Showing posts with label Justices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justices. Show all posts

Monday, July 13, 2015

Five Grossly Un-American Supreme Court Justices Have Ruled Against Traditional Marriages

The word “family” as we and others around the world know it, will soon disappear from the daily lexicon of human beings. 

The family normally consists primarily of a female who, after giving birth, is entitled to be the ‘mother’ and a male, who after creating a birth with his female partner in the marriage, is given the title of ‘father’.  Just observing animals or insects, let alone humans, is enough education to understand why the word was conceived and the mating process, save for those convoluted participants, inevitably produced offspring enhancements of the couple’s personal genes, thereby creating the ‘family’.

Now that the miracle of birth has been voided by the “marriage” of two same sex providers, the new “partners”, because of their inherent deficiencies will have to depend on other more normal humans to provide the elements that create a family, no thanks to the five not only misguided but mentally deficient justices (I cringe when calling them by that misnomer) who stepped far out of character and bounds with their choice of vote.

Already there is great turmoil and dissatisfaction in America over these five un-Americans who now welcome un-constitutional conduct favored by socio-communists around the world.  Predominately liberal Democrats who follow the homosexual beliefs and practices that our president favors at the disapproval of the Islamic culture who he also is fond of. 

Methinks our “please everybody but good old fashioned traditional conservative loyalists in the mold of our Founding Fathers” prez is weaving himself into some very deceptive and sneaky behavior patterns.

As stated above, there is already contention and confusion as reported by Tony Perkins in his online posting, July 10, 2015, “Washington Update of the Family Research Council” with “By redefining marriage, the Supreme Court’s five justices did more than undermine democracy. They undermined their profession, too. And for principled judges across America, that was just as offensive.”

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