Showing posts with label Logan Circle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Logan Circle. Show all posts

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Editor's Blog: Scolds Attack Local Business for Treating Employees Fairly

Earlier this week I noted that a bunch of busybodies with too much time on their hands decided to wage a social media campaign against a local drinking establishment that had dared to point out that a massive increase in the minimum wage for tipped employees would hurt their business, hurt their workers, and hurt their customers. But the scolding scolds were not deterred from their scolding. Indeed, they’ve now penned an open letter to demonstrate just how much they love the restaurant and care about the plight of the working man.
geniusTheir letter kicks off by noting their bona fides:
First off, we want to thank you for being an anchor to the Bloomingdale community. Quite simply, we love what you guys are doing. As residents of Bloomingdale, Truxton Circle, Shaw, Logan Circle and other nearby neighborhoods, we have enjoyed being regular patrons of your establishment. We’ve never had a poor experience. Your food has always been tasty, your staff always friendly, your drinks always stiff. We have no reason to doubt your assertion that you pay your staff well, and yours is an example for other establishments to emulate.
Hm, they seem like big fans. Odd that they’d go after a business for pointing out that a new regulation would be hugely detrimental. Perhaps they have some sort of problem with the way Boundary Stone treats its staff?
We understand your employees are well taken care of.
Oh, guess not. Then what’s their beef?
Unfortunately, that isn’t the case at all establishments.
So … they are excoriating a business they love because other businesses are shady? That makes a ton of sense, boyos.

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