Off the shepherds went, finding the manger and kneeling before the embodiment of God’s light and love for each of us.

“This may be an old story, but still a mighty one to grasp.  It takes great faith.  And it takes true patience, much like the search for the perfect present itself.

“Slowly, we come to recognize it’s not so much about the telling of the story as it is the serving of the story.   And what emerges is a spirit of giving and a message of hope for all seasons: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.’

“‘That,’ in the words of a great philosopher, ‘is what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.’” 

Read more here:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Beware of Happy Talk on Immigration

Is immigration reform coming back from the dead?
Over Thanksgiving, both President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) have indicated that the issue —which has meant amnesty, by any other name—is alive on Capitol Hill.
Obama said last week that proponents of amnesty should be “thankful” for Boehner’s stated support for immigration reform and prompted laughter by comparing the complicated issue to a turkey that could be sliced up.
“It’s Thanksgiving. We can carve this bird into multiple pieces,” Obama quipped.
But the metaphor doesn’t really work.
It must have been the spirit of the season that prompted Boehner to praise Obama earlier in November for his sudden willingness—amid the wreckage of another “comprehensive” solution, Obamacare—to entertain a “piece-by-piece” process for immigration reform.
“The American people are skeptical of big, comprehensive bills, and frankly, they should be,” Boehner told reporters. “The only way to make sure immigration reform works this time is to address the complicated issues one step at a time.”
While all this talk sounds nice, the bird really wouldn’t be carved in the end. The House and Senate eventually would have to come together, and that’s where liberals are likely to reassemble the pieces, throw in some more, and try to stuff the whole monstrous turkey—including amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants—down Americans’ throats.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

John Boehner: VIDEO: Thanksgiving in Ohio

He’s written about what he’s thankful for.  He’s picked up the turkey.  He’s started on the brine.  Now Speaker Boehner shares a Thanksgiving message with his constituents and families across the country.  Take a look


The video follows Speaker Boehner to the Bowman & Landes Turkey Farm – where he’s been getting his turkey for years – and then back to his kitchen.  As a bonus, you’ll hear from Carl Bowman, co-owner of the farm, about what it’s like having John Boehner as a customer and, of course, a congressman.   

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Immigrant advocates aren’t ready to give up on changing law BY FRANCO ORDOÑEZ

 — While Republicans may have shut the door against an immigration overhaul this year, advocates who want a new law have stepped up their lobbying efforts in an almost mad dash to reignite negotiations before next spring – when, they fear, time completely runs out as the 2014 campaign season kicks into high gear.
This week, a group of activists, faith leaders and union organizers is fasting and sleeping in a tent outside the U.S. Capitol. President Barack Obama earlier asked church and business leaders to send a “clarion call” to leaders in the House of Representatives. And dozens of children knocked on the office door of House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, last Thursday morning.
“Politicians are human. He’s a father,” said Jennifer Martinez, a 16-year-old from Redmond, Wash., who approached Boehner when he was having breakfast at a Capitol Hill diner and told him her story of being separated from her father for several months. “Yeah, in politics, people do things that benefit them. But at the end of the day when they go to sleep at night, is it really going to fulfill them? I really doubt that.”

Read more here:

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

[VIDEO] Boehner: Obamacare Needs To Be Scrapped Now

Citing “a pattern of broken promises” from the Obama administration, Speaker o John Boehner recommended that Obamacare “be scrapped” Tuesday morning.
Boehner explained that Promise #1: “If you like your plan, you can keep it” is false because millions of health insurance plans have been dropped due to strict requirements set by Obamacare.
Promise #2 “If Obamacare is passed, premiums will go down,” Boehner continued, is not true because premiums have actually skyrocketed.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has joined with Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Speaker John Boehner in publicly opposing any conference committee negotiations with the Senate on immigration legislation.

“Whip McCarthy agrees with the Speaker,” McCarthy spokesman Mike Long told Breitbart News Wednesday afternoon. “The House will work its will and we will do so in a more thoughtful, deliberate, step-by-step approach to address our broken immigration system, focusing first on securing the border.”
On Wednesday morning, Boehner said at a press conference that there will never be any House negotiations with the Senate on the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill, effectively killing it after months of unease about its future from all sides. 
Shortly thereafter, Cantor joined Boehner. Now, with McCarthy in public opposition to any conference committee, it means all three members of House GOP leadership are united against any such conference committee efforts to save the Senate bill.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Finding the way out of the dark

Democrats, Republicans, The Fundamental Restoration of a Transformed America

It’s always better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, as Eleanor Roosevelt famously pointed out.  But cursing the darkness instead of shining the light seems to be what we’re all doing these days.

Even shining a penlight into the inky darkness of political life in Washington, DC would show that we’ve been forced into the role of audience to the well-orchestrated Act that life in public office has gained over citizenry.

It starts by recognizing that the public office of the day is an entire, well-scripted, ongoing Act; an Act that keeps 90 percent of an unsuspecting and unwitting public at large in the dark without a match.

Don’t buy for even a nano second that Democrats hate Republicans and Republicans hate Democrats.
That’s the Act they use to keep you enthralled; the political game that is being played out to keep the masses from ever realizing that they are being played as pawns in an end game that is ruling civil society in every human aspect imaginable.

With no class themselves and driven by power lust, greed and deceit, the politicians have placed the people they were elected to serve, in a class that unwittingly pays the freight for all their disastrous, self-serving policies.

Politicians of the day in the U.S., and in other Western countries like Britain, have captured their constituents, duct-taped their mouths shut and are holding them hostage.

Let’s take a brief look at some of their scripted theatre in action:

Barack Obama loathes Speaker John Boehner and Boehner hates Obama right back. Right?

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