Showing posts with label Lena Dunham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lena Dunham. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

[VIDEO] On NBC, Seinfeld Slams 'Creepy PC Thing' 'Moving the Lines In' on Comedy

Jerry Seinfeld blasted political correctness on the early Wednesday edition of NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers. Seinfeld cited how he recently got a negative reaction to a "gay French king" joke: "I can imagine a time when people say, 'Well, that's offensive to suggest that a gay person moves their hands in a flourishing motion, and you now need to apologize.' I mean, there's a creepy PC thing out there that really bothers me." 

 The comedian's remarks came days after he contended that political correctness, especially on college campuses, is ruining comedy. Just before Seinfeld targeted this form of left-wing censorship, host Seth Meyers brought up the controversy surrounding the July 2008 cover of The Atlantic that depicted Michelle Obama as a Black Panther and Barack Obama as a Muslim with the magazine's editor, David Remnick. Remnick explained that "comedy should often...test the limits. Louie C.K. did it on Saturday Night Live just recently – and press the boundaries of taste and decorum." He also asserted that the cover "came at a time when a sizeable percentage of the country thought that Barack Obama was a Muslim, and Michelle Obama was a gun-toting Black Panther!"

Meyers then expressed his agreement with his guest's "test the limits" thought about comedy, and added that "there are more people now who will let you know if they think you went over the line than ever before." He turned to Seinfeld for his take on the issue. The stand-up comedian replied by launching his attack on political correctness.
This isn't the first time that Seinfeld has attacked the over-sensitivity of the left. Back in February 2014, the TV star targeted the "anti-comedy" of "PC nonsense" during an interview on CBS This Morning.
The transcript of the relevant portion of the Jerry Seinfeld/David Remnick segment from NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers on early Wednesday morning:
SETH MEYERS: Your covers, obviously, are cartoons as well. You've had some controversy. This, of course, was a famous – Barack/Michelle [Obama] one. You had some controversy this year with Lena Dunham – wrote a piece that was controversial.
DAVID REMNICK: Lena Dunham wrote a piece called 'Quiz: Dog or Jewish Boyfriend?'
MEYERS: Right – very funny piece-
JERRY SEINFELD: That was really funny-
MEYERS: It was great-
REMNICK: Yeah. The ADL – the Anti-Defamation League – appreciated it less.
MEYERS: Yes. (audience laughs)
REMNICK So I had a little bit of a fight with Abe Foxman at the ADL. But, you know, it worked out. It's okay.
MEYERS: Are you, with your magazine, when you, sort of, court these sort of-
Via: Newsbusters

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I apologize to America's young people, whose dashed dreams and dim employment prospects I had laughed at, believing these to be a direct result of their voting for Obama. 

On closer examination, it turns out that young voters, aged 18-29, overwhelmingly supported Romney. But only the white ones. 

According to Pew Research, 54 percent of white voters under 30 voted for Romney and only 41 percent for Obama. That's the same percentage Reagan got from the entire white population in 1980. Even the Lena Dunham demographic -- white women under 30 -- slightly favored Romney. 

Reagan got just 43 percent of young voters in 1980 -- and that was when whites were 88 percent of the electorate. Only 58 percent of today's under-30 vote is white and it's shrinking daily. 

What the youth vote shows is not that young people are nitwits who deserve lives of misery and joblessness, as I had previously believed, but that America is hitting the tipping point on our immigration policy. 

The youth vote is a snapshot of elections to come if nothing is done to reverse the deluge of unskilled immigrants pouring into the country as a result of Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act. Eighty-five percent of legal immigrants since 1968 have come from the Third World. A majority of them are in need of government assistance. 

Whites are 76 percent of the electorate over the age of 30 and only 58 percent of the electorate under 30. Obama won the "youth vote" because it is the knife's edge of a demographic shift, not because he offered the kids free tuition and contraception (which they don't need because it's hard to have sex when you're living with your parents at 27). 

Via: Ann Coulter

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Backward on Women’s Dignity

“We have made woman a sex creature,” complained a psychiatrist at the Margaret Sanger clinic, according to Betty Friedan’s 1963 book The Feminist Mystique. A half-century later, a new Obama ad proudly likens voting for the first time to a young woman losing her virginity.
You’ve come a long way, baby. But not necessarily forward.
Women’s liberation is parodying itself in “The First Time” spot featuring Lena Dunham, 26-year-old creator of the shockingly sexualized HBO series Girls.
“Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody,” Dunham provocatively begins the ad. “You want to do it with a great guy.”
“My first time voting was amazing,” says Dunham. She salaciously describes her vote for Barack Obama as a rite of passage to womanhood, dangling a policy teaser about free birth control along the way.
It is an astonishingly base, sex-centric monologue that degrades public discourse and demeans young women in particular. Seeing sexual double entendre everywhere is typically the sport of sophomoric boys. Now adults are using it to stoop for the youth vote—and expecting women to fall for it.
“The First Time” is the lowest yet in a year of new political lows when it comes to infantilizing women.
First, liberals fabricated the “War on Women” to shroud a bumbling Obamacare mandate that trampled on religious liberty. The coercive policy requires, with few exceptions, coverage of abortion drugs and contraception despite conscience objections. When religious charities sought relief, liberals accused them and their defenders of assaulting women’s freedom—as if the First Amendment’s religious freedom protections don’t apply to women, too.
Then they brought us the government-driven Life of Julia. The faceless female seemed hardly capable of taking a step in life without government intervention from the “hubby state,” as one observer dubbed it.

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