Showing posts with label John C. Beale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John C. Beale. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obama To Americans: “I Adore Incompetent People!”

Obama Bloom Off Rose SC Obama to Americans: I Adore Incompetent People!As a candidate, Barack Obama offered to govern as the "“open and honest” administration in history. Sadly, we’ve learned at great expense that these empty words are just another example of the corruption of Obama’s tenure.
I was reminded again of Obama’s dishonest and fraudulent conduct last week when the Justice Department released details of its case against John C. Beale.
Beale is the disgraced deputy assistant administrator in the Office of Air and Radiation at the EPA. He stands accused of stealing $886,186 between 2000 and 2013. You see, Beale had schemed a way to pay himself the nearly one million he stole in the form of salary bonuses.
Beale most recently worked for Gina McCarthy as her top deputy. This is the same Gina McCarthy who was recently promoted by Obama to run the entire EPA.
But you have to ask yourself why McCarthy wasn’t held accountable for her subordinate’s criminal activity. Is it now standard operating procedure to promote managers who can’t spot theft and crime right under their noses?

I’m old enough to remember a time when the top boss was held accountable for corruption within his or her team.

Via: Western Journalism

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